Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Will of Mary Blake, widow, Bristol - The National Archives PROB 11/1133/269, probated 3 Sep 1785

Mary Blake, widow of Bristol, is the testatrix. She names two daughters in her will Susanna Woodward and Hannah Deverell. According to Wikipedia Susanna married Richard Woodward 3 October 1763 and her father was identified as Richard Blake of Bristol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Woodward_%28bishop%29

Perhaps this note from Gloucestershire Notes and Queries Volume 3, Page 298 may refer to Richard Blake father of Susanna Woodward. In St Werburgh’s Church, Bristol there was this inscription ‘To the memory of Mr Richard Blake, many years an inhabitant of this parish, who died the 3rd day of January, 1771, age 70. In the same vault where his remains are deposited, also are interred Mary Blake, his mother, Samuel and Mary Greenway, whose only daughter he married, and five of his children, who died in their infancy. Likewise the remains of Mary, his wife, who died 21st October, 1781, aged 82.’ “

This is Note 1248 which I will blog separately for my future use as I work through these wills in Gloucestershire. http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2014/04/1248-blake-family-gloucestershire-notes.html

The Will of Richard Blake husband of Mary Blake, present testatrix is to be transcribed in a few days and I will discuss this family in more depth at that time.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 18 Apr 2014
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1133/269
Testator:  Mary Blake, widow
Place: Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Jan 1771, probated 3 Sep 1785
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

