Saturday, February 15, 2014

Will of Geffry Blake, Lincolnshire - Buckinghamshire Record Society No. 19, Will #458, probated 12 Jan 1521/22

An Interesting will that appeared in a book of Latin wills I was using to help me with the wills of Richard Blake and Robert Blake at Andover in the 1520s. It was the only will for a Blake in that book although a couple of wills mentioned Blake. This published by the Buckinghamshire Record Society No. 19 in 1975 and named The Courts of the Archdeaconry of Buckingham 1483-1523, Edited with an introduction by E. M. Elvey. I am not sure who has placed this online but it is a marvelous tool for working with old wills. I just thought to check for the surname Blake and there was one will.

The testator, Geffry Blake, possibly lived at Rawnston which is perhaps Rowston. The Church at Rowston is dedicated to St Clement.

His father John is still living. His wife is not named but his two children are Alice and John. He mentions John and Margaret Fruer.

Copier: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Feb 2014
Source: Buckinghamshire Record Society No. 19 published in 1975, The Courts of the Archdeaconry of Buckingham 1483-1523, Edited with an introduction by E. M. Elvey
Testator: Geffry Blake
Place: possibly Rawnston, Lincolnshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 13 Dec 1521, probated 12 Jan 1521/22
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy


1    In die no[min]e Ame[n] the xiijth day of Decembre the yere of Our Lord God ml vc xxj [13 December 1521] I Geffry Blake of good and hole mynd make my last will in maner following
2    First I bequeath my soule unto Allmyghty God and to Our Lady seynt Mary and to all the company of heuyn my body to [be] buryed in the churche yard of Rawnston
3    Item for my mortuary as the maner of the towne is
4    Item to the mother churche of Lincoln ij d
5    Item to the hy awter for my tythes forgotten half a quarter barley
6    Item to the Sepulcre light half a quarter barley
7    Item to the belles half a quarter barley
8    Item to Our Lady light a bushel barley
9    Item to John Fruer half a quarter barley
10    Item to Thomas my son ij sterys
11    Item to Alice my doughter a calf
12    Item to Margaret Fruer a calfe
13    Item to John Blake my father a quarter benes
14    The residew of my goodes I gyve to my wife and to John Blake whom I make myn executours to dispose it for the welthe of my soule
15    Witnes here of Robert Whyler, John Bocher, John Blake w[i]t[h] other mo
16    Probatum fuit presens testamentum coram magistro Thoma Jakeman commissario et officiali archidiaconatus Buck[inghamshire] xij o die Januarij anno domini supradicto [12 January 1521/2]. Commissaque est administracio omnium bonorum predictorum executoribus supradictis in forma juris iuratis et admissis saluo jure cuiuscumque. Dat[um] sub nostri officij sigillo die et anno supradictis

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