Sunday, October 18, 2015

Philip Rowcliffe (1721 - 1802)

52 Ancestor Challenge - Challenge 42

Blake, King, Coleman, Pearce, Farmer, Mary (unknown), Lambden, Sarah (unknown), Knight, Ellis, Knight, Vincent, Butt, O'Ford, Arnold, Molton, Cotterell, Bartlett, Alderman, Shepherd, Sherwood, Elizabeth (unknown), Happerfield, Collins, Rawlings, Tanner, Dove, Morgan, Lywood, Lanham, unknown, Peck, Pincombe, Charley, Rowcliffe, Pearse, Rew, Moggridge, Siderfin, Kent, Gray, Hilton, Cobb, Sproxton, Routledge, Tweddle, Routledge, Routledge, (unknown) Buller, unknown, Beard, Hemsley, Welch, Brockhouse, Cheatle, Woodcock, unknown Taylor, unknown, Harborne, Lewis, Roberts, Croxall, Lawley, unknown

Philip Rowcliffe was baptized 4 Apr 1721 at Merton the son of Andrew Rowcliffe and Joan Harvey who were themselves married 8 Jun 1720 at Merton. Philip married Martha Pearse 9 Apr 1760 at South Molton and their daughter Elizabeth (baptized 20 May 1777 at Bishops Nympton) married Robert Pincombe  7 Jun 1803 at Bishops Nympton.

Philip and Martha had four children, two baptized  at Bishops Nympton:

Philip born circa 1767 and married Joan Rock 2 May 1803 at Mariansleigh (descendants of this family also emigrated to Canada and were known to my Pincombe ancestors)

George baptized 9 Jul 1774

Elizabeth baptized 20 May 1777

William  born circa 1780

Even now looking more than 10 years later for an actual baptism for the other two children I do not find one for Philip or for William.

Philip was the son of Andrew Rowcliffe and Joan Harvey who were themselves married 8 Jun 1720 at Merton. They baptized five children at Merton:

Philip baptized 4 Apr 1721 and married to Martha Pearse 9 Apr 1760 at South Molton, buried 22 Mar 1802 at South Molton
Mary baptized 30 Apr 1723 and married to William Smale 9 Dec 1754 at Merton
Elizabeth baptized 16 May 1727 and married to Thomas Fraine 25 Jul 1763 at Merton
William baptized 9 Mar 1730 and married to Elizabeth Spare 22 Feb 1764 at Merton, buried 12 Jul 1811 at Merton (82 years of age)
Andrew baptized 11 Jun 1732 at Merton and married to Wilmote Leverton 28 Oct 1766 at Merton

Thinking about these two lines of Smale and Fraine I have never attempted to trace them down so perhaps I will look at that for Philip's siblings. Plus I have not really noted the descendants of Philip, my ancestor, other than my own line. I think that I will create a Rowcliffe tree in Legacy.

The Rowcliffe family is rather interesting Andrew Rowcliffe was likely the Andrew baptized September 1761 at Merton son of Andrew and Mary Rowcliffe. Andrew is likely the Andrew buried 3 Feb 1687 at Merton. Linking this family back to the known Rowcliffe family in Devon has not been accomplished by me. I have gathered a little information however on this family at Merton as I have the Parish Registers for Merton. They begin rather late in 1693

The ancient family of Rowcliffe was found at Yarnscombe which is eight miles from Merton. William Rockley of Yarnscomb married Jone Bagbeare of Bagbeare and they had four sons and one daughter:

Thomas Rocliff of Yearnscomb married to Christian Horne and this is the line that is recorded in the Visitations of Devon 1620. I do not find my Andrew in that line and suspect that he was not descendant of Thomas.

