Thursday, March 3, 2016

First DNA Circle at AncestryDNA

Finally I have a DNA Circle at AncestryDNA with the descendants of Robert Pincombe and Elizabeth Rowcliffe. Each of the members descends from three different sons of this couple. Robert and Elizabeth had eight children - 7 sons and 1 daughter. We descend from the eldest son Robert, the second eldest son John and the youngest son Philip. Richard, second youngest, did not have any children, William the third son died young. Thomas the fourth son died in a shipwreck with his wife and children coming to Canada. The only son not mentioned was George, the fifth son, whose family stayed in England while he went to Australia where he died. This is an amazing happening to have this DNA circle for the Pincombe family.

There are ten or more trees on Ancestry for the Pincombe family and it will be interesting to see the final DNA Circle once all that material is digested by the search engines. There are errors in some people's trees and perhaps this will be an opportunity to repair those errors if people wish to do so. One of the reasons for my doing the one name study of the Pincombe family is to clear up the mistakes that were created over time by various trees that were produced.

The next issue of the Pincombe newsletter should certainly have some interesting copy.


  1. How exciting to have a Pincombe DNA Circle at Ancestry! Is this your first DNA Circle? I'm still waiting for my first circle.

  2. I can say that I was absolutely thrilled to have this first DNA Circle. We, each of us in the circle, descend from a different son of Robert and Elizabeth Pincombe (married 1803 at Bishops Nympton). They had seven sons and 1 daughter. Hopefully you will soon have a DNA circle as well.