[Margin]: Mary
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Mary Blake of the City of Bristol Widow
3    considering with myself the certainty of Death and
4    the uncertainty of the time thereof do this twenty
5    third day of January One thousand Seven hundred
6    and Seventy one make my last Will and Testament
7    in manner following (that is to say) my Soul I
8    recommend into the hands of Almighty God hoping
9    thro the merits Mediation and Intercession of my
10    blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to obtain
11    full pardon and Remission for all my Sins and my
12    Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Interred
13    at the discretion of my Executrices hereinafter named
14    Item I direct that all my Just Debts and Funeral
    [Page 2]
15    Expences be paid off and discharged Item I give devise
16    and bequeath unto my Daughter Susanna Woodward
17    wife of the Reverend Richard Woodward Dean of Clogher
18    in the Kingdom of Ireland all my Table China of
19    what sort soever as also my Gold Watch Gold Chain
20    and Seal my Diamond Ring in memory of my dear
21    Mother deceased and a Small Gold Medall Item I
22    give devise and bequeath unto my other Daughter
23    Hannah Deverell Wife of John Deverell of the said
24    City of Bristol Esquire all my Tea Table and Ornamental
25    China of what sort or kind soever and a Small Gold
26    Medal Item I give devise and bequeath unto my
27    said two Daughters Susanna Woodward and Hannah
28    Deverell all my plate Linen Household Gods and
29    Furniture at my Dwelling House in the Square and
30    at Rendallshire in the County of Gloucester
31    Wearing Apparel Diamond and other Rings Gold buttons
32    and Studes to be equally divided between my said
33    two Daughters share and share alike only I do
34    direct that when the same shall be so divided
35    the said Susanna Woodward shall have the
36    preference as to Choice and I do further direct
37    that such part of my Wearing Apparel and house
38    furniture as my said two Daughters shall not
39    think fit for their own use shall be equally
40    divided between my Cousin Joseph Greenaway and
41    Mary Hatherell Senior with R: Mead also equally
42    share and share alike it being my intention that
43    no part of my said wearing apparel and household
44    furniture shall be sold and disposed of Item I give
45    devise and bequeath unto my said Daughter
46    Susanna Woodward the Sum of Fifty pounds of lawful
47    Money of Great Britain to be by her given and
48    distributed to such poor objects as she shall think fit
49    Item I give devise and bequeath unto my other
50    Daughter Hannah Deverell the like Sum of Fifty
51    pounds of like lawful Money of Great Britain to
52    be by her given and distributed to such poor Objects
53    as she shall think fit Item I give devise and
54    bequeath unto my Son in Law the said Reverend
55    Richard Woodward as a Token of my Great esteem
56    and respect for him the Sum of Two hundred
57    pounds of like lawful Money as also a Silver
58    Medall of the Seven Bishops and a Gold Medall
60    of King Charles the First Item I give devise and
61    bequeath unto my other Son in Law the said John
62    Deverell as a Token of my great esteem and
63    respect for him the like Sum of two hundred
64    pounds of like Money as also a Valuable Silver
65    Medall with an Owl on it Item I give devise and
66    bequeath unto my said Cousin Joseph Greenaway the
67    sum of Fifty pounds of like Money to Ann Baker of Will
    [Page 3]
68    Street the Sum of Twenty pounds of like Money To
69    Mrs Mary Adlam the like Sum of Twenty pounds of
70    like Money To Miss Frances Palmer of Bradford in
71    the County of Wilts the like Sum of Twenty pounds
72    of like Money my pinchback Watch and a Ring
73    to her Sister Elizabeth Palmer my God Daughter
74    the like Sum of Twenty pounds my Silver Watch
75    and a Ring to Mary Hatherell Daughter of the
76    said Mary Hatherell the like Sum of Twenty pounds
77    of like Money to Frances Hatherell her Sister the
78    like Sum of Twenty pounds of like Money to Charles
79    Horwood the Elder the Sum of Ten pounds of like
80    Money to Hester Plaster the Sum of Ten pounds of
81    like Money to buy her a Ring and to each of my
82    Servants that shall live with me at my decease
83    and to the Job Coachman the Sum of Ten pounds
84    of like Money each for Mourning Item all the
85    rest residue and remainder of my Estate Goods
86    Chattels and Effects whatsoever which I own unto or
87    shall by any ways or means whatsoever intitled
88    to at my decease I do give devise and bequeath
89    unto my said two Daughters Susanna Woodward
90    and Hannah Deverell to hold to them their
91    Executors Administrators and Assigns as Tenants in
92    Common and I do nominate Constitute and appoint
93    the said Susanna Woodward and Hannah Deverell
94    Sole Executrises of this my last Will and Testament
95    and revoking all former and other Will or Wills
96    by me made do declare this to be my last
97    In Witness whereof I the said Mary Blake have
98    to this my last Will and Testament contained in
99    three Sides of three Sheets of paper to the two
100    first sides set my hand and to this third and
101    last my hand and Seal the day and year
102    above written M Blake Signed Sealed published
103    and declared by the said Testatrix Mary Blake
104    as and for her last Will and Testament in the
105    presence of us who in her presence and at her
106    request and in the presence of each other have
107    subscribed our names as Witnesses Joseph Borwood
108    Not[ar]y pub[lic]k Cha: Borwood Jun[io]r
109    Whereas I Mary Blake of the City of
110    Bristol Widow did duly make and publish my last
111    Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the
112    twenty third day of January 1771 to which is
113    annexed a Codicil dated the thirty first day of July
114    1771 Now I the said Mary Blake the Testatrix
115    do my these presents appoint this another Codicil
116    also to my said last Will hereunto also annexed
117    and I do give and bequeath unto each and
    [Page 4]
118    every one of my Grand Children Sons and Daughters
119    of the Reverend Dr Richard Woodward and Susanna his
120    Wife and Sons and Daughters of John Deverell Esquire and
121    Hannah his Wife the Sum of Ten pounds a piece to
122    buy each and every one of them a Ring or to be
123    laid out in a piece of plate for their use as
124    be most fit and Contentment for them as they shall severally
125    attain the Age of Sixteen Years I do also give to
126    my Grand Daughter Louisa Woodward my Sofa I do
127    also give to my Grand Daughter Mary Woodward a Case
128    with _____ Silver handle Knives Forks and Spoons
129    I do also give to my Grand daughter Anna Maria
130    Deverel my Spinnet and Musick Books I do give
131    to John Deverell Esquire Clarendons History of England
132    whereas I lately received and put in my Grand son
133    Francis Blake Woodwards life in an Estate situate
