Monday, May 12, 2014

Why do your father's or brother/cousin male line yDNA for your paternal line?

The Legacy Webinar of last Wednesday:

50 year view - What I've Learned Climbing my Family Tree

was an interesting look at one person's analysis of their lifetime of genealogical research. But what really struck me was towards the end of his webinar when he discussed DNA and his yDNA line of Kemp. There are apparently Kemp lines in England, in Flanders, in Norway Germany. Tom was able to determine that his line was from Flanders because of yDNA.

The numbers who have tested their yDNA is still small considering the world population. The Blake project itself with hundreds of thousands of people around the world sits at less than 100 testers. Yet, it has been possible to delineate several lines of Blake. What more could we do with a thousand Blake testers? Granted we are going to find more Blake lines in all likelihood and some might say that it is just impossible to separate out all the lines but it is especially impossible if so few Blake members test.

We had a discussion, the three administrators/co-administrators and decided that the group that is gradually emerging with German ancestry will have added to their heading the spelling of the name Bleck/Bleek/Blec which is normally associated with the Blake surname having German heritage in the United States. We should not limit our project solely to those who have British Isles Ancestry and we will not do so. Join us, help us to map the Blake family!

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