Saturday, October 24, 2015

John Rew/Rue (1730-1771)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 43

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, Mary (unknown), Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, O'Ford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterell, Bartlett, Alderman, Shepherd, Sherwood, Elizabeth (unknown), Happerfield, Collins, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Lanham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

My 2x great grandmother was Elizabeth Rew and she was baptized 20 Dec 1801 at Minehead (her parents lived at Bratton just outside of Minehead) twin daughter of John Rew and Elizabeth Siderfin. Fortunately John Rew left his will and mentioned his daughter Elizabeth Pincombe otherwise I may never have discovered this Rew line. Along with that he asked to be buried near to his wife at Selworthy Somerset and that let me find the marriage of John Rew and Elizabeth Siderfin 30 Jan 1792 at Selworthy. Discovering the parents of John was assisted by the fiche for Selworthy which I do happen to have. The marriage lines for John and Sarah (John signed as John Rew) read: John Rue and Sarah Moggridge were married with Banns the 25th of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty one by me Nath: Brice Curate. This marriage was solemnized between us John Rew Sarah Rew in the presence of Betty Brice and William Hide.

John Rew married to  Sarah Moggridge was one of my 4x great grandfathers. In the past I have him as being baptized 1 Dec 1722 at Wootton Courtney son of John Rew and Anne Vickery who were themselves married 30 Apr 1720 at Wootton Courtney. I do not have the fiche for Wootton Courtney but have found Martin Southwood's excellent parish transcriptions online. They begin in 1720 with the baptisms, 1720 for the marriages and 1730 for the burials.

Rew found at Wootton Courtney in Martin's records:


Mary Rew daughter of John junior and Ann baptized 25 Feb 1721
John Row son of John and Anne baptized 1 Dec 1722
Joseph Rew son of John and Ann baptized 29 Dec 1724
Robert Rew son of John and Ann baptized 17 Aug 1727
Ann Rew daughter of John and Ann baptized 14 Feb 1730
Benjamin Rew son of John and Ann baptized 21 Oct 1733
Sarah Rew daughter of John and Ann baptized 12 Sep 1736
William Rew son of John and Ann baptized 15 Jun 1741

Now why did I choose Wootton Courtney as the location for my John Rew's family? If I look at Selworthy and the Rew family there aren't any records of baptisms for them at Selworthy prior to 1761. Selworthy is just three miles from Wootton Courtney and actually Minehead is just three miles from Wootton Courtney. I think at this time I should rework this link back to Wootton Courtney from Selworthy for the baptisimal place of John Rew married to Sarah Moggridge. I need a John Rew/Rue born circa 1720 to 1740.

Using Martin Southwood's transcriptions I found the following entries in this general area of Selworthy

Parish           Distance (miles)    Rew/Row/Rue
Alcombe 4         
Brendon 9         
Brompton Regis 10        
Carhampton 7         
Countisbury 11        
Culbone 5   none
Cutcombe 5    none
Dulverton 12  John
Dunster 6           
Exford 7    none
Exmoor 11           
Exton 9           
Hawkridge 11         *
Leighland 10  John
Litton 12           
Luccombe 2    none
Luxborough 7    none
Lyncombe 7             
Minehead 4            
Monksilver 12  none
Nettlecombe 10  none
Oare 7    none
Old Cleeve 9    none
Porlock 2    none
Sampford Brett 12  none
St Decumans 10  none
Stoke Pero 4    none
Timberscombe 4    none
Treborough 9          *
Watchet 11           
Williton 11           
Winsford 8           *
Withiel florey 10         *
Withypool 9          *
Wootton Courtenay 3    John

* registers begin too late

Baptisms located
John Rew son of John and Melior baptized 8 Nov 1730 at Dulverton
John Rowe son of Samuel and Joan baptized 8 Nov 1722 at Leighland
John Row son of John and Anne baptized 1 Dec 1722 at Wootton Courtenay (family usually Rew)

Parishes not found in transcriptions: Alcombe, Brendon, Brompton Regis, Carhampton, Contisbury, Dunster, Exmoor, Exton, Litton, Lyncombe, Minehead, Watchet, and Williton, I have the registers for Minehead and will check those again. The bolded parishes are all 10 or more miles from Selworthy. Brendon and Exton are nine miles from Selworthy. That leaves me with Alcombe, Carhampton, Dunster, and Lyncombe.

