Sunday, January 22, 2017

Will of Bryan Higgins Blake, Esquire, Lieutenant 4th Light Dragoons - The National Archives, PROB 11/1876, probated 21 Apr 1837

The testator Bryan Higgins Blake was born in Dublin Ireland according to an online tree at Ancestry. There was a book published for the Higgins, William and Bryan family “The Life and Work of William Higgins Chemist 1763-1825”, by Thomas Sherlock Wheeler, Pergamon Press, 1960.

Since this traces along the female line of Higgins I will not add any details here but this tree is a public tree online at Ancestry. Robert Blake, MD, married Anne Higgins 25 Nov 1799 at St James, London, England.

There are a number of children listed for Robert Blake and Anne Higgins:

Edward Hudson Blake 1801
Jane Blake 1803
Elinor Blake 1806; married Nassau William Stephens 16 Aug 1838 at St Peter’s Parish, Dublin
Bryan Higgins Blake 1808-21 Apr 1837; married Caroline Elizabeth Milner 24 Jan 1831 at Aylesford, Kent and their son Bryan Higgins Blake was born 4 May 1836 at Torquay, Devon
Richard Everard Blake 1819; married Maria Elizabeth Gildea 18 May 1847 St Peters Church of Ireland, Dublin

This online tree lists the parents of Robert Blake as Robert Blake and Elizabeth Hudson. I could not find any more on this line. This Robert does not appear to be descendant of the Galway Blake family although there are many lines missing in the published books of Martin Joseph Blake on the descendants of the Blake family at Galway.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 22 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1876
Name of testator: Bryan Higgins Blake, Esquire. Lieutenant 4th Light Dragoons
Place: somewhere in England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 5 Aug 1833, probated 21 Apr 1837

[In margin] Bryan Higgins Blake, Esquire 9

1    In the name of god Amen
2    I Bryan Higgins Blake Lieutenant in the 4th Light Dragoons being weak in
3    body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do make and
4    publish this my Will and Testament in manner following I give devise and
5    bequeath all my Estate Real and Personal unto such Child and Children as
6    may be living at the time of my decease or born in due time afterwards and to
7    their respective heirs and executors in equal shares and proportions the share of
8    such of them as may be Girls to vest at the age of eighteen and of Boys at the
9    age of twenty one with right of survivorship between them and if only one
10    shall live to take such vested interest the whole to such onely one and if there shall
11    be no child who shall live to take such bested interest then I give my said Estate
12    and property as follows I give and bequeath unto my dear Mother in case
13    she shall outlive my Grandmother as a mark of my duty and affection the sum
14    of £200 to be paid her out of the money to which I am entitled at the death of
15    my Grandmother I give and bequeath unto my Sister Henrietta Garde all my
16    share and interest in the house in Harcourt Street in which my Mother at
17    present resides all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Real and
18    Personal property of what nature or kind soever I die seized possessed of or
19    entitled to I give devise and bequeath to my Brother in law Richard Garde his
20    heirs Executors and Administrators in trust to pay to my dear Wife Caroline
21    Elizabeth Blake during her life the rents issues profits dividends and interest
22    thereof upon her receipt and for her sole and separate use free from the
23    control and interference of any after taken husband and from and after the
24    decease of my dear Wife I then give and bequeath all my said Estate and
25    property to my said Trustee in trust for my two Brothers Edward Hudson
26    Blake and Richard Everard Blake during their lives share and share alike
27    and after their decease the share of each of them to go to such of their
28    respective Sons as shall attain the age of twenty one years but if either or both
29    my said Brothers shall die unmarried or without leaving Sons who shall
30    attain the age of twenty one I then give and bequeath the share and shares
31    of either or both my said Brothers so dying unto my Sisters who shall be
32    surviving at the time of their death share and share alike as tenants in
33    common and not joint tenants and to their several and respective heirs I
34    hereby authorize and empower my said Trustee to reimburse himself whatever
35    expences he may be put to or incur in the execution of this my Will and I hereby
36    nominate constitute and appoint my said Brother in law Richard Garde
37    Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said
38    Bryan Higgins Blake have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of August
39    in the year of our Lord 1833 Bryan Higgins Blake Signed Sealed
40    declared and Published by the above named Bryan Higgins Blake as and for
41    his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his
42    presence have subscribed our hands as Witnesses hereto William Garde Jr
43    Rob Booker  Jas Prescott
44    Codicil
45    It having pleased the Almighty to bless me with a Child I deem it advisable and
46    I do nominate constitute and appoint my Brothers in law Charles Milner Esq[ui]re of
47    Preston Hall and Henry Robert Milner Esq[ui]re Major 94th Regiment Executors of
48    this my last Will and Testament in conjunction with the before mentioned Richard
49    Garde it is also my Will (that should I die in England I should be buried in
50    the Milner Family Vault at Aylesford in Kent) In Witness whereof I the said
51    Bryan Higgins Blake have hereunto set my hand and seal the 25th day of July
52    in the year of our Lord 1836 in the presence of Bryan Higgins Blake
53    Irvine Whitty Captain R Art
54    Jane Thompson
55    John Walsh
56    Proved at London with a Codicil the 21st April 1837 before the
57    Worshipful John Danbury doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Charles
58    Milner Esquire one of the Executors named in the Codicil to whom Admon was granted having been first
59    Sworn duly to Administer power reserved of making the like Grant to Richard
60    Garde the Executor named in the Will and Henry Robert Milner Esquire the
61    other Executor named in the Codicil when they shall apply for the same

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