Sunday, February 12, 2017

Visual Phasing of grandparents

I decided to direct some of my research energy to visual phasing of my grandparents and discovered that it is actually doable. I started with chromosome 22 as suggested by Blaine Bettinger in his excellent lectures on this particular subject.

Unfortunately I do not yet have matches that I can pin down to an accurate common ancestor on chromosome 22 so the resultant display could not be yet separated into maternal and paternal grandfathers and grandmothers.

However chromosome 7 proved to be much more interesting in that regard as there are large sections on this particular chromosome shared with a number of cousins on my Pincombe line and using that information along with the visual phasing information I was able to put together a complete set of results for my four grandparents for chromosome 7. I will ultimately produce a file for each grandparent which I will use in Gedmatch just to see what kind of interesting matches arise.

Definitely genealogy and DNA must now go hand in hand forward in genealogical research; you really can not have one without the other anymore. But does DNA absolutely control relationships within a family. I have to say no to that mostly because of my grandmother who was raised by a stepfather. To her he was her father; the only one she ever knew; her half siblings were her siblings and they were close through the years as letters traveled back and forth between them crossing the ocean each time as most remained in England and my grandmother had come to Canada in 1913 with her husband and my father.

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