Checking family search for Alcombe, Carhampton, Dunster and Lyncombe:

I did not find any particular entries for John Rew/Rue/Row in these locations.

On Find My Past I did not find any records for these four parishes.

On Ancestry I found only the Dulverton record.

Going back to the Dulverton records on Martin Southwood's website, I checked for marriages of John Rew/Row/Rue and I did find the marriage of John Rew and Meliar Lafton (sp) 11 Dec 1725. They appear to be the only Rew family at Dulverton in this time frame. I think I have to find a way to determine which of these John Rew is mine in order to talk about my 4x great grandfather John Rew!

I do have the Overseer accounts for Selworthy commencing in 1739 and ending in 1782 and it was these records that I looked at originally but I missed an interesting burial record in that search back in 2006 and have not looked at it since.

In 1741 Mr Hoyle's bill at the sessions about John Rue 5 pounds 2 shillings
In 1741 there is mention of two of John Rue's children being taken care of for eight weeks by Mary POOR. Continuing in 1741 John Rue for keeping his children 3 weeks (other similar entries) and he has paid 3 shillings presumably each time. A further entry paid to Thomas Goodgroom for keeping John Rue's children 2 weeks 2 shillings.

In 1748 there is mention of an "indenture for Thomas Rue at Blue Anchor and our expenses six shillings 2 pence"

In 1750 Boarding and attendance of John Rew 12 weeks 1 pound 16 shillings
In 1750 Payment to persons in distress: John Rew

In 1750 Fortnightly Pay: John Rew 2 shillings (part year)

In 1757 payment to persons in distress: John Rew

In 1761 John Rew his bill for shoes for the poor 13 shillings 4 pence

In 1762/3 John Rue his bill for shoes for the poor 13 shillings 4 pence
In 1762 for laying forth John Rue and shrouding and cider 2 shillings 6 pence

In 1763 John Rue his bill for the poor 3 shillings 14 pence

In 1764 John Rew's bill for shoes 1 pound 10 pence

In 1765 John Rew's bill 1 pound 5 shillings 6 pence

In 1766 John Rew, his bill, 4 shillings 6 pence

In 1767 John Rue his bill 14 shillings 2 pence

In 1768 John Rew's bill 18 shillings 6 pence

In 1769 John Rue 17 shillings 1 pence

In 1770 John Rew his bill for shoes 13 shillings 1 pence

In 1771 John Rew his bill for shoes 11 shillings 7 pence (last mention of John Rew)

First mention of Sarah Rew is in 1771 as a person in distress (John Rew married Sarah Moggridge in 1761 at Selworthy)

In 1772 Sarah Rew is receiving fortnightly pay

In 1773 Sarah Rew is receiving fortnightly pay

In 1774 Sarah Rue is receiving fortnightly pay

In 1775 one pair of shoes for Sarah Rue's child 2 shillings 2 pence
In 1775 payment to person in distress: Sarah Rue
In 1775 fortnightly pay to Sarah Rue

In 1776 Fortnightly pay to Sarah Rew

In 1777 Fortnightly pay to Sarah Rew

In 1779 1 shilling for a man and a horse to go to Minehead for the doctor for Sarah Rue

In 1881 Wm Rue for Jenkins shoes 2 shillings 4 pence

In 1881 payment to person in distress: Sarah Rue


John Rew apprentice to John Clarke junior in 1741
Jane Rew apprentice to John Hensley in 1741
William Rew apprentice to Thomas Greenslade in 1743
Thomas Rew apprentice to John Tayler in 1748
Mary Rue apprentice to John Giles in 1773
John Rue apprentice to Thomas Giles in 1773
William Rue apprentice to Isaac Clarke in 1775
Elizabeth Rue apprentice to William Stoate in 1777

Selworthy Census of 1811
Thomas Rew 1 inhabited house 1 family 1 family in trade 4 males 3 females

This helps me to link Thomas Rew to being a shoemaker as he is in trade. By this time my John Rew is living at Bratton.

