Saturday, February 1, 2014

Will of Joane Blake, widow, Knights Enham, Hampshire - Hampshire Record Office 1675A-10, probated 28 Feb 1675

Exciting news as this is the will of Joan Blake (née Pyle), widow, Knights Enham and sister of Robert Pyle (and she names one of his children as Edward). She is the mother of Edward (deceased), Robert and Richard as well as daughters Joane Frampton and Mary Snatt.

An item sparked a memory with this family and they are on the Blake Pedigree Chart at the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office which I have mentioned quite a few times in my blogs (these are two of the earliest ones and there are others).

Joane Pyle married Robert Blake son of Sir Francis Blake who was the fourth son of Thomas Blake and Eleanor Hall. That Thomas is a son of John Blake married to Margaret Blake. The chart has the father of this John as William Blake married to Avice Ripley and that William Blake was a son of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard.

Interesting that Joane is at Knights Enham writing her will in 1674. There are only two children listed for Robert Blake and Joane Pyle on the chart with Edward marrying Abigail Hay and then their son James Blake and Robert marrying Hester Tailer and their son John Blake.

Now this brings the will of Hester Blake blogged:

And the will of Robert Blake blogged (where he mentions his sister in law Abigail Blake who is the widow of the son Edward of the present testator (Abigail Hay married Edward Blake}) :

And this present will together. But the reference that I found in my blog is from the Will of William Blake of Coggs, Oxfordshire and blogged:

This William left his will in 1695 and he was the son of Sir Francis Blake of Coggs who was the fourth son of Thomas Blake and Eleanor Hall and a nephew to Robert (2nd son of Thomas Blake and Eleanor Hall) husband of the present testator. In the discussion on that will I mention Robert Blake and Joane Pyle.

This is not the line that I thought it might be; it is not the Robert Blake line who left his will in 1542 brother to Nicholas Blake who left his will in 1547.

There is a marriage at Andover between a Charles Blake and a Jane Framtan 2 Sep 1687. Interesting given the Frampton name mentioned in this will. No Charles mentioned however. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Feb 2014
Source: Hampshire Record Office, 1675A-10
Testator: Joane Blake, widow
Place: Knights Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 27 Jul 1674, probated 28 Feb 1675
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: 1675A-10

1    In the name of God Amen the twenty seaventh day of July in the Sixe and twentyeth
2    yeare of the Reigne of o[u]r souveraigne Lorde Charles the second by ye grace of God
3    of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, defender of ye faith etc Annoqz d[omi]ni 1674
4    I Joane Blake of Knights Enham in the County of South[amp]ton Widdow being aged and
5    weake in body but of Sound minde and good memory (praised be my god) and w[i]th all considering
6    the beuity of life and ye uncertainty of my continuance here in this world and yt il behoves mee to
7    remember my bitter end and be prepared for my departure hence doe (hereby revoking all former
8    Wills and Testaments) make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
9    my firste I commend my soule to God my heavenly father who gave it and redeemed it with ye
10    precious blood of his own deare son and my deare friend Jesus Christ and my Body to
11    interred according to ye discretion of my executreses hereafter named to rest in assured
12    hope to be partaker of ye resurrection of ye just at ye laste Day As concerning those goods
13    and Worldly estate which it has pleased God to blesse mee with all I give and bestow the
14    same in manner and forme following Imprimis I give and bequeath to the Poore of Upper
15    Wallop in ye said County of South[amp]ton five pounds to be paid unto Mr Edward Pyle of
16    Upper Wallop aforesaid to the Overseer of ye People of ye same Parish within three months
17    next after my decease to be by him distributed amongst ye poore of ye said parish Item I give to the Poore of Knights Enham foresaid forty shillings
18    to be paid within one month next after my decease unto ye Minister of ye same Parish and to my
19    Sonnes Robert and Richard to be by them distributed amongst ye poore of ye said parish Item I give
20    to ye Poore people that shalbe at my funeral twenty shillings to be distributed amongst
21    the said poore by my said sonnes Robert and Richard at ye day of my funeral Item I give
22    give and bequeath unto my foure children Robert Blake Richard Blake Joane Frampton wife
23    of John Frampton Gent and Mary Suatt wife of Richard Suatt linen draper all my estate
24    right title interest and demand what soever which I have in all that Messuage Tenement and
25    Farme, wherein my Brother Robert Pyle deceased lately dwelt and which my said Brother Robert
26    Pyle gave mee by his last Will and Testament also all ye lands Tenements and hereditaments with their
27    Appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaineing Scituate lying and being in Upper Wallop afores[ai]d
28    to be equally and respectively stand and divided amoungst those of my foresaid children Robert Blake
29    Richard Blake, Mary Suatt and Joane Frampton which shalbe living at ye time of my decease
30    Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Robert Blake the sume of Twenty pounds Item I give
31    and bequeath unto my Son Richard Blake ye sume of forty pounds and these two last Legacies
32    my will is Shall be paid within sixe months after my decease Item I give and bequeath
33    unto my Brother Richard Pyle ten shillings to buy him a Ring Item I give and bequeath
34    unto Edward, James, and Elizabeth children of my late son Edward Blake deceased twenty
35    shillings a peece to be paid unto them severally within one month next after my decease Item
36    I give and bequeath unto John the son of Robert Blake my son, and unto Robert the son of
37    Richard Blake my other son twenty shillings a peece to be paid unto th[e]m severally within one month
38    after my decease All the rest and residue of my goods money plates and household stuffe with some
39    unbequeathed (my debts, these p[re]sent Legacyes, ye funeral expences there deducted
40    discharged and paid) I give and bequeath unto my said two daughters Jane Frampton and
41    Mary Suatt whom I make Joynt Executrises of this my last Will and Testament And
43    I do hereby nominate and appoint my said two Sons Robert Blake and Richard Blake to be
44    Oversers of this my last Will and Testament hopeing they will be aiding and assisting with
45    my said daughters And in Witnes hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale and
46    declared this to be my last Will and Testament the day and yeare first above written
47    Signed sealed and declared (with those words
48    following Last interlined to be by them
49    distributed amongst ye poore of the said Parish
50    in the p[re]sence of
51    Tho: Brathwaite
52    Edward (The marke of W) Cobb
53    [signed] Joane Blake
    [back of page]
54    28 die mensis Feb _______________ juxta
55    probatum fuit humoi testamentum in commissa forma
56    coram venti viro Waltera Darell Sacre Theologie Professore
57    Archi[diaco]no Archinatus Winton[iensis] Comissa adne Executrici
58    executricij in humoi Testament nominat etc
59    de bene etc deg solvenda debita et legata etc
60    ________________________________________

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