Friday, October 23, 2015

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. Series 1-6, F. Brown

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 1st Series. Brown, F.
Thomas Siderfin 84 (Indentee, no family value)

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 2nd Series. Brown, F.
no entry

Abstracts of Somerset Wills., 3rd Series. Brown, F.
Ann Siderfin 90, 91
Ann Siderfin, of Lambeth, widow. Will dated Mar 22, 1686-7, proved Mar 5, 1706. To be buried at Lambeth near my husband and mother. My Aunt Gee and her two sons Orlands and John Gee. My cousin Gilbert East, etc.

Christian Siderfin 90, 91
Christian Siderfin, of Luxboro, Somerset, widow. Will dated Nov 28, 1644, proved July 4, 1648. My daughter Mary Gyldes of Dunster, widow, My sons, William, Thomas and Robert Siderfin. Wilmot Siderfin, my daughter. Thomas and Philip, sons of my son Thomas Siderfin.
Joan Siderfin 90

Katherine Siderfin 90
Katherine Sidderfin alias Graves, of Croydon, in Carhampton, co Somerset, but dying at Exeter. Admon. Nov 23, 1686 to her husband Robert Sidderfin.

Mary Siderfin 90, 91
Mary Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, widow. Will dated Nov 19, 1689, proved Oct 10, 1693 [Taunton Registry] My grandchild Susanna Worth, 100 pounds at age of 21. Her sister, a silver tankard and gold ring. My grandchild Christian Worth, 200 pounds at age of 21. My grandchildren, Mary Worth and Sarah Worth, 100 pounds each. Residue to my daughter Christian Worth.

Thomas Siderfin 90
Thomas Siderfin, the elder, of Luxborough, Somerset, gent. Will dated Nov 6, 1675, no proof [Taunton Registry] To be buried at Luxborough. To the poor, 10 pounds. Johan, my wife. My son Robert Siderfin. To my son Thomas Siderfin, 50 pounds and all my law books. To all my children on peece of Barbary gould. My grandchild Da.... and Johan, my wife, Exixs.

Thomas Siderfin, of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. Will dated Mar 17, 1678, proved June 15, 1681, by Ann Siderfin the relict. To my wife Ann, George Evelyn and Henry Pollexfen, of the Inner Temple, Esquire, and my brother Robert Siderfin, my Messuages of Crodon, Manors of Exton and South Quarme [in Exton], lands in Carhampton, Somerset, and in Lambeth etc for 100 pounds a year to my wife and my daughter Anne 50 pounds per annum. If they die the premises in Somerset to my brother Robert Siderfin. My honoured Mother Ann Hinde [erased].

Thomas Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, deceased. Admon Nov 4, 1687 to his relict Mary Siderfin and his daughter Christian, wife of John Worth.

William Siderfin 90, 91
William Sidervin, of Luxborough, Somerset. Will dated Aug 20, 1568 proved May 16, 1572. [Taunton Registry] To be buried in the Chancel. Residue to Wilmot, my wife, to dispose of any goods as shall seem best to the pleasure of God and the weal of my Soul. Mr Alexander Sydenham, a Witness.

William Siderfin, of Minehead, Somerset, gent. Will dated Mar 9, 1716, proved Dec 17, 1723. [Taunton Registry] My niece Rachael Clothier 5 pounds. Residue to Mary, my wife, Exix.
Wilmot Siderfin 90

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 4th Series. Brown, F.
Robert Siderfin 78
Richard Blackford of Dunster Somerset one of the King's Masters Extraordinary in the Court of Chancery. Will dated Jan 8 1688 proved Apr 4 1689 by Elizabeth Blackford, the relict. My son William. My daughter Sidwell Blackford. My sister Mary Coffin. My sister Christian Blackford. My cousin John Quirck. My cousin Robert Siderfin. My sister Hawkins. My son in law Edward Dyke. My daughter Elizabeth Dyke.

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 5th Series. Brown, F.
Alice Siderfin 65
Robert Siderfin 65
Walter Siderfin 65
Mary Quirke, of Periton, Minehead, Somerset, Widow. Will dated Mar 3, 1728 proved Apr 29, 1730 [Taunton Registry] My son in law Walter Siderfin. My grandson Thomas Quirke. My daughter Mary Question. My daughter Alice Siderfin. My sons John, James, Robert, and Thomas.
Robert Quirke, of Minehead, Somerset, Gent. Will dated July 19, 1731, proved July 9, 1731. [Taunton Registry] My uncle Mr Robert Siderfin, Exor. To Robert, son of my kinsman Mr Walter Siderfin, all my estate in Old Cleeve.

Abstracts of Somerset Wills. 6th Series. Brown, F.
no entry

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