Records at Selworthy for Rew/Rue:

John Rue married Sarah Moggridge 25 Jun 1761
Mary Rue baptized 26 Jul 1762 daughter of John and Sarah
Sarah Rue baptized 7 Feb 1764 daughter of John and Sarah
John Rue baptized 27 Feb 1766 son of John and Sarah
William Rue baptized 13 Dec 1767 son of John and Sarah
Betty Rue baptized 26 Dec 1769 daughter of John and Sarah
Thomas Rue baptized 5 Apr 1772 son of John and Sarah

William Rue married Mary Horn 30 May 1769
Thomas Rue baptized 1 Apr 1781 son of William and Mary
Joan Rue baptized 7 Sep 1783 daughter of William and Mary

Thomas Rue married Deborah Snow Aug 1772
Deborah Rue baptized 10 Apr 1791 daughter of Thomas and Deborah
Betty Rue baptized 2 Feb 1794 daughter of Thomas and Deborah

John Rue married Betty Siderfin 30 Jan 1792
Sarah Rue baptized 6 Oct 1792 daughter of John and Betty
Thomas Rue baptized 20 Sep 1794 son of John and Betty

Thomas Rew married Ann Horn 25 Oct 1803
Jane Rew baptized 1 Jan 1804 daughter of Thomas and Ann
John Rew baptized 10 May 1807 son of Thomas and Ann
Mary Rew baptized 27 Jul 1810 daughter of Thomas and Ann
William Rew baptized 15 Jan 1813 son of Thomas and Ann of Allerford Shoemaker
Henry Rew baptized 1 Jul 1815 son of Thomas and Ann of Allerford Shoemaker

Sarah Rew married William Bricknole 19 Sep 1798
Betty Rew married John Kent 8 Jun 1805

Meliar Rue buried 16 Aug 1741 (this burial does give me the thought that the mother of John Rew married to Sarah Moggridge was the Melior Lafton (sp?) married to John Rew 11 Dec 1725 at Dulverton rather than the John Rew married to Ann Vickery in 1720 at Wootton Courtenay)

This couple baptized the following children at Dulverton according to Martin Southwood's transcriptions (a check on Family Search had the same two baptisms):

Mary baptized 25 Feb 1728
John baptized 8 Nov 1730

Burials at Selworthy:

Joan Rue buried 3 Apr 1758
John Rew buried 6 Feb 1762/3 (this fits in with the overseer records)
John Rue buried 11 Sep 1771 (this fits in with the first mention of Sarah as needing assistance)
John Rue buried 13 Apr 1783 son of William and his wife
Thomas Rue buried 31 Dec 1791 a young man
Thomas Rue buried 2 Jul 1797, infant son of John at Minehead
Mary Rew buried 25 Nov 1801 wife of William
Sarah Rew buried 31 May 1807 widow (my 3rd great grandmother)
Henry Rew buried 29 Oct 1815 infant of Allerford 4 months
William Rew buried 17 Apr 1819 of West Luckham 84 years
Elizabeth Rew buried 20 Dec 1818 of Bratton in Minehead 69 years

Looking again at the Dulverton Parish Records:

The surname for Melior is perhaps Loften as that is the only one that appears when I do a search on Find My Past as a possibility. I am unable to locate thus far any further information on the mother of John Rew.

It would appear though that John (5x great grandfather) married to Melior Loften was first at Dulverton and then later at Selworthy (there was some discussion in 1741 on him as mentioned in the overseer's records. His son John (my 4x great grandfather) married Sarah Moggridge and was a shoemaker at Selworthy (again the overseer's records are helpful in that regard). Their son John (my 3x great grandfather) married Elizabeth Siderfin who inherited some property at Bratton which enabled them eventually to establish their son Thomas at Sheepwash near Bishops Nympton Devon as a farmer. The sister of Thomas, Elizabeth Rew, married John Pincombe at Bishops Nympton. An interesting saga of a family's move through time! Why Sheepwash one might wonder? Was the Rew family originally from Devon? A mystery in all of that I am sure! And definitely another brickwall now at the sixth great grandparents level for the Rew family as I have no ideas on where John who lived at Dulverton and then at Selworthy was born/baptized.

Ancestry of John Rew/Rue:

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. William Robert PINCOMBE (b 11 Jun 1837)- Molland Devon England
5. Elizabeth (Betsey) REW (b 20 Dec 1801) - Selworthy Somerset England
6. John REW (b 27 Feb 1766) - Selworthy Somerset England
7. John REW (b 8 Nov 1730) - Dulverton Somerset England
8. John REW

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