Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Kent family and the Blake family of Cornwall and others - my work at the moment

I have Grace Kent married to Robert Siderfin 5 Feb 1752 at Selworthy. The only Grace I was ever able to find that would fit in was the daughter of John and Elizabeth Kent and she was baptized 25 Apr 1731 at Selworthy. I really had not moved beyond that in all the years since I first found this information back in 2005 whilst working on the Pincombe bio for the Westminster and Delaware History books. So I decided to have a look at the 14 wills of the Kent family that I brought back from Kew in 2010 and have been busy transcribing them along with looking at the Porlock Parish Registers as some of the children of John and Elizabeth Kent were baptized at Porlock and some at Selworthy or there are simply two John and Elizabeth Kents but I suspect the earlier that they baptized some children at Porlock. I can not find a marriage for John and Elizabeth Kent. I did find a possible baptism for John 28 Jan 1708 at Porlock son of John Kent and Joan Beague. but no further progress than that.

Grace is my next 52 ancestor challenge and I am looking once again at all the proofs that I used to work my way back to Grace and trying to learn more about Grace.

I seem to be in this lull at the moment with respect to the Cornwall Blake family. I need to get back to extracting the census for Blake in Cornwall and will do that shortly. I find this family in Cornwall extremely intriguing. I am faced though somewhat with a sort of moral issue. Should I be producing these extensive charts of families that are not my own? When I started my blog it was to be my living memory and I never really dreamed that anyone would read it other than myself. Not that I mind; I have on occasion had really good comments and suggestions that led me to a correct path like the Question family that I would not have likely ever discovered and lately a correction on my Routledge family (parents of my Grace Routledge - 4x great grandmother). All comments received and appreciated.

But also I have had a comment on the Cornwall Blake family with regard to their having been emigrants in the early 1500s from Bretagne. Since the British Isles was covered with ice during the last ice age no one lived there but that is 15,000 years ago and there have been people living in the British Isles from at least 10 or 12 thousand years ago (including my Blake possibly). Would I be upset to learn that my Blake emigrated from France? No, not really but my families all emigrated to Canada in the last two centuries (five waves of them at various times - 1818, 1832, 1850, 1908, and 1913). So I am not bothered at the idea that my roots are not quite as deep as I might have thought them to be. But do I have the right to come up with these ideas where other people are concerned? I think that is part of the slowdown process for me. I do not wish to upset people in that regard and really why should I? In time it will all come out in the history books one might say but does it need to be at this time and in this place? That is my quandry and may eventually send me back to just looking at Hampshire for my own Blake line.

I would then collect up all the information that I have collected on the various Blake families and deposit it so that others could make use of it and extend it some day when the idea occurs to another around the world.

I ran into a similar problem with my Pincombe/Pinkham study because the yDNA didn't match. This is different though I have decided. I didn't ask anyone particularly to test and the results of DNA are what they are - indisputable. Lately I now have Pincombe and Pinkham results that do match and thus verify the premise of the original study at the Guild which I 'inherited' so to speak. I will move on with that research.

So that is my quandry at the moment. Do I proceed with the Cornwall Blake family and publish what I find? or do I move on back to Hampshire and continue with that Blake branch as I still have a lot of material to transcribe and collect in order to "follow the land" so to speak and put together all the Blake lines that I am able to there.

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