Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blake Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2016

                                                              Blake Newsletter
                                                             Table of Contents
                              1.    Blake Y-DNA looking at the I-M253 grouping

1.    Blake Y-DNA; reviewing group B - EnglishAncestry (1)

The deep ancestry on the I-M253 haplogroup in the Blake yDNA study (1)  places this group in the Scandinavian Peninsula and historically where the Vikings lived but we await detailed testing and affirmation in a more scholarly manner. Colonization by the Vikings occurred in northern England, western Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, north western France, Denmark, north eastern Germany and north western Poland. (2) 

Family lore for some of the members of this group takes them back to the Calne, Wiltshire Blake family. The members of this group could be sharing common ancestry in the past thousand years but there is still insufficient data (more testers are needed). The family lore on the Calne Blake family has the belief that Admiral Robert Blake was descendant of the Calne Blake family.

A Blake Pedigree Chart held at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office is headed by a Richard Blake/Blaake/Blague and as one traces his line down the marriage of Robert Blake and Avis Wallop is discovered with Robert being a 2x great grandson of Richard Blake. Further down on the chart there is a line which is said to lead to Admiral Robert Blake. (3)

As mentioned earlier in Volume 2 Issue 2 of the Blake Newsletter, Richard le Blak of Rouen, Normandy applied for a market license to the English court.(4)  Rouen is located in that part of France colonized by the “Vikings” and it was the Normans (of Normandy) who came to England in 1066 and established their leader as the King of England – namely King William the Conqueror or King William the first.(5)  A Richard le Blake was found in the Berkshire/Wiltshire area in the late 1200s/ early 1300s on the Pipe Rolls of the Bishopric of Winchester 1301-1302.(6)

Place                             Surname    Forename       Date
Wargrave                        Blak          John                1301-2
Wargrave                        Blak, la    Alice                1301-2  (daughter of Richard le Blak)
Wargrave                         Blak, le    Richard            1301-2
Waltham St Lawrence     Blak          Hamo              1301-2
Waltham St Lawrence     Blak          Walter             1301-2 (son of Hamo Blak)

This coincides very nicely with Richard Blake in the Pedigree Chart mentioned above for the Blake family at Calne as Wargrave is a hundred in Berkshire. Are they one and the same person?; a haplogroup of I-M253 for Richard Blake would be quite reasonable given his Norman heritage.

The Pedigree Chart does not imply a location for Richard Blake at the head of the family chart.

(1), viewed 28th September 2016
(2), viewed 28th of September 2016
(3)  Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office, 343/1MS – Pedigree of Blake from early 14th century to 1690 with additions to 1786. Fine illuminated document, with family crest, on parchment roll
(4)  Calendar of Patent Rolls, 2 Edward 1, Volume 1, pages 51-52, 30 May 1274 Westminster
(5), viewed 28th of September 2016
(6)  The Pipe Rolls of the Bishopric of Winchester 1301 - 2 (Hampshire Record Series Volume 14) (ISBN: 1859751083 / 1-85975-108-3)

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies -

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