Friday, February 13, 2015

Will of William Blake, Little Sodbury, Gloucestershire - Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry, probated 10 Sep 1580

This rather ancient will of William Blake of Little Sodbury might fit in with the other wills in this area but will wait until I work on the Gloucester Blake family to discuss that. He mentions Edmonde Myles, no information, and William Wayde alias Blake and again no idea on relationships. His wife was Isbell and perhaps William was her son and she a widow marrying.

Otherwise I am working on the Cornwall Blake family (Landrake area) and hope to eventually publish my descendancy charts for that in the next week or so although each day I find more information to flesh out the details. 

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 Feb 2015
Source: Diocese of Bristol Wills on Ancestry
Testator: William Blake
Place: Little Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Aug 1579, probated 10 Sep 1580
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Top]: 202
[Margin]: Will[ia]m Blake

1    In the name of god amen I wylly[a]m blake of the
2    p[ar]yshe of lytell sodbury the xxiij daye of
3    Auguste In the yere of o[u]r lorde god anno M
4    lxxix beyng sycke of body but holle and
5    p[er]fect In my[n]de and memory laude and prayse
6    be to god In primis I beseche o[u]r savior Jesu[s]
7    chryste to receive my sowle In whos
8    blude shedyng I truste to be saved and
9    suche goods as god hathe lente me to be
10    devided as herewythe follow[e]th It[em] I geve
11    to o[u]r pyshe churche a busshell ofe barly
12    It[em] I geve to olde Sodbury churche a busshell
13    of barly It[em] I geve to Edmonde Myles
14    a quivne with the p[er]formynce and o
15    whiche   It[em] I geve
16    to wyllyam wayde other wyse blake too grette
17    pan[n]es of brasse and the grete croke iij
18    platters upon the cobberte The Resudue of
19    my goods not bequeathed I geve to Isbell my
20    whife and to wyllam wayde alias blake and to
21    ether of them and to the longeste lyver of
22    them who I orden to be my executors
23    to see this my wyll p[er]formed my detts
24    payd and my body honestely broghte too
25    Earthe thes beyng wytnes Charles
26    powell vicar Jhon dyer herry stanburn
27    Willa[m] blake
28    de sodburie
29    _____  ____   ____
30   probat[um]  x sept
31    1580 apud sodburie

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