Saturday, June 14, 2014

Long Absence, Transcription and France

Life has been incredibly busy these past few weeks since my last post and I rather thought I would have posted in that time period but it just didn't happen!

I was going to be doing some hand transcription during the period but that didn't happen either.

France though did happen and we spent three weeks in France - yes France on the other side of the ocean. We had planned to do a trip to France and the battlefields of WWI and WWII in September but the opportunity to take the trip suddenly appeared in May and we decided to go for it. We didn't actually book it until mid March when we had originally planned to book the September trip. We only did the trip of France though as we will do the Battlefields tour in 2017 now.

What inspired us to go to France for 21 days. Certainly it wasn't top of my agenda at all. My French Huguenot ancestors  - Horman, Question/Cuestion - first appear in England in the mid 1500s but I have absolutely no idea of their location in France. I have a strong interest in Richard le Blak of Rouen and planned to pay good attention whilst I was there to see if anything could be gleaned on this particular Blake line. But it was my husband Edward who discovered the trip and was really keen on doing it. We were to go to Ile de Re and St Martin de Re on Ile de Re. There was also the potential to be in the Palatinate (Baden Baden). But perhaps most importantly for me there were to be visits to some of the WWI and WWII cemeteries and monuments. I was keenly interested in doing that and there were several other items that had been on my must do one day list and those items are now fulfilled.

I have written up most of the days and need to finish that and will then publish it to a blog for anyone interested in what we saw in France.

Hopefully I will be starting back into my transcription of both the Blake wills and the Routledge material. However, gardening will come between me and my transcriptions for the next couple of weeks likely but will still try as most of the wills to come are fairly short.

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