Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 4

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 4

Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of Abraham Pincombe, Stoke Damerel, Devon
3.   Autosomal DNA study

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
As mentioned in the last issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, I will continue to publish one chart from the original study by Dr Richard Pinkham and Galen Pinkham. In total there are 14 charts. I am slowly entering these charts into Legacy and adding in data from the original parish registers. I do not always agree with these charts but feel that this is an opportunity to share the charts with the members of this study and I will perhaps get some feedback on the different charts helping me to revise them. The chart in this issue is labelled North and South Molton. This particular chart includes the known Pincombe family found on the Visitation of Devon 1620. The name of the individual at the top of this Visitation is listed solely as (unknown) Pyncombe and he is said to have come to North Molton with Lord de la Zouch around the beginning of the reign of King Henry VII (22 Aug 1485 – 21 Apr 1509). It is known that John la Zouche, 7th Baron Zouche, 8th Baron St Maur was with Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth and for that he suffered attainder and forfeiture of much of his property. In the history of John Baron Zouche there is no mention of his being at North Molton but given the remote nature of North Devon possibly he came there with his loyal followers immediately after the Battle of Bosworth. He was pardoned in 1486 and perhaps returned then to the estates he was permitted to retain at that time. Definitely though the Pincombe family at North Molton does appear there from this point onward.   


Again I do have some problems with this chart although I am in agreement with Thomas Pyncombe being the son of (unknown) Pyncombe and I believe that Johane Pencombe whose will was transcribed in Volume 1, Issue 2 was his wife. Their children were well documented by her and included William Pyncombe who married Emotte Snowe and they lived at East Buckland. Their son Richard is listed on this chart but no family has been attributed to him. The will of William Pyncombe (married to Emotte Snowe) does provide the linking of this Richard to the Richard Pincombe found at Bishops Nympton and my ancestor. However, I have decided to share these charts with the members of the group and welcome any feedback. 

2.   Will of Abraham Pincombe, Stoke Damerel, Devon
Source: Inland Revenue Wills - p 882
Place: Stoke Damerel, Devon, England
Dated: 26 Apr 1830 (probated 5 Dec 1831)
Condition: photocopy, light, modern English writing

1       This is the last Will and Testament of me Abraham Pincombe
2       of the parish of Stoke Damerel in the County of Devon Gentleman made
3       the twenty sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
4       hundred and thirty First I desire and my Will is that my body be decently interred
5       at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named I give unto my nephew Joseph
6       Pincombe the sum of Nineteen Guineas of lawful money current in Great
7       Britain to be paid to him within three months after my decease I give unto Elisabeth
8       Dennis the wife of John Dennis of Northlew in the said County the sum of ten
9       pounds of like lawful money to be paid to her within three months after my
10     decease I give unto Abraham Pincombe William Pincombe Thomas Pincombe
11     and Stephen Pincombe sons of my brother Thomas Pincombe of Northlew aforesaid
12     the sum of two pounds each of like lawful money to be paid as aforesaid  I give
13     unto my said brother Thomas Pincombe an annuity or yearly sum of five
14     pounds to be paid to him in half yearly payments the first payment thereof
15     to be made within three months after my decease and the same to continue
16     to be paid him for and during the term of his natural life All the rest residue
17     and remainder of my goods and chattels money and securities for many household
18     and other estate and effects whatsoever which I may have or possess at the
19     time of my decease (subject nevertheless to the payment of my just debts
20     legacies funeral expences and all other incidental expenses for securing and
21     further execution of this my Will and also to the payment of the said
22     Annuity in manner aforesaid) I give and devise the same and every
23     part thereof unto Thomas Curtis of Devonport in the said County Shipwright
24     and Agnes his wife to and for their own use and benefit and to be disposed of as
25     he she or they shall jointly or severally in their lifetime consider most necessary
26     and needful so as the same be used for and towards the benefit support and
27     maintenance of themselves and each of their children as may for the time being
28     most need the same and shall dispose of the same or  whatsoever shall remain
29     though at the time of the death of the survivor of them the  said Thomas
30     Curtis and Agnes his wife by any instrument in writing under the hand
31     and seal of such survivor And I do hereby nominate constitute and
32     appoint the said Thomas Curtis and Agnes his wife joint Executor and Executrix
33     hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made do confirm this to be my last Will and Testament
34     of this my last Will and Testament ^ to which I have set my hand and seal the
35     day and year first above written
36     Abraham Pincombe [signed] [sealed]
37     Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named Testator as said
38     At his request in his presence and in
39     [Probate]
40     No. 20 W E L______
41     For the Stamp Office
42     Copy of the Will of
43     Abraham Pincombe
44     Late of Stoke Damerel Devon
45     Gentleman dece[ase]d
46     Executor and Executrix
47     Thomas Curtis of Stoke Damerel
48     Aforesaid Shipwright and Agnes
49     Curtis his wife
50     Proved in the Registry of the
51     Archdeacon's Court of Totnes
52     5 December 1831
53     Effects were under £200
54     _______ East Deanery of the
55     N 4 R_X _R 18 31
56     FUL 788
57     Within is contained a true copy of the original
58     Will of Abraham Pincombe Devon Gentleman
59     Dece[ase]d the same having been carefully examined by us
60     John Wm Hodges [signed]
61     Nicholas Gidley [signed]
62     ____ to Walter Ridcourt Deputy Re[gi]s[tra]r of the
63     Archdeacon's Court of Totnes
64     FORMS of AFFIDAVITS to be registered and ______ from Persons
65     Applying for Probates of Wills, and Letters of Administration, of the estate of
66     The Personal Estates and Effects of the deceased
67     No. 1. FOR EXECUTORS
68     Thomas Curtis of Stoke Damerel of the
69     County of Devon Shipwright and Agnes
70     Curtis his wife the Executor and
71     Executrix named in the last Will and Testament
72     (A) of Abraham Pincombe, late of Stoke
73     Damerel aforesaid Gentleman
74     Who died on the
75     26th day of November 1831 (b) make Oath
76     And say that (c) they have made diligent
77     search and due enquiry after, and in respect of the Personal
78     Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, in order
79     to ascertain the full Amount and Value thereof; and that
80     to the best of their Knowledge, Information, and Belief,
81     the whole of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits, of which
82     the said Deceased died possessed within the (D) Arch-
83     Deaconry of Totnes, in the Province of Canterbury,
84     (exclusive of what the Deceased may have been possess
85     -ed of or intitled to as a Trustee for any other Person,
86     or Persons and not beneficially. (A) but including the Lease-
87     hold Estates for Years of the Deceased, whether abso-
88     lute or determinable on Lives, and without deducting
89     any Thing on Account of the Debts due and owing from
90     the Deceased) are under the Value of two hundred
91     Pounds and these Deponents further (E) say
92     That the said Deceased had (f) no Personal Estate and
93     Effects at the time of his decease within the Province
94     Of York to which they these Deponent (G) need to
95     administer
96     SWORN on the fifth day of December 1831 before me
97     J. Cerning Suro[gate]
98     Thomas Curtis [signed]
99     Agnes Curtis [signed]

3. Autosomal DNA Study
The Pincombe Autosomal Study now includes twelve individuals and all of them are descendant of Robert Pincombe and Elizabeth Rowcliffe. They were married 7 Jun 1803 at Bishops Nympton, Devon. In total there is sharing of common DNA by different members on Chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. The ideal state is that you would be sharing different sections of chromosomes with different cousins permitting you to construct a personal chromosome chart showing sections of chromosomes inherited from different ancestors. These twelve individuals are on three different sites and ideally to make use of these results you need to be on GedMatch although FT DNA and 23 and Me do provide a chromosome browser permitting that match to be studied within the particular site.

Any material which you may wish to submit for the newsletter can be sent to:

Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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