Friday, January 6, 2017

Will of Samuel Blake, Wheelwright, Aldenham, Hertfordshire - The National Archives PROB 11/595 - dated 7 Jan 1724

The testator Samuel Blake does not appear to have a wife; does not mention a widow. His nephew is Samuel Grace and his nieces are Mary, Ann, Elizabeth and Martha Grace. He does not mention his sister in this will.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/595
Name of testator: T[esta]m[ent] Samuelis Blake
Place: Aldenham, Hertfordshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 22 Jun 1723, probated 7 Jan 1724
Read: Electronic file images

[In margin] Samuelis Blake

1    Of being appointed for
2    men once to dye I Samuel Blake of Aldenham in the County
3    of Hertford Wheelwright being Sick and weak but by the blessing of God
4    of a perfect mind and memory do make publish and declare this my last
5    will and Testament (Utterly revoking all other Wills by me formerly
6    made) First I commit and commend my Soul into the hands of
7    Allmighty God my Creator hoping through the merits of Jesus
8    Christ my Redeemer to be made partaker of Everlasting life
9    my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion
10    of my Executor and Executrix hereafter named and as
11    touching Such Temporal Estate as the Lord hath in his
12    merry blessed me with all I dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis
13    I give and devise all those my two Cottages or Tenements with
14    all houses Orchards and appurtenances to the Same belonging
15    Situate near the Town of Idleshey in the Said Parish of
16    Aldenham in the Several Occupations of Francis Plater and
17    Michael Limptebottom unto my Nephew Samuel Grace his
18    heirs and assignes for ever Subject nevertheless to and chargeable
19    with the payment of all and every the Legacies hereafter by this
20    my will bequeathed Item I give and bequeath unto my three
21    Neices Mary Grace, Ann Grace and Elizabeth Grace all Sisters
22    of my Said Nephew Samuel Grace ……
    [Page 2]
23    and to each and every of them the summe of Six pounds of lawfull
24    money of Great Britain to be paid to them respectively by my
25    said Nephew Samuel Grace his heirs and assignes within
26    twelve Calender months next after my decease out of my Said
27    two Cottages Item I give to my Neice Martha Grace one other of the sisters
28    of my said Nephew Samuel Grace the Summe of Forty Shillings
29    of like lawfull money to be paid her by my Said Nephew Samuel
30    Grace within twelve Calender months next after my decease out
31    of my two Cottages aforesaid also my Further mind is that in
32    case my Said Nephew his Heirs or Assignes refuse to neglect
33    to pay the Said Respective Legacies at the time before limited for
34    payment thereof as aforesaid that then it shall be lawfull to
35    and for my Said Neices respectively and their Respective Executors
36    Administrators and Assignes to enter and come into the Said
37    Cottages and Tenements and keep possession thereof and to have
38    take and Receive the rents Issues and profits thereof until they
39    Shall be fully Satisfied and paid their Said respective Legacies
40    with all Charges that they or any of them Shall be put to by
41    reason of such Entry So to be made as aforesaid all the rest of my
42    personal Estate moneys stock Leases Goods and Chattells whatsoever
43    after my debts are paid and funeral Expences discharged I give to my
44    Said Nephew Samuel Grace and to my Said Neices Mary Anne
45    Elizabeth and Martha to be equally divided between them Share and
46    Share alike and lastly I do hereby Nominate make and Constitute
47    my Said Nephew Samuel Grace and my said Neice Anne the Joint
48    Executor and Executrix of this my last will and Testament in
49    Witness whereof I the Said Samuel Blake to this my last will and
50    Testament have Set my hand and Seal the two and twentieth day of
51    June Anno domini 1723 Annoqz Regni Domini nostri Georgij
52    Dei Gratia Magni Britten Francis et hibernia Regis etc now
53    Samuel Blake Signed Sealed published and declared by the Said
54    Samuel Blake to be his last Will and Testament in the Sight and
55    presence of us whose names are hereunto Subscribed as Witnesses
56    at the request and in the Sight and presence of the Testator J
57    Nicoll the marke of Daniel Larken the marke of Jone Batman
58    Probatum fuit huiusmodi Testamentum apud London
59    Septimo die mensis Januarij Anno domini millesimo Septingentesimo
60    Vicesimo tertio coram Venerabili Viro Exton Sayer Legum doctore Surrogato
61    Venerabilis et egregio viro Johannis Betteworth Legum doctoris Curiae
62    prerogative Cantuariensis Magistro Custodis sive Commissario
63    Legitimo Constituto Juramentis Samuelis Grace et Anna Grace sobrinos
64    Nepotis et Neptis excratio dicti defuncti et executorium in dicto
65    Testamento nominat quibus Commissa fuit Administratio omnium
66    et Singulorum bonorum jurium et creditorium dicti defuncti de
67    bene et fideliter Administrando eadem ad sancta dei Evangelia
68    Jurat Exam[r]

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