Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Will of John Blake of Wheatenhurst, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 20 Aug 1556

Another will that fits in with yesterday’s will of John Blake at Standish. This John in his will mentions his brother John Blake of Standish. Possibly though the will of John Blake yesterday is a nephew of this man whose will is transcribed and blogged today.

John Blake, is in his will, mentions his sons Henry and Richard and his daughters Anne and Eleanor. His wife is Margaret Blake. He also mentions a bond with a William Baylye. Also his brother in law William Thue. Francis Haynes also receives a legacy. He even mentions the possibility of an unborn child.

Interesting to find the relationship between these two John Blakes. Another name for Wheatenhurst is Whitminster.

Consistory Court of Gloucester, Wheatenhurst, will number 39, year 1556 GDR/Wills/1556 (39).
Ancestry.com. Gloucestershire, England, Wills and Inventories, 1541-1858 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.
Original data: Gloucestershire Probate Records. Diocese of Gloucestershire, Finding Reference GDR, Wills and Inventories. Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucester, UK.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Jul 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  John Blake
Place: Wheatenhurst, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document: 2 Aug 1556; probated 20 Aug 1556
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Top]: T[estament] John Blake
[Top]: 86
[Wrapper]: Johannis blake imp de wheatenhurst p[ro]bat glouc coram 20 Auguste 1556 _____

1    In the name of god Amen the seconde day of Auguste
2    yre of o[u]r Lord god a thowsand Fyve hundred fyftie and sixe
3    and in the thirde and Fourethe yere of the raigne of o[u]r Sovergnes
4    philippe and Marie By the grace of god kinge and queen of England
5    Espagne and frannce the Bothe Sicils jhurusalem and Ireland defenders
6    of the faythe Archduks of Austrie duks of myllayne burgandie
7    and Brabant Countes of hasbpurge Flaunders and Tiroll I John
8    Blake of the parishe of wheatenhurst in the Countie and diocese of
9    Gloucestre beynge sycke in my bodie nevertheless of whole and perfite reme[m]brance
10    doo make and ordeyne thys my Last will and testament in maner and forme
11    folowynge First I bequeythe my sowle to allmightie god my
12    maker redeemer and savior and for our blessed ladie Sainte Marie the Virgin
13    and to all the blessed companye of saints in haven and my Bodie to be
14    buried in the churche yard of my parisshe churche of wheaten
15    hurst aforesaide Also I geve and bequeythe to my parishe churche
16    of wheatenhurst aforesaide iij s iiij d to be employed and bestowed
17    upon the most necessarie thyngs that be lackyng there Also I
18    geve and bequeythe to henrie Blake my eldest sonne twentie
19    pounds in readie moneye remayngnge at this present tyme w[i]t[h] the
20    hands of willia[m] baylye of wheatenhurst aforesaide Also I geve and bequeythe
21    to Richard Blake my younger sonne twentie pounds in readie moneye
22    remaynynge w[i]t[h] the hands of the said willia[m] baylye Whiche two
23    severall Summes of moneye I will and my mynd is that my said
24    two sonnes shall receive at the hands of the oversears of this my last will and testament underwriten and enioye at sowche tyme and when they and eyther
25    of them shall come to the age of xviij yeres or rather if the said oversears
26    of this my last will and testament  shall thyncke mete
27    and conveniente Also I geve and bequeythe to Anne blake my
28    dawghter twentie pounds in readie moneye remaynynge w[i]t[h] the hands
29    of the saide willia[m] baylye Also I geve and bequeythe to Eleanor
30    Blake my dawghter twentie pounds in readie money remaynynge
31    in the hands of the saide willia[m] baylye Also if it so fortune
32    that margarete Blake my wyf so be with child at this presents
33    I geve and bequeythe to that child twentie pounds in readie moneye
34    remaynynge w[i]tph] the hands of the said willia[m] baylye whiche two
35    severall summes of money by me geven to the said Anne Blake
36    and Eleanor Blake I will that they shall receive the same of my
37    said oversears at the daye of theire mariages or rather if my said
38    overseares shall thyncke meete and conveniente And as touching
39    the child that my wyf goythe w[i]thall (if it shall please god so to be)
40    if it be a manchild I will that the said twentie pounds
    [Page 2]
41    shall be payed to hym after souche sorte and man[ner] as I have willed
42    to my twoe other sonnes henrie and Richard And if the said child
43    shall be a woman child than I will she shall be payed after
44    suche sorte and maner as Anne and Eleanor my twoe other dawghters
45    shall be payed And if it shall so happen that the saide Margaret
46    my wyf to be not with child at this present than I will and by
47    this my present testament doe geve and dispose the said twentie
48    pounds geven to that child to my said fowre childerne henrie
49    Blake Richard Blake Anne Blake and Eleanor Blake equallie
50    to be divided between them For all the whiche severall
51    summes of money before specified the said willia[m] baylie standethe
52    Bonde to me the said John Blake in three severall Billes
53    obligatory whiche three severall bills obligatory I will
54    that they shall remayne in the hands of my said oversears
55    to th[e ]use of my said childerne And if the said willia[m]
56    baylye his executor assignes doe make default of payment of
57    the said Summes of money mencioned in the said bills obligatory
58    at sowche dayes as the same money ought to be payed them I
60    will that myne executrix under written shall putte in sute
61    the said willia[m] Baylye his executor assignes for the non
62    payment of the said moneye at his costs and charges Also I
63    will that if any of my said twoe sonnes doe dye before they be
64    xviij yeres of age or that any of my said daughters doe dye before the
65    day of theire marriage then I will that the parte or parts of hym
66    her or them so dyeing shall remayne to the survivors or
67    survivor of my said childerne And if it happen that all
68    my said childerne doe dye afore the tyme above limited by me
69    be the receipte of the two legacies than I will that all theire said legacies shall remayne to
70    margarete Blake my wyffe and theire mother Also I geve and
71    bequeythe to everyoon of my godchilderne a xij d Also I geve
72    and bequeythe to Francise Haynes a vj s vij d The residue
73    of all my goods catalls and debts above not geven nor bequeythed
74    my detts and funerals discharged I geve and bequeythe to the
75    saide margarete blake my wyffe whome I make my sole
76    executrices of this my last will and testament to th[e ]intent
77    that she shall brynge up my said childerne vertuouslye
    [Page 3]
78    and to dispose the resdue as she shall thyncke good And I make
79    and ordeyne John Blake of the parishe of Standishe in the saide
80    countie of Glouc my brother and William thue of wheatenhurst
81    foresaide my brother in Lawe the oversears of this my last
82    will and testament to th[e ]intente that they shall see the same
83    well and trewelye in all poynts accomplisshed and performed
84    And eyther of theym shall have for theire paynes herein taken
85    and to be taken a xx s of legall englisshe money witnesses
86    here unto John parke will[ia]m thue and Richard Haynes
87    with others Jone thue  Elizabethe park and Alice hawelynge
88    with others

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