Saturday, January 7, 2017

Will of Susannah Blake, Widow, Hemel Hempstead - The National Archives, PROB 11/2114, probated 11 Jun 1850

The wife of Ezekiel Blake whose will was transcribed a couple of days ago:

Always nice to find wills that fit together. This is the family that includes the following children:

James Blake son of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 4th of April 1796 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Charlotte Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 1st of January 1798 and registered the 26th day of April 1817

Ezekiel Blake son of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 8th of December 1799 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Caroline Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 17th of December 1801 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Joseph Blake son of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 26th of June 1803 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Maria Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born the 4th of April 1805 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Shelomath Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 1st of July 1807 and registered the 26th of April 1817 (not mentioned in the will)

Hariot Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born on the 29th of August 1811 and registered the 26th of April 1817 (not mentioned in the will)

Elizabeth Blake daughter of Ezekiel Blake and Susannah his Wife was born the 11th of December 1813 and registered the 26th of April 1817

Caroline Blake married Robert Brice Dec quarter 1841 at Hemel Hempstead.

Elizabeth Blake married Tom Flood Cutbush Sep quarter 1842 at Hemel Hempstead. Tom Flood Cutbush died Sep quarter 1846 at Dover, Kent.

Susannah is likely the Susannah Blake listed in December quarter deaths of 1848 at Hemel Hempstead.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Jan 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/2114
Name of testator: Susannah Blake
Place: Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated 26 Sep 1846, probated 11 Jun 1850
Read: Electronic file images

[In margin] Susannah Blake 5

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Susannah Blake of Hemel Hempstead in the County of
3    of Hertford Widow I nominate and appoint Joseph Baldwin of Berkamp-
4    stead St Mary in the County of Hertford Currier and Thomas Woodman
5    of Dunsley near Tring Farmer joint Executors of this my Will and I give
6    to each of them the sum of five pounds for the trouble they may have in
7    the execution of this my Will provided they accept the trusts thereof and
8    I direct that all my just debts burial and testamentary expences be
9    paid by my said executors immediately after my decease And I give
10    and bequeath to my four daughters Charlotte, Caroline Wife of Robert
11    Brice, Maria the wife of Stephen Lepine and Elizabeth Cutbush Widow
12    all my clothes wearing apparel and linen equally between them share
13    and share alike I also give and bequeath to my said daughter Charlotte
14    my silver spoons and my watch and all my household goods furniture
15    and household effects and the rest and residue of my personal estate
16    and effects I give and bequeath unto my said four daughters Charlotte,
17    Caroline Wife of Robert Brice, Maria the Wife of Stephen Lepine and
18    Elizabeth Cutbush and my Sons James and Ezekiel equally to be divided
19    between them share and share alike (my youngest Son Joseph having
20    been already provided for is intended to be excluded from any partici-
21    pation in any property And I do hereby declare that my said exec
22    utors shall not be answerable one for another nor for involuntary loss
23    and they shall be allowed and may retain to and reimburse them
24    selves all their costs charges damages and expences to be occasioned by
25    the true execution of this my Will or of the trusts thereby in them
26    reposed or in any wise relating thereto And hereby revoking all former
27    Wills by me made I do publish and declare this to be my last In wit
28    ness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand
29    this twenty sixth day of September one thousand eight hundred and
30    forty six Susannah Blake Signed and acknowledged
31    by the said Susannah Blake the Testatrix as and for her last Will
32    and Testament in the presence of us who being present at the same
33    time at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other
34    subscribe our names as Witnesses Chad Ehret Grocer Sol[r]  Hemel
35    Hempstead Jno Worley Clerk to Messrs Smith and Grover Hemel Hempstead
36    On the 11th June 1850 administration (with the Will annexed) of
37    the goods, chattels and credits of Susannah Blake late of Hemel
38    Hempstead in the County of Hertford Widow deceased was granted
39    in the said Will having been first sworn duly to administer Joseph
40    Baldwin and Thomas Woodman the executors having first sworn
41    duly the probate and execution of the said Will.

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