George Rowcliffe living in 1555 and buried by 1620 had two daughters

John Rowcliffe had three sons

Aldered Rowcliffe had four sons

Emme married to unknown

There is a will for Samuell Rowcliffe, yeoman of Merton, probated 24 Jun 1657 which is a must read and will transcribe for this blog post. At a quick glance he has sons named George, Richard and Samuell and a daughter Jone. No mention of Andrew is this will. Could he be a son of George, Richard or Samuell? Of note, George is a forename that was used in the Rowcliffe family along with Philip and William.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 18 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/265/584
Testator: Samuell Rowcliffe, Yeoman
Location: Merton, Devon
Date of Will:  25 Nov 1650, Probated 24 Jun 1657

1.   In the name of God Amen
2.   I Samuell Rowcliffe of the Parish of Merton in the Countie of
3.   Devon Yeoman being att present in perfect health and sound of
4.   memorie and minde (thankes be unto Almightie God) doe make
5.   and ordaine this to be my last Will and testament in manner
6.   and forme following Imprimis I recommend my Soule unto the
7.   hands of Almightie God my Maker and Creatour of whome I have
8.   to finde mercie and forgivenes of my sinnes in and through the merritts
9.   of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer And I bequeath my Bodie
10. to Christian buriall in the parish Church of Merton aforesaid whensoever it
11. shall please God to call me out of this miserible World Item I give and bequeath
12. unto my Wife Jane the Tableboard which stands in my hall and the
13. bord Bedstead and the furniture thereunto belonging which is in the
14. under Roome adioyning unto the Hall and the Ammory which stands in
15. the saide Roome and all the fyrewood which shall happen to be in my
16. Towne place att the time of my decease Which promisses my will is
17. she shall inioy upon Condition that she suffer my Children to inioy the proffitts
18. of my Tenement one Quarter of a yeare after my decease and thereto
19. have her dett of them during that time and not otherwise Item I give
20. and bequeath unto my daughter Jane Thirtie pounds lawfull English
21. monie to be paid her within one yeare after my decease Itemn I give
22. and bequeath unto my daughter Joane Thirtie pounds lawfull English
23. monie to be paid her within one yeare after my decease Item I give and
24. bequeath unto my Sonne George Tenn pounds lawfull English monie to
25. be paid him within one yeare after my decease Item all the rest of my goods
26. and Chattells not herein by me given and bequeathed as aforesaid both
27. moveable and immoveable I give and bequeath unto my Sonns Richard
28. and Samuell ioyntly and equallie whome I make and ordaine Executors
29. of this my last Will and Testament Item my will is that if it please
30. God anie or either of my three Children herein first named shall happen
31. to decease unmarried Then the Legacie by me given to the partie soe
32. deceasyng to be distributed to the Survivour or if two of them happen to decease
33. as aforesaid Then theire Legacies to be given to the Survivour of my
34. Three Children first in  theise presents named In Witnesse of the promisses
35. I doe publish this to be my last Will and Testament And have hereunto
36. sett my hand and Seale The five and twentith day of November An[n]o
37. domini One Thousand Six hundred Fiftie The Signe of Samuell
38. Rowcliffe Teste Thomas Bennett The Signe of Phillip Rowcliffe
39. The Signe of Thomas Upcott
40. Whereas I have by my Lifetime
41. already paid and secured to be payd The marriage portion of my
42. daughter Jone within mentioned my will is That all that Legacies
43.  with mentioned by me bequeathed unto her shall cease and be utterly void
44. from her and remaine due unto my Executors within mentioned And this I
45. doe hereby declare to be my Will and intent In witnesse whereof I have hereunto
46. subscribed The two and twentith day of March One thousand Six hun-
47. dred Fiftie two The Signe of Samuell Rowcliffe In the presence of Thomas
48. Bennett The signe of Thomas Upcott
49. This Will was proved att London The
50. Fower and Twentith day of June In the yeare of our Lord God
51. the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred Fiftie and Seaven
52. before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations
53. lawfully authorized by the oathes of Richard and Samuell Rowcliffe
54. the Sonns and Sole and only Executors named in the above written Will
55. To whome Administration as all and singular the goods and Chattells and
56. deceased was granted and Committed they being first Legally sworne
57. by vertue of a Commission truly and faythfully to administer the same.

Interesting to find a Phillip Rowcliffe mentioned as a witness although not mentioned in the body of the will. Could Andrew be a son of this Phillip Rowcliffe in that he does name a son Philip? The wills for the Rowcliffe family were mostly lost in the Second World War with the bombing of the Devon Record Office.