134    lying and being in Old Land in the parish of Bitton
135    in the County of Gloucester in the possession of Christopher
136    Parrish as Tenant Now I do give and bequeath
137    unto my Daughters Susanna Woodward all this said
138    Estate situate and aforesaid to hold to her and her
139    heirs for and during all my Term Estate and Interest
140    therein I do give to Rebecca Mead a Small Flap Table
141    that is made use of in the pantry and I do
142    recommend her to both my Daughters Consideration
143    in regard to part of my Old Wearing Apparel and
144    as I gave to my two Daughters Fifty pounds each
145    that is One Hundred pound in the whole to be by
146    them disposed of to such poor Objects of Charity
147    as they should think proper give me leave to
148    recommend two Objects which I hope youl think
149    worthy your notice one of them is Susanna
150    Glendall and the other Elizabeth Penne and if I am
151    rightly informed both lives on St James’s Back and
152    I desire if they are living at my decease that
153    youl please to give to each of them severally Twenty
154    pounds out of the said Sum of One Hundred pounds
155    given as aforesaid for Charitable uses and I do
156    recommend one other object to your Consideration which
157    I also hope will meet with your approbation and
158    that is Mrs Griffiths near the New Church in Ringswood
159    Twenty pounds if living at my decease if not to
160    her husband for the use of their Children to be
161    applied towards their Education In Witness
162    whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal
163    this thirty First day of March 1772 and I do recommend
164    Mr Hatherell also Seniour to have a part of it
165    M Blake
166    Whereas I Mary Blake of the City of
167    Bristol Widow did duly make and publish my last
    [Page 5]
168    Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the twenty
169    third day of January 1771 now last past and thereby
170    arising other desires I gave to my Cousin Joseph
171    Greenaway Fifty pounds now I the said Mary Blake
172    the Testatrix do by these presents appoint this
173    Codicil to my said Will hereunto annexed and I do
174    give and bequeath unto my said Cousin Joseph
175    Greenaway a further Sum of One hundred and Fifty
176    pounds with the Sum of Fifty pounds given in my
177    Will as aforesaid making together in the whole the
178    Sum of two hundred pounds of lawful Money of
179    Great Britain and I do also give and bequeath
181    unto my Maid Rebeccah Mead the Sum of Twenty
182    pounds of like lawful Money of Great Britain
183    if she continues to live with me as a Servant at
184    my decease In Witness whereof I have to this Codicil
185    to my said Will set my hand and Seal the thirty
186    first day of July in the year of Our Lord One
187    thousand Seven hundred and Seventy One M Blake
188    Signed Sealed published and declared by the said
189    Mary Blake as and for a Codicil to her last Will
190    and Testament in the presence of us Philip Lovegrave
191    Char[le]s Horwood Jun[io]r
192    Novem[be]r 15th 1773 as I have given my
193    Daughter Woodward what China Wair I intend for
194    her I desire my Daughter Deverell may have all
195    the rest I shall have left in Town and in the
196    County and likewise I do desire that Jos
197    Greenaways wife may have of my Cloaths a Silk
198    Gown or a Sacque and petticoat to make her a
199    Gown of good plain Silk not black nor Gray and
200    Sum of my Old things Linnen and Else and I do
201    desire and declare this to be a Codicil to and
202    part of my said Will M: Blake Mem. I would
203    leave only Five pounds to the Job Coachman for a
204    Mourning 5 s Mem. I give to my Daughter Deverill
205    all my Wearing Apparell to dispose of as she shall
206    think proper and I would leave only 5 pounds
207    given to the Cook or Mourning which you think
208    proper I desire R: Mead may have part of my
209    Close as you do not make use of yourself
210    I give Wyatt evat what is lef in my Wil for Mourning
211    is lef to Mead I desire my dear friend Mr Plaisters will _______
211    May 5th 1780 I give to my Daughter Deverell all my Furniture at Rendelshire
213    5th September 1785
214    On which Day appeared personally John Smith of the City
    [Page 6]
215    City of Bristol Gentleman and John Deverell of the City
216    of Bristol Esquire and made Oath that they well knew
217    and were acquainted with Mary Blake late of the
218    City of Bristol Widow deceased and with her manner
219    and Character of hand writing and subscription having
220    often seen her write and also subscribe her Name and
221    having now carefully viewed and perused the paper
222    writings hereunto annexed purporting to be and contain
223    a Second third and Fourth Codicil to the last Will
224    and Testament of the said deceased the first of the
225    said Codicils beginning thus “Whereas I Mary Blake
226    of the City of Bristol Widow” and ending thus “I do
227    recommend M: Hatherell also Seniour to have apart
228    of it” and thus subscribed M Blake the Second of the
229    said Codicils beginning thus “Novem[be]r 15th 1773 as I have
230    given my Daughter Woodward what China Wair I
231    intend for her” and ending thus “ I desire R: Mead
232    may have part of my Close as you do not make
233    use of yourself” the third of the said Codicils beginning
234    thus “I give Wyatt evat what is lef to Mead in Mourning” and
235    ending thus “I give to my Daughter Deverell all
236    my Furniture at Rendelshire” do depose and say
237    that they do verily and in their Consciences believe
238    the Name M: Blake subscribed to the first of the
239    said three Codicils together with the whole Body Series
240    and Contents of the Second and third of the said
241    Codicils to be all of the proper handwriting and
242    subscription of the said Mary Blake Widow deceased
243    Jn: Smith John Deverell on the first day of September
244    1785 the said John Smith and John Deverell Esquire
245    were duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit Before
246    me Edw[ar]d Colston Grevile Comm[issione]r
247    This Will was proved at London with
248    Four Codicils the third day of September in the year of
249    Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Five before
250    the Right Worshipful Peter Calvert Doctor of Laws Master
251    Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
252    lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Susanna Woodward
253    Wife of the Right Reverend Father in God Richard Lord
254    Bishop of Cloyne in the Kingdom of Ireland and Hannah
255    Deverell Wife of John Deverell Esquire the Daughters of the
256    deceased and the Executrixs named in the said Will to
257    whom Administration was granted of all and singular
258    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased they
259    having been first sworn by Commission duly to Administer

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