Monday, July 14, 2014

Will of John Blake of Standish, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Will on Ancestry, probated 30 Apr 1592

Always nice when two wills fit together and this is the husband of Elizabeth Blake of Standish who left her will dated 27 Sep 1592. Elizabeth mentions her son Richard Harris, her daughter Anne Blake and her son Walter Blake. Elizabeth’s will was blogged earlier:

Standish is four miles from Stroud, 5 miles from Coaley, and 7 miles from Gloucester.

Source: Consistory Court of Gloucester, Will, 1592, Will Number 86,  GDR/Wills/1592 (86). Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucester, UK.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Jul 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  John Blake
Place: Standish, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document: 3 Aug 1592; probated 30 Apr 1592
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Top]: T[estament] John Blake
[Top]: 86

1    In the name of god Amen the third day of Auguste in the
2    yeare
3    of our lord god 1592 I John Blake of Standishe in the diocese
4    of glouc being sick and weke in body by the visitacion of god
5    but of good p[er]fecte mem[orie] thankes be given unto god doe make
6    my Laste will and testament in manner and forme folowyng First
7    and principallye I yeld my soule into the handes of
8    almightie god my creater and onely savior and my body to be
9    buried in convenient _____
10    Ite[m] I gyve and bequeathe unto Rich Strfford my sonne in lawe my beste
11    coate the biggest broche Ite[m] I gyve and bequeathe unto John Stretford my
12    godson one yearelyng bullock Ite[m] I gyve and bequeathe unto Richard Gibbins
13    my beste breeches Ite[m] I gyve unto the ij children of the sayd Richard Gibbins
14    eyther of them a sheepe Ite[m] I gybe unto Johane brovens my servant one
15    lambe Ite[m] I gyve and bequeath to ____ ____ry Blake one sheepe, Ite[m] I gyve
16    and bequeathe unto Richard Harryes my sonne in law my Fryes coate best dublett
17    and one sheepe Ite[m] I gyve unto my sonne Walter blake a warming panne
18    Ite[m] I gyve and bequeathe unto my son in law William Harryes my blacke
19    Jyrkyn and breeches and a peare of stkings Ite[m] I gyve and bequeathe unto
20    Elizabeth harryes one pewter platte All the Residue of my goods cattels and
21    chattels Iymoveable and unmoveable my dbtes being payd and my funeral and bequeathes
22    discharged I gyve and bequeathe unto Ane Blake my daughter whom I doe ordayne
23    and make my sole and wholl executrix to p[er]form and fulfill this my laste will and testa
24    ment condicionally that she shall p[er]mitt and asser her mother to have hold of
25    and occupie the sayd goods and lyving during her life (Excepte so muche
26    as shall suffice to paye my debtes) and that she diligently attend and succour
27    her mother during her life prov[i]ded allwayes that it shall not be lawfull
28    for her mother to sell or otherwise to dispose any parte of the goods or cattels
29    which in any parte belongeth unto my sayd daughter Anne by the executorshipe
30    of this my will and testament but that same may wholly remayne unto her
31    accordingly Ite[m] I gyve and bequeathe unto Thoms Blake one lambe to be deliv[er]ed to hym at
32    holy rode daye next Ite[m] I doe desire and appynte John Harrise and Richard Stretford
33    my sonne in law to be my overseers of this my will and I gyve unto John Harryes
34    for his paynes my cesten
35    debtes which I oughe as foloweth
36    First to my sonne in law Richard
37    Gibbins v li
38    of his marriage money
39    To John Harryes xvij s vj d
40    To John Myles xx s
41    To Richard Stretford xjs viij d
42    Witnesses to this my last
43    will and Testament
44    John Harryes
45    Richard Stretford
46    Jo: Johnson eler
47    Memorandum that the fift day of agust the yeare foresaid the will above written was red
48    and heard by us undersubscribees and allowed and continened by the testator
49    J: Winston
50    Fanc: Yate
51    [Mark made probably by John Blake but not a particular symbol]   ]
    [Page 2]
52    T: John Blake de Stanishe
53    Probat[um] etc _____ Mr Wm Blackleeth
55    vic[ar] etc April _____ xxx th
56    ____ 1592
57    Commiss ecal ___ etc execut etc
58    debite iurat etc

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