There are four other wills that I will transcribe also at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

1. Thomas Rowcliffe yeoman of Kings Nympton probated 5 Jul 1658

Kings Nympton is just 11 miles from Merton and 6 miles from Bishops Nympton making it a rather interesting will to read as well.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 18 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/279/169
Testator: Thomas Rowcliffe, Yeoman
Location: Kings Nympton, Devon
Date of Will:  10 Mar 1657, Probated 5 Jul 1658

1.    In the name of God Amen
2.    the Tenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six
3.   hundred fiftie and seaven I Thomas Rowcliffe of Kingsnimpton in
4.   the County of Devon Yeoman being sicke of bodie but of good and perfect
5.   memory thanckes be to God And Calling to remembrence the uncertaine
6.   Estate of this transitorie Life and that all flesh must yeeld unto death
7.   when it shall please God to Call doe make constitute ordaine and declare
8.   this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following revo-
9.   king and annulling by theise presents all and every Testament and
10. Testaments Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declared either
11. by word or by writing and this to be taken only for my last Will and Testam[en]t
12. and none other And first being sorrie from the bottome of my hart for
13. my sinns past most humbly desiring forgivenes for the same give and
14. Committ my soule unto Almightie God my Saviour and Redeemer
15. In whome and by the merritts of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly
16. to be saved and to have full remission and forgivenes of all my sinns
17. And that my soule with my Body att the generall day of resurection shall
18. rise againe with ioy and through the merritts of Christ death and passion
19. possesse and inheritt the Kingdome of heaven prepared for his Flock and chosen
20. child my Bodie to be buried in such place where it shall please my Executor
21. hereafter named to appoynte and for the settling of my Temporall Estate
22. and such Goods Chattells and debts as it hath pleased God farr above my
23. deserts to bestowe upon mee I doe order give and dispose the same in manner
24. and forme following First I will that all those debts I owe in right or in Con-
25. science to anie manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and
26. truly Contented and payd or desired to be paid within Convenient time
27. after my decease by my Executor hereafter named Item I give and bequeath
28. unto Christopher Lymbre Elizabeth Lymbre and Marian Limbre Sonne
29. and daughters of Christopher Limbre deceased Thirtie pounds a peece
30. to each of them to be paid within one yeare after my decease (that is
31. to say) Tenn pounds a peece to every of them the said Christopher Elizabeth
32. and Maryan above the Twenty pounds a peece given them by their sayd
33. by theire said Father  Christopher Limbre Item I give and bequeath
34. unto Mary Limbre daughter of the aforesaid Christopher Limbre and
35. Isott Tipper daughter of Anthonie Tipper deceased by vertue of anie Lease
36. or Leases all the right Estate title terme and interest that I now have of and
37. in a Certaine Tenement Called or Commonly knowne by the name of
38. East heale situate lying and being in kingsnymptom aforesaid to be held
39. by them ioyntly during the terme of theire naturall lives yeelding and
40. paying yearely and everie yeare unto Elizabeth Rowcliffe my now Wife
41. the Summe of tenn pounds by fower even and equall portions the said terme
42. to Commence and beginne immediatelie from and after my decease and
43. if shall happen that the said Mary Limbre and Isott Tipper shall die
44. before Elizabeth my Wife my will is that my Land being the Sixth part
45. of the abovesaid Tenement called East Heale be charged with the above said
46. annuitie of tenn pounds a yeare hereby given and bequeathed unto Elizabeth
47. my said Wife Item I give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Mary Lymebere
48. and Isott Tipper the Inheritance of my Land in Eastheale aforesaid being
49. the Sixth part of the said Tenement (that is to say the said Inheritance
50. to the longest liver of either of them the said Mary Limbre and Isott Tipper
51. and to the heires of the Survivour of them for ever Item I give and bequeath
52. unto Ananias Kelly Frances Kelly Agnes Elyanor Joane Elizabeth and  
53. Sarah Kelly Sonne and daughters of John Kelly deceased the Sume of
54. Six shillings and Eight pence a peece to every of them to be paid within one yeare
55. after my decease Item whereas I have alone since given and bequeathed my
56. said Tenement unto Mary Limbre and Isott Tipper presently after my
57. death it is now my will and testament that my said Wife Elizabeth shall
58. have the use and proffitts of all the said Tenement for the terme of two
59. yeares after my death for the payment of my debts and Legacies anie
60. thing in this my will and Testament mentioned in anie wise not with-
61. standing Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Kingsnympton
62. aforesaid the summe of twenty shillings to be imployed for them as a
63. stock Item I give and bequeath unto Daniell Rowcliffe William and Thomas
64. Rowcliffe Sonnes of William Rowcliffe deceased six shillings and Eight pence
65. a peece to every of them to be paide within one yeare after my decease and
66. alsoe I give and bequeath unto Anthony Tipper sonne of Anthony Tipper
67. deceased the summe of six shillings and Eight pence to be paid likewise within
68. one yeare after my decease Item all the rest of my goods and Chattells
69. not hereby disposed of moveable and immoveable I doe give and bequeath
70. unto Elizabeth my Wife whome I doe hereby constitute and appoynte to be
71. my lawfull and sole Executrix witnesse my hand and Seale the day
72. and yeare above said in presence of those whose names are hereunder
73. written the marke of Thomas Rowcliffe Witnesses hereunto Jenner Smith
74. witnes John Thorne John Cole Lewes Steeven
75. This will was proved in London the
76. fifth day of the Month of July in the yeare of our Lord God
77. One thousand six hundred Fiftie and Eight before the Judges for probate
78. of Wills and graunting Administrations lawfully authorized by the
79. oath of Elizabeth Rowcliffe the Relict and sole and onlie Executrix
80. named in the above written last Will and testament of the deceased
81. To whome Administration of all and Singular the goods Chattells
82. and debts of the said deceased was graunted and Committed she
83. being first legally sworne by vertue of a Commission truly and
84. faythfully to administer the same

