Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Will of Elizabeth Graham Blake, Belmont, Galway, Ireland - The National Archives PROB 11/1882, probated 19 Aug 1837

No information could be located on the testator, Elizabeth Graham Blake of Belmont, Galway.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1882
Name of testator: Elizabeth Graham Blake
Place: Belmont, Galway, Ireland
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 19 April 1836, probated 19 Aug 1837

[In margin] Elizabeth Graham Blake 6

1    This is my Will I give and bequeath All my Property
2    and rights moveable and unmoveable in whatever place they may exist without any deception
3    or reserve that is to say in d’enfunt to Miss Marie Seontine Graham born at Paris on the
4    twentieth of January 1825 who shall enjoy the same during her life and until her decease
5    reckoning from the day of the opening of my succession and in reversion to Mr Pierre Alphonse
6    Gauthier working at Paris No 36 in the Rue de Baidy who shall receive the d’enfunt thereof
7    on the decease of Miss Graham Consequently I appoint Miss Marie Seontine Graham and
8    Mr Pierre Alphonse Gauthier my Universal Legatees conjointly between them the first in
9    d’enfunt and the second in reversion I appoint as Testamentary Executor Mr Auguste
10    Barot residing at Paris No 26 in the Rue de la Monnaie upon whom I confer the possession
11    of my property for a year and a day in conformity to the Civil Code I revoke every other
12    previous disposition and Will Such is my desire Paris the 19th April 1836 Signed
13    E Graham Blake of Belmont County of Galway Ireland
14    Beneath is written Registered at Paris the sixth of March one thousand eight hundred
15    and thirty seven fol 131 Vol C9 Received five francs fifty centines the tenth included Signed
16    Nestier Thus it is in the Original of the said autograph Will signed and marked by the
17    president of the Court of the First Instance of the Seine and deposited as a Maniere with
18    Mr Esnee Notary of Paris signed underneath in pursuance of an order of the President
19    aforesaid contained in his verbal process on opening and describing the said Will dated at
20    Paris the twenty seventh of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven Esnee
21    Notarial Sign The present Copy contains one leaf without addition or any word being void
22    Esnee Notarial Sign
23    I William Duff of the City of London Notary Public duly admitted and sworn
24    to hereby ratify that the above is a true and faithful Translation of the document in the
25    French Language hereunto annexed In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
26    and seal of Office at London the twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand
27    eight hundred and thirty seven In Testimonium Veritatis Willm