Thursday, February 9, 2017

Will of Edward Blake, Benicarlo, Kingdome of Valencia - The National Archives PROB 11/575, probated 31 Aug 1719/1720

Edward Blake is the testator and no records were found particularly for him but his will mentions a number of people that help to place him in the family discussed below.

Penelope Blake married Thomas King 30 Apr 1717 at Holy Trinity, Coventry, Warwickshire. She is perhaps the Penelope Blake baptized 7 Sep 1684 at Easton on the Hill, Northamptonshire and the daughter of James Blake. The following information fits into the will as well in terms of siblings mentioned.

Other baptisms for the children of James Blake at Easton on the Hill, Northamptonshire:

James Blake baptized 6 Jun 1680
Francis Blake baptized 20 Jul 1680
Penelope Blake baptized 7 Sep 1684
Mary Blake baptized 26 Apr 1695
William Blake baptized 26 Apr 1695
James Blake baptized 3 Jan 1696
(daughter) Blake baptized 30 Jan 1699

There are large gaps between these children. A baptism for Edward Blake the testator has not yet been located. Nor has a baptism been located for his brother John Blake mentioned in the will.

There was a marriage for James Blake and Marionye Coulson 15 May 1673 at Easton on the Hill, Northamptonshire.

I transcribed a will earlier for John Blake at Easton by Stamford, Northamptonshire:

He mentions a son James in his will which is rather interesting (will probated 1652 and he is young enough that another child is expected). There is a marriage for Jhon Blake and Elizabeth Rippon 24 Jun 1634 at Easton on the Hill, Northamptonshire. John identifying his wife as Elizabeth in the will.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/575
Name of testator: Edward Blake
Place: Benicarlo, Kingdome of Valencia
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 20 Mar 1717/1718, probated 31 Aug 1719/1720

[In margin] Tm Edwardi Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    in the fifth year of the Reign as I judge of our Soveraigne Lord King
3    George of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith I
4    Edward Blake now in Benicarlo in the Kingdome of Valencia this
5    twentieth day of March new Style in the year of our Lord one thousand
6    Seven hundred and eighteen calling to mind the mortality of my body
7    altho in health and in sound memory I do ordain this my last Will and
8    Testament revoking and annulling any other made before by me and
9    as followeth Imprimis I recommend my Soul into the hands of God who
10    gave it me hoping for Salvation through the merits of our Saviour Jesus
11    Christ and desiring my body may be buried according to the Form of
12    the Church of England if the place wherein it Shall please God to call
13    me to himself will allow thereof I abhor all Masses for my Soul neither
14    would I have ought paid to any Roman Catholick Priest Fryer or any
15    one that assist the said Church on account of my future happiness Item
16    I bequeath to my brothers John and James Blake and to my Sister Mary
17    Blake if living each fifty pounds which makes the Summe of one hundred
18    and fifty pounds Sterling Item I bequeath to my Partner Samuel Tucker
19    thirty pounds Sterling my diamond Ring which cost
20    thirty five pounds and Sent me by Sister Penelope I leave and bequeath
21    to the Said Sister Penelope King of Coventry Item It’s my Will and I desire
22    that after paying my just debts that two third of the remaining part of
23    my Estate be given to my Sister Penelope King on condition that the same
24    shall not be at the disposal of her husband Thomas King nor to pay any
25    debts of the aforesaid husband but entirely to be wholly and solely at her
26    own discretion in all respects if in case of her mortality and succession the
27    same to be divided on the foregoing conditions to her heir or heirs each
28    Share and Share alike but in defect of Succession and her mortality then the
29    same to be divided betwixt my brothers John and James Blake and
30    Sister Mary Blake Share and Share alike Item It’s my will and desire
31    that the remaining third part of my Estate be for my brother Francis
32    Blake on Conditions but to be entirely at the Election of my Executors to
33    give him part or all or the interest only as they shall think fit as occasion
34    or occasions may Serve him best if not contented therewith I say consented
35    then the Same to be for Sister Penelope King but in case of her mortality
36    to her heir or heirs if no Succession to be divided betwixt brothers John
37    and James Blake and Sister Mary Blake but Should not my Executors
38    think proper to give my brother Francis Blake the principal of my third
39    part of Estate or part thereof if the said Francis Blake Marrys and
40    has Succession he may at his death dispose of the Same to his heir or
41    heirs but to no other Item I ordain and appoint my partner Samuel
42    Tucker or Mr Thomas Adams in defect of my partner whole and sole
43    Executyor of all my affairs and dependances in Spain or any other
44    part out of England not doubting but will See this my last Will and
45    Testament fulfilled in all respects desiring no judge Justice Alcaldo
46    V[ica]r may interfere in my affairs goods or Estate but as to my worldly
47    goods or Estate dependances Affairs or accounts or ought else in great
48    Britain I do appoint and ordain my brother John and Sister Penelope
49    King Executors to act jointly in all affairs whatsoever may happen this
50    I certifye to be my last Will and testament desiring it may be
51    complye and with in all respects according to the tenor thereof Signed
52    Sealed and delivered as my last Will and Testament in Benicarlo
53    the twentieth of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
54    hundred and eighteen (I Say) March ye 20th 1718 N[ew]: S[tyle]: and for
55    the truth thereof I now Sign my Name Edward Blake
56    Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud
57    London coram venerabili et Egregio viro Johanne Bettesworth Legum
58    doctore Curiae prerogativae Cantuariensis Magistro Custodis Sive
59    Commissarij legitimo constituto tricesimo primo die Mensis Augusti
60    Anno domini Millesimo Septingentesimo vicesimo Juramento Penelopes
61    King (uxoris Thomas King) mius Executorum in dicto Testamento
62    nonim at Cui comissa fuit Administratio omnium et Singulorum
63    bonorum jurium et Creditorum dicto defuncti infra Reginun magna
64    Britannica tempore mortio Suve tantium existentum Sed non ultra nec
65    aliter de bene et fideliter administrando eadem bona jura et Credita
66    limitat a_ut prefectur sed non ultra ad sancta dei Evangelia vigore
67    Comissoni jurat Reservata potestato Simileni Commissionem limitat
68    faciendi Johannis Blake alteri Executorum in dicto Testamento
69    etiam nominat cum venerit eandem petitur

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