Looking into Find My Past there are a number of interesting Rowcliffe entries at Kings Nympton including this family mentioned in the will above - father William Rowcliffe with sons Daniel, William and Thomas. Eastheale is mentioned in this will and will try to figure out if Little Heale where the Rowcliffe family lived near Bishops Nympton is associated with this property. The answer is no. Little Heale is close to Bishops Nympton and East Hele is north of Kings Nympton just below the highway to the west of South Molton.

2. Thomas Rowcliffe yeoman of Burrington probated 17 Aug 1653 PROB 11/228/447

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 18 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/228/447
Testator: Thomas Rowcliffe, Yeoman
Location: Burrington, Devon
Date of Will:  25 Nov 1650, Probated 17 Aug 1653

1.    In the name of God Amen I Thomas Rowcliffe of
2.    Burrington in the Countie of Devon yeoman being perfect memory doe publish
3.   declare and sett fourth this my last Will and Testament in manner and
4.   forme following Imprimis I give and bequeath my Soule unto Almightie God
5.   my Creator and my body to Christian Buryall Item I give and graunt
6.   deed and bequeath unto Latice my daughter all that messuage tenement
7.   lands meadowes pastures feedings commons of pasture in both Hetherleigh Moor
8.   and Totte and herbe garden thereunto belonging with theappurtenances in the present
9.   possession and occupation of Allexander Taylder or his assignees or assigne Scituae
10. lying and being within the foresaid parish of Hatherleigh and alsoe all that
11. Messuags Tenements Lands Meadows Pastures feedings and hereditaments common
12. of pastures in Hatherleigh Moor with thappurtenancs now in the tenure and
13. occupation of ____ Hatch gent or his assignees or assigne To have and to
14. hold the said Messuage Tenement Cottage and other the premisses with thappurtenances
15. now in the Tenure of Alexander Taylder imeadiatly from and after the
16. death or decease of Agnes Taylder daughter of the sayd Allexander Taylder
17. for and during the Terme of one and Twenty yeares from this time ensueing
18. fully to be constituted and ended by and under the year by rent of twenty eight
19. shillings and foure pence to be paid quarterly by equall porcions to be
20. devided and by and under the  repairing sustaining and mayntaininge
21. of all and Singular the said demised premisses in all needfull and necessary
22. reparations during the terme hereby granted And Alsoe the said Messuage
23. Tenement and premisses together with comons of Pastures in
24. Hatherleigh Moor with all and Singular thappurtances now in the tenure
25. and possession of _____ Hatch Imeadiatly following and after the death
26. decease or any other determination of Mary the now Wife of the sayd
27. Hatch and George Stablake Sonne of John Stablake late of Hatherleigh
28. deceased for and duringe the like terme of one yeare fully to be contracted
29. and ended by and under the yearly renting seaventeene shillings of lawfull English
30. money to be paid quarterly by equall portions to be devided by and under the
31. reparing sustaining and mainteyninge of all and Singular the said last Demised
32. premisses with needfull and necessary reparations when and another shall
33. require provided allwaies and my Will and meaneing is that if my sonne John
34. Rowcliffe who is my heire apparent doe  att any time within the time of two
35. yeares before he shall accomplish his age of one and twenty yeares Well and truly
36. Consent Satisfie and paye or Cause to be paid unto the said Latecia my
37. daughter and his sister soe much Current English money as shall accomplish make
38. of all and compleate upp the issues and proffitts which shall be payd and wherby
