Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Will of Elizabeth Blake of Standish, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills found on Ancestry, probated 1592

Elizabeth Blake is the testator and she has been married twice as she mentions a son Richard Harryes, a son Walter Blake and a daughter Anne Blake. She lives at Standish which is near Stroud Gloucestershire.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 25 June 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Elizabeth Blake
Place: Standishe, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document:27 Sep 1592, probated 9 Dec 1592
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Top]: T[estamentum]: Elizabethe Blake
[Margin]: 38

1    In the name of god Amen, The xxvii th daye of September
2    in the yeare of our Lord god 1592 etc I Elizabeth Blake of
3    Standishe in the countie of glouc beying sicke in bodye
4    by the visitacon of god but ofe good and p[er]fecte memorye thankes
5    be given unto god doe make my laste will and testament in
6    man[n]er and forme folowyng (that ys to saye) Firste and principally
7    I yeld and com[m]end my soule into the handes of almyghtie god my
8    creator Redemer and onely savior And my bodye to be buryed in
9    convenient man[n]er
10    Item I ordayne and make my daughter Anne Blake my sole and
11    whole executrix unto whom I gyve and bequeathe all my goods moveable
12    and unmoveable and in consideracion thereof my Will ys that she the sayd
13    Anne shall gyve and deliv[er] Immediately after my decease unto Richard
14    Harryes my sonne one cowe which was at my desyre appointed to be
15    given hym in the parts of Walter blake my sonne And one flockbed
16    one boulster one peare of sheetes one blanket and one coverlet
17    Witnesses unto this my laste will and testament
18    John Harryes
19    John Ricards
20    Jo: Johnson cler[ic]
21    and others
22    Probat fuit humoi Testam[entum] suprascript in coram
23    nobis fuit salvo Indice in h__ pte

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