Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Administration of Edward Blake of Coaley, Gloucestershire - Ancestry - Diocese of Bristol Wills, probated 10 Aug 1684

Edward Blake died intestate before 10 Aug 1684 and his estate was to be administered by his daughter Mary Elliot (wife of Daniel Elliot yeoman). This is the earliest form that I have seen for an administration.

Note the Latin introduction and the English in the body of the administration document. Charles II has been restored to the Throne of England and the dating of his year of reign does commence with the death of his father in 1649.

Coaley (formerly Cowley) the location named for Edward Blake is near Stroud. There was a probate for an Edward Blake in 1648 which I am still working on but it does not appear to name a place other than Gloucester.

The only  addition to this document was an administration statement made by Richard Parsons. It is in Latin and I have merely recorded the date and the administrator was Maria Elliotts, his daughter.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Jun 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Edward Blake
Place: Coaley, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document:application 10 Aug 1684, administered 13 Aug 1684
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy

1    Noverint universi per presents Nos Daniel Elliotts p de Cauley
2    com Gloucesti yeom de Samueliu Higgens de eadm
3    solute Rugg Maken et Oawgiu Ford de eadm Salut
4    teneri et firmiter obligari Reverendo in Christo patri ac Domino Domino Relecti
5    permissione Divena Episcope Gloucestrensi et Richardo Parsons Legum Bacclalaureo
6    Vicario suo in Spiritualibus generali in Centum Libris bona et legalis Monera
7    Angliae Solvend eisdem Reverendo Patri et Richardo Parsons Executoribus Admi
8    mistratoribus vel assignacis fuis, as quam quidem solutionen bene et fideliter faciendam
9    Obligamus nos et quemlibet nostrum per sepro toto et in solido Heredes Executores et Ad
10    ministratores nostros et cujuslibet nostril firmiter per praesentes sigillis nostris sigillat Dat.
11    x deciu tertio  die memsis Augus Anno Regni Domini nostri carol
12    sendi Dei Gratia Angliae, Scotia, Franciae et Hiberniae Regis, Fidei
13    Defensoris et c xxx vj Annoque Dom. 1684
14    The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden Mary Elliotts wife of Daniel Elliotts
15    reall and lawfull daughter and Administrari of all, and singular
16    the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of Edward Blake late of the parish of
17    Coaley Intestate dens
18    deceased, do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all, and singular
19    the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the
20    hands, possession, or knowledge of her the said
21    Mary Elliotts or into the hands
22    and possession of any other person or persons for her and the same so
23    made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Lord Bishop of Gloucester
24    his Ecclesiastical Court, at or before the 13 day of September
25    next ensuing, And the same Goods, Chattels, and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels
26    and Credits of the said deceased at the time of his death; which at any time after
27    shall come to the hands or possession of the said Mary Elliotts
28    or into the hands and possession of any other person or
29    persons for her do well and truly Administer according to Law; and further,
30    do make or cause to be made a true and just account of her said Administration,
31    at or before the last day of June 1885
32    and all the rest and residue of the said Goods, Chattels and Credits,
33    which shall be found remaining upon the said Administratix
34    Accompt, the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the
35    time being, of the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons
36    respectively, as the said Judge or Judges, by his or their decree or sentence pursuant to the true
37    intent and meaning of an Act of Parliament entituled An Act for the better settling of Intest
38    ates Estates, shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear, That any last Will and
39    Testament was made by the said deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named
40    do exhibit the same unto the said Court, making request to have it allowed and approved
41    accordingly, if the said Administratrix above bounden being
42    first thereunto required, to render and deliver and said Letters of Administration (Ap
43    probation of such Testament being hand and made) in the said Court; Then this Obligation
44    to be void and of none effects or else to remain in full force and virtue.
45    Sealed and Delivered
46    in the presence of
47    Tho: Sabery
48    Ed: Owen Pub Nory
49    Signed
50    Daniel x Elliotts
51    Samuell Higgens
52    George Ford

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