39. made. All payments Taxes and demands being deducted the Sum of one hundred pounds
40. out of the sayd Messuage Land and Tenement hereby mentioned to be Granted
41. shall be frustrated made voyd and discontinued to all intents and purposes Item
42. I give bequeath devise and Allott out Fortye pound to be Bestowed upon and in
43. some Messuage Land or Tenement for the use and behoofe therein expressed that is to
44. saye for the lives of Joane my Wife John Rowcliffe my Sonn and Latecia my
45. daughter and my Will is that the said Joanne my Wife is to enioy the Whole Estate
46. for and during her Naturall life provided allwaies that if the sayd Forty pound
47. be not bestowed in ___ within the space of three yeares after my death According as
48. that is above expressed that then my Will is that the sayd Somme of Forty pounds
49. shall be imployed for the best bennefitt of my Soone and Daughter for their
50. better Maintenance Item I give to Margeret Rowcliffe my Sister three pounds
51. To be paid Within two yeares after my death Item I give to Elizabeth Rowcliffe
52. my Sister three pounds to be paid to her Within two yeares after my death Item
53. I give and bequeath unto Arthur Rowcliffe my Brother three pounds to be paid
54. lhim Within the space of two yeares after my death Item I give and
55. bequeath unto John Rowcliffe my Sonne my best brasse pott Item I give
56. and bequeath unto Latecia my daughter my best brasse pann Item I give and
57. bequeath and doe alott twenty pounds to be Imployd for the best Bennifitts
58. ______ maintenance of my two children during their minoritye
59. and for what sums of money shall be left at the end Twenty pounds after
60. such time to my children shall be to gett them Maintenance my Will and
61. Meaninge is that the same shall be to and for the ______ sett and behoofe
62. of John Rowcliffe my Sonne wholly And I doe desir Arthur Rowcliffe and John
63. Delbridge to have the ordering putting fourth and employing the sayd summe of
64. twenty pounds for the best benefitt of my sayd Children And to be Trustees for that
65. purpose in the best manner they may Item I give to Thomas Delbridge my
66. Freind Twenty shillings to be paid within two years after my death
67. Item All the Rest of my goods and Chattells not before herein given and bequeathed
68. I give and bequeath unto Joane my Wife and her I doe make my whole and
69. sole Executrix to doe my desir paid my Legacies discharged and my Funerall
70. expenses freed Provided alwayes and my Will and Meaning is that in Case
71. that Joane my Wife shall Marry Within one and twenty yeares after my
72. death that then all such goods Chattells and moneys which shall be left and remayne
73. after such time as my debts Legacies and Funerall expences being paid and discharged
74. shall be to and for the use benefitt and behoofe of my two children John and Latecia
75. And the Survivor of them And I doe desire Arthur Rowcliffe my Brother and John
76. Delbridge to see how my last Will duly performed observed for wittnesse I the sayd
77. Thomas Rowcliffe to here unto sett my hand and Seale the eight day of June in
78. the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred Fiftie and two the signe of
79. Thomas Rowcliffe Sealed Signed and declared and published in the presence of us
80. Henry underdowne the signe of John Alford the signe of William Penecott
81. of Burrington Arthur Rowcliffe
82. This Will was proved at Westmynster before the Judges for Probate of Wills and
83. granting Amons the 17th day of August 1653 by the oath of Joan Rowcliffe
84. Sole Executrix within named in the said to whom was committed Admon of all and Singular
85. the goods Chattells and debts of the sayd Thomas deceased she being first Sworne by Commission
86. duly to Administer the same.

