Friday, February 13, 2015

Blake family at Landrake, Cornwall

Working my way through the records on the OPC Cornwall site and using Find My Past I discovered an interesting set of marriages at Sheviock.

John Blake married Penticost Paschoe 20 May 1609

Pentecost Blake married William Dewstowe 20 Jan 1634

S Blake married Dowell Dewstowe 11 May 1637

I am formulating an assumption that Pentecost Blake and S Blake are both daughters of John and Pentecost. I found online a comment that Dewstowe and Denstowe are possibly variants. That brought me to the memory that Philip Blake married Elizabeth Denstowe 21 Mar 1754 at Plymouth. Philip having kindly left a will in 1808 which lists all of his children (12 in total). I have been wondering if Philip is the son of Richard Blake and Elizabeth Blake who married 28 Sep 1732 at St Earney or was he the Philip son of Henry Blake married to Thomazine Palmer as claimed by an online tree by Charles Speed at World Connect? 

Of interest the Blake family at Sheviock is descendant of John Blake and Grace Smyth with their son Thomas marrying Judith Martyn 10 Mar 1695 at Maker. Judith in her will probated in 1748 mentions her children Thomas, Richard and Elizabeth (married surname Nucella). But no details on those children particularly.


  1. Hi,
    I came across your blog while looking into people who may have lived in my house at Penquite which is very near to Landrake and I believe the Blake’s may have done so.
    N Stevens

  2. Hi
    I believe the Blake’s may have lived at Penquite, which is near Landrake.
    N Stevens
