Saturday, July 12, 2014

Will of Joanna Blake, widow, of Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 30 Jun 1790

Joanna Blaake is the testatrix of this will. Joanna mentions her grandson Christopher Ludow is the father of Daniel Ludlow her great grandson. Her “son in law” is perhaps Daniel Ludlow the elder who is also her executor and trustee. The story around Christopher Ludlow, surgeon, at Chipping Sodbury is a rather sad one. Christopher Ludlow married Elizabeth Maria Blanchard 5 Jun 1776 at Chipping Sodbury. Their son Daniel was baptized 21 May 1777 at Chipping Sodbury and this is the Daniel mentioned in the will below as the great grandson of Joanna Blake. Christopher died in January 1784. The story of Christopher’s wife Elizabeth Maria Blanchard is a frequent find on the internet so will not relate it here. From an online tree “Genealogia Ludlow” I found the following that Christopher’s father was Daniel Ludlow and his mother was Rachel Hardwicke. His paternal grandfather was said to be Ebenezer Ludlow and that he had six brothers named Ebenezer, Daniel, Septimus, William, George and James. At some point the possibility is that Joanna’s daughter married a Ludlow but could not find a Ludlow-Blake marriage. The other possibility is that Joanna married a second time to a Blake.

Going back further in this online information Ebenezer’s father was said to be Christopher Ludlow and his Mother Anne Hellier and his paternal grandparents were Stephen Ludlow and Ann Younge. He had four brothers William, Joseph, Stephen and John and two sisters Ann and Elizabeth.

Source: Will #83, Consistory Court of Gloucester, GDR/Wills/1790 (83) Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucester, UK.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Jul 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  Joanna Blake
Place: Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document: 10 Jan 1788; probated 30 Jun 1790
Condition: 18th century English, legible copy

1    This is the last Will and Testament of me
2    Joanna Blaake of Chipping Sodbury in the county of Gloucester widow made this
3    Tenth day of January in the year of our lord One thousand seven
4    hundred and eighty eight in manner following (that is to say) I give and
5    bequeath All my goods chattels effects and personal estate whatsoever
6    wheresoever the same may be found or be arising unto Daniel Ludlow the
7    elder of Chipping Sodbury aforesaid gentleman Upon the trusts herein
8    after declared expressed or mentioned of or concerning the same as   afore-
9    said In trust that he the said Daniel Ludlow the elder, his executors
10    or administrators do and shall by with and out of the same premises
11    discharge my just debts funeral expences and the charges of proving
12    this my Will And from and after the discharge of the trusts applied
13    and subject in the mean time thereto In trust to apply the residue of
14    such goods chattels and personal estate for the use of my great grandson
15    Daniel Ludlow son of Christopher Ludlow Surgeon deceased either in
16    his education during his minority or otherwise and in such way and
17    manner as he the said Daniel Ludlow the elder his executors or
18    administrators shall in his or their discretion respectively see fit and think
19    and for the benefit and advantage of my said great grandson And hereby
20    revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made I do publish
21    and declare this present writing contained in one sheet of paper to be my
22    last Will and testament and do make ordain nominate constitute and
23    appoint the said Daniel Ludlow the elder whole and sole executor hereof
24    In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed and affixed my hand and
25    seal the day and year above written
26    Jo: Blaake
27    Signed Sealed Published and Declared
28    by the Testatrix Joanna Blaake, as and for her
29    last Will and Testament in the presence of us
30    who in her and each other’s presence and at her request have subscribed our names as Witnesses
31    thereto
32    James Ludlow
33    S: H: Ludlow
34    30th June 1790
35    The above named Daniel Ludlow the
36    sole Executor was duly Sworn
37    Before me
38    Tho: Rudge Sur:
39    Sworn to less than 100 £

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