This will also very interesting gives me a small family tree with Thomas the testator having a brother Arthur and a sister Margaret and his children Leticia and John. He is likely the Thomas Rowcliffe son of John Rowclyffe and Lattice Isaac who were themselves married  4 Feb 1600 at Atherington. I found three baptisms for this couple:

Catorne Rowclyffe baptized 22 May 1603 at Burrington
Margaret Rowclyffe baptized 3 Oct 1605 at Burrington
Elizabeth Rowclyffe baptized 24 Jan 1607 at High Bickington

There is an Ann Rowclyffe married to William Hearing 2 Jul 1638 at Burrington

3. George Rowcliffe yeoman of Bishops Nympton probated 28 Nov 1849 PROB 11/2103/230

Continuing on with the last two wills and this next one is for George Rowcliffe yeoman of Bishops Nympton and he is the son of  Philip Rowcliffe and Martha Pearse and hence my 3x great granduncle. He was baptized 9 Jul 1774 at Bishops Nympton and buried 11 Oct 1849 at South Molton.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 18 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/2103/230
Testator: George Rowcliffe, Yeoman
Location: Bishops Nympton, Devon
Date of Will:  2 Jan 1841, Probated 28 Nov 1849

1.   This is the last Will and Testament
2.    of me George Rowcliffe of Bishops Nympton in the County of Devon
3.   Yeoman I give devise and bequeath unto my Nephews John Rowcliffe and
4.   George Rowcliffe late of Woolfardisworthy in the said County Yeoman (Sons
5.   of my Brother William Rowcliffe and their respective heirs executors admin-
6.   istrators and assigns All those my messuages tenements mills and farms
7.   commonly called  or known by the names of Bridge Mole Mills Little Heale
8.   Mole Park and West Silcombe situated lying and being in the several
9.   parishes of Rose Ash and Bishops Nympton in the said County of
10. Devon or one of them And also all other my freehold copyhold and
11. leasehold messauges lands tenements and hereditaments and real estate
12. situated in the parishes of Rose Ash and Bishops Nympton aforesaid and
13. elsewhere And also All my Goods Chattles and Personal Estate
14. and Property whatsoever and wheresoever Subject nevertheless to and
15. charged with the payment of all my just debts the expences of my
16. funeral and of proving this my Will To hold the same (subject and
17. charged as aforesaid) unto and to the use of my said Nephews John
18. Rowcliffe and George Rowcliffe as Tenants in Common and not adjoint
19. Tenants and their respective heirs executors administrators and assigns
20. for ever And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said nephews
21. John Rowcliffe and George Rowcliffe Executors of this my last Will
22. and Testament And lastly I hereby revoke and make void all other Wills
23. by me heretofore made In witness whereof I the said George Rowcliffe
24. the Testator have hereunto subscribed and set my hand and seal this
25. second day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight
26. hundred and forty one George Rowcliffe Signed Sealed
27. Published and Declared by the said George Rowcliffe the Testator as
28. and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the
29. same time who at hios request in his presence and in the presence of
30. each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
31. J G Heard  James Pearse  J Galliford
32. This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament
33. of me George Rowcliffe of Bishops Nympton in the County of Devon
34. Yeoman which will is dated the second day of January One thousand
35. eight hundred and forty one I give and bequeath unto my niece Betsey
36. Elworthy wife of Richard Elworthy of Bratton Fleming the sum of two
37. hundred pounds for her own separate use for which her receipt along
38. shall be a good discharge I direct the same sum to be paid by my
39. Executors in my said Will monies out of my residuary estates at the
40. end of twelve months after my death and which I charge with the
41. payment thereof I ratify and confirm my said Will in every respect
42. except so far as the same is hereby altered and I direct this Codicil
43. to be annexed thereto and taken as part thereof In witness whereof
44. I have hereto set my hand this twenty seventh day of August One
45. thousand eight hundred and forty nine The Mark of George
46. Rowcliffe Signed by the said George Rowcliffe the Testator as and
47. for a Codicil to be annexed to and taken as part of his Will in the
48. presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his
49. presence and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our
50. names as Witnesses J Galliford Wm Oram Jr
51. Proved at London with a Codicil 28th November 1849
52. before the Judge by the Oath of John Rowcliffe the Nephew one
53 of the Executors to whom Admon was granted having been
54. first sworn by Comon duly to administer. Power reserved of
55. making the like grant to George Rowcliffe the Nephew also the
56. other Executor when he shall apply for the same.

This was rather interesting about Betsey Elworthy as she was a daughter of Robert Pincombe and Elizabeth Rowcliffe (and my 3x great grandparent). Betsey and Richard Elworthy were to emigrate to Canada in 1855.  George, the testator, is 75 years of age at his death. Philip, his eldest brother is still living as is William father of George and John the legatees. Elizabeth Rowcliffe Pincombe died in 1823. This is a rather interesting family as the father of the testator Philip (and my 4x great grandfather) was 39 when he married and 56 when my 3x great grandmother was born. He was 81 years of age when he was buried 22 Mar 1802 at South Molton. His wife Martha Pearse was fifteen years younger than he was. The eldest son of Philip and Martha also Philip is the line that emigrated to Huron County by 1851. I haven't done any work on this family to determine when they did arrive. The next will is for Philip Rowcliffe.

4. Philip Rowcliffe gentleman of Mariansleigh probated 2 May 1851 PROB 11/2133/117

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Date: 18 October 2015
Source: National Archives of the UK - PROB 11/2133/117
Testator: Philip Rowcliffe gentleman
Location: Mariansleigh, Devon
Date of Will:  1 Jun 1848, Probated 2 May 1851

1.   This is the last Will and Testament
2.   of me Philip Rowcliffe of Mariansleigh in the County of Devon
3.   Gentleman I give and bequeath unto my   daughter Charlotte Rowcliffe
4.   and my Nephews John Rowcliffe and George Rowcliffe sons of my brother
5.   William Rowcliffe their executors administrators and assigns the sum of five
6.   hundred pounds upon the following trusts viz as to and concerning One
7.   hundred pounds upon the following trusts for my Son John Rowcliffe for his
8.   own use and as to and concerning the sum of one hundred pounds other
9.   part thereof Upon trust for my grand children John Rowcliffe James
10. Rowcliffe and George Rowcliffe (children of my said Son John) to be
11. equally divided between them as tenants in common and in case any or
12. either of my said Grandchildren shall be under the age of twenty one
13. years without having been married then Upon trust for the other or other
14. of my said Grandchildren and if more than one in equal shares and as to and
15. and concerning the sum of two hundred pounds (other part of the said sum
16. of five hundred pounds Upon trust to permit and empower my said daughter
17. Charlotte Rowcliffe to receive the annual income of the said sum or other
18. stocks funds and securities whereon the same shall be invested for the term
19. of her natural life And after her death then as to the said sum of two
20. hundred pounds and the stocks funds and securities or upon which
21 same shall be invested Upon trust for all the children of my said Son
22. John Rowcliffe to be equally divided between them as tenants in common
23. and if any of them shall die under the age of twenty one years without
24. having been married then Upon trust as to as well the share
25. originally limited under this Executory Trust to any and every child
26. so expired for the others or other of the same children and if more than
27. one in equal shares and as to and concerning the sum of one hundred
28. pounds the residue of the said sum of five hundred pounds and the stocks
29. funds and securities in or upon which the same shall be invested Upon
30. trust to permit and empower my daughter Betsey Buckingham to receive
31. the annual income of the said sum of One hundred pounds or the stocks
32. funds and securities in or upon which the same shall be invested for
33. the term of her natural life and after her death then as to the same
34. sum of One hundred pounds and the said stocks funds and securities
35. Upon trust for the child if only one and if more than one all the children
36. of my said daughter Betsey Buckingham to be equally divided
37. between them as Tenants in Common if any or eith of them
38. shall die under the age of twenty one years without having been
39. married Then upon trust as to as well the share originally limited
40. under the prepreceding trust as the share or shares eventually limited
41. under this Executory trust to any and every child so dying for the others or
42. other of the children of my said daughter Betsey Buckingham and if
43. more than one in equal shares I empower my said Trustees to invest
44. the said sum of five hundred pounds or so much and such parts or part
45. thereof as shall remain in their hands in their her or his names or name
46. in or upon any of the public stocks funds or securities of the United
47. Kingdom or in or upon any real or other good securities or security at
48. interest with liberty for the said trustees or trustee in their her or his dis-
49. cretion to vary and transpose the investments from time to time for any
50. other investment of the preceding description I give and bequeath
51. All my Goods Chattels and Personal Estate whatsoever (subject to
52. the payment of my debts my funeral and testamentary expences and
53. the said legacy or legacies unto my said daughter Charlotte Rowcliffe her
54. executors administrators and assigns for her and their own use I
55. appoint my said daughter Charlotte Rowcliffe Executrix of this my
56. Will and I revoke all other Wills by me made in Witness whereof
57. I the said Philip Rowcliffe the Testator have hereunto subscribed and
58. set my hand and seal this first day of July One thousand eight hun-
59. dred and forty eight Philip Rowcliffe proved declared published
60. and declared by the above name Philip Rowcliffe (the Testator) as and
61. for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us (present at the
62. same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of
63. each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
64. James Pearse South Molton Devon F Hartnoll Jr
65. Proved at London 2nd May 1851 befrore the Judge by the Oath of
66. Charlotte Rowcliffe Spinster the daughter the sole Executrix to whom Admon
67. was granted having been first sworn by Common duly to administer.

Again this is my third great granduncle. He married Joan Rock 2 May 1803 at Mariansleigh. The three children identified in the will:

Charlotte baptized 26 Dec 1804 at Bishops Nympton
John baptized 22 Oct 1810 at Rose Ash (he emigrated to Canada, was married twice and I have 15 children in total for him)
Betsy born at Rose Ash circa 1812 and married to Joseph Fairchild Buckingham 4 Apr 1831 at Mariansleigh.

The descendants of John with some born in Huron County (Usborne) and the rest in England would be my fifth cousins. I should do a bit of tracing down in these families as it could be accounting for some of my Canadian matches. John had an enormous family.

Solving my Rowcliffe line back before Andrew does not appear to be readily done. Interesting that there is a Philip Rowcliffe at Merton when Samuel signs his will in 1650. Andrew, the father of my Philip Rowcliffe would perhaps have been born between 1640 and 1660.  He is likely the Andrew Rowcliffe who was buried 3 Feb 1687 at Merton. Is Philip a brother to Samuel the testator in the first will transcribed above?

Find My Past has the following rather interesting entries for the Rowcliffe family at Merton between 1560 and 1640:

Will for Andrew Rowcliff 1687 Court of the Archdeaconry of Barnstaple
Burial for Andrew Rowcliff 3 Feb 1687
Burial for Samuel Rowcliff 2 Jan 1687
Will for Samuel Rowcliff  1692 Court of the Archdeaconry of Barnstaple
Burial for George Rowcliffe 27 Nov 1697
Burial for William Rowcliffe 10 May 1716

Both of these wills are lost in the bombing of the Record Office at Exeter unfortunately. Proximity is always interesting but can not assume this is all one family. If you then enter just Devon into the search engine for Rowcliffe on Find My Past between 1560 and 1640 there are 281 results but most wills for this family were lost in the bombing.

A search on Rowcliffe looking for something written earlier on the family and I disovered this book which is at the Devon Record Office presumably with the closure of the WestCounty Record Office:

White, D.M. A family record. Landford: The Author [1996] 1 vol: ill, maps, ports. [Raymond: Chapter on Routleff/Rowcliff/Rowtcliffe family of Devon] [Westcountry Studies Library sx929.2/ROU]

I have sent a note to the Devon Record Office and to the Devon research group on rootsweb to see if I might be able to discover more about this book.

In the meantime I can see my Rowcliffe line just so far and the rest is hidden to me but perhaps revealed one day.

Ancestry of Philip Rowcliffe:

1. Elizabeth BLAKE
2. Helen Louise PINCOMBE (b 18 Oct 1916) - Westminster Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
3. John Routledge PINCOMBE (b 10 Sep 1872)- Lobo Township Middlesex County Ontario Canada
4. William Robert PINCOMBE (b 11 Jun 1837)- Molland Devon England
5. John PINCOMBE (b 5 Jul 1808)- Bishops Nympton Devon England
6. Elizabeth (Betty) ROWCLIFFE (b 20 May 1777) - Bishops Nympton Devon England
7. Philip ROWCLIFFE (b 4 Apr 1721) - Merton Devon England
8. Andrew ROWCLIFFE (pre 1687)

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