Thursday, August 14, 2014

Will of John Blake, Farmer, Upcott, Withington, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 5 Jul 1810

The testator is John Blake farmer at Upcott in the parish of Withington. He names his sons William, the eldest, and John. He has a grandson John son of John.

Where does this family fit into the Gloucestershire Blake families?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 Aug 2014
Source: Ancestry – Diocese of Bristol Wills
Testator:  John Blake, Farmer
Place: Upcott, Withington, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Probate
Date of document: 4 Nov 1808; probated 5 Jul 1810
Condition: 19th century English, legible copy

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me John Blake of Upcott in the parish of Withington in
3    the County of Gloucester Farmer which I hereby make publish
4    and declare in manner following, that is to say, I give and
5    devise All that my freehold Messuage or Tenement Outhouses
6    buildings Garden Hereditaments and Premises with the
7    appurtenances thereto belonging situate lying and being in
8    Withington aforesaid and which I purchased of Michael
9    Holiday unto my Son John Blake for and during the
10    Term of his natural life And from and immediately
11    after his Decease I give and devise the same unto his
12    Son and my Grandson John Blake his Heirs and assigns
13    But in case of the death of my said Grandson in the
14    life time of his said Father then I give and devise the
15    same unto the next Son of my said Son John Blake his
16    Heirs and Assigns and so on to the Sons of my said Son
17    John Blake in Priority of Birth and Seniority of Age
18    And that in case of no male Issue I give and devise
19    the same to the eldest Daughter of my said Son John
20    Blake her Heirs and Assigns and son on to the female
21    Branch of his Family and in case of no Issue him
22    surviving I give and devise the same freehold property
23    unto my right Heirs and Assigns for ever And my
24    Will and Meaning is and I direct the same may be
25    observed and taken as this my Disposition that in case
26    my said Son John Blake shall at any time after my
27    decease sell transfer mortgage or in any other way
28    or method dispose of the said freehold property or
29    any part thereof That then I give and devise the
30    same unto my eldest son William Blake for and
31    during the Term of his natural life and that my
32    said Son John Blake shall be considered and he is
33    by this my Will forfeited by any such Sale transfer
34    mortgage or Disposition all his Right Title and
    [Page 2]
35    Interest to such my said freehold property as given to him
36    for life as aforesaid And as to all the rest and residue
37    of my freehold and also of my personal property I give
38    devise and bequeath unto my eldest Son William
39    Blake To Hold to him my said Son William Blake
40    his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever
41    And I hereby revoke and make void all other Wills
42    by me heretofore made and declare this to be
43    my last Will and Testament and to the same I
44    nominate constitute and appoint my said Son
45    William Blake sole Executor In Testimony whereof
46    I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fourth
47    day of November in the year of our Lord one
48    thousand eight hundred and eight
49    John Blake’s X mark
50    Signed Sealed Published and
51    declared by the said Testator John
52    Blake as and for his last Will
53    and Testament in the presence   
54    of us who in his presence   
55    at his Request and in the presence
56    of each other have hereto
57    subscribed our Names as Witnesses
58    Witnesses
60    Richard Poole
61    Mary Poole’s X mark
62    William Belcher’s X mark
63    5 July 1810
64    The above named William Blake
65    the Executor was duly sworn before
66    me
67    Under £25
68    Tho: Rudge Sur:

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