Saturday, January 21, 2017

Will of Christopher Blake, Felmonger, Bourne, Lincolnshire - The National Archives PROB 11/721, probated 18 Nov 1742

Christopher Blake the testator names his son Christopher Blake in his will. His wife is named Bridget Blake.

Interestingly, Bourne is in the South Kesteven district of Lincolnshire (Butterwick is also in this area). The earlier will of 1566 for John Blake at Butterwick should certainly be considered looking at Christopher Blake although nearly two hundred years later.

Children baptized to Christopher Blake at Bourne (Find My Past):

Charles Blake baptized Mar 1718
Christopher Blake baptized 27 Dec 1722
Elizabeth baptized 6 Apr 1724; buried 3 Jan 1736
Mary Blake baptized 26 Oct 1726
Bridget Blake baptized 13 Nov 1728

A Christopher Blake is listed as a Master Fellmonger on the Apprenticeship documents for Bourne Lincolnshire in 1730. (Find My Past)

There was a burial for Mrs Blake 11 Jul 1743 at Bourne. There is a burial for Christopher Blake 14 Sep 1749 at Bourne Lincolnshire.  (Find My Past)

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 21 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/721
Name of testator: Christopher Blake, Felmonger
Place: Bourne, Lincolnshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 20 Oct 1742, probated 18 Nov 1742

[In margin] Testam[ent] Christopher Blake

1    In the name of god Amen
2    I Christopher Blake of Bourne in the County of Lincoln
3    Felmonger being sick in Body but of sound and disposing
4    mind and memory praised be God do make and ordain this
5    my last Will and Testament as follows I give and bequeath
6    to my Wife Bridget Blake the furniture of my best parlour
7    and also one annuity of Six pounds payable every year unto
8    my said Wife for her Life at Two Equal payments in the year
9    that is to say at Lady Day and Michaelmas the first payment
10    to be made at the first of these days next happening after
11    my decease the said Yearly Sume or annuity to be paid by
12    my Executor as hereafter mentioned Item all the Goods Chattells
13    Credits and Personal Estate I give and bequeath unto Mr
14    John Pare of Bourn aforesaid by Trust that he pays the
15    said Annuity in the first place to my said Wife my just debts
16    being first paid and the residue thereof the said John Pare
17    to be accountable for unto my Son Christopher Blake at his
18    age of one and Twenty years soe my said Son giving proper
19    security to the good liking of the said John Pare to pay the
20    said annuity to my said Wife for her Life as aforesaid and
21    then I appoint my said Son Sole Executor and Residuary Legate
22    of this my Last Will and Testament the said John Pre being paid
23    all charges and Expences in and about the Execution of this my Will
24    hereby revoking all former Wills by me made Witness my hand and
25    seal this twenty sixth day of October one Thousand Seven hundred
26    and Forty Two Christopher Blake his Mark Signed sealed published
27    and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and
28    Testament in the presence of us Mrs Foster William Phillips
29    This Will was proved at London on the Eighteenth
30    day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven
31    hundred and Forty Two before the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth
32    doctor of Laws and Master keeper or Commissary of the prerogative
33    Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oath of John pare the
34    Executor named in the said Will to whom was granted administration
35    of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of the said deceased
36    being first sworn by commission duly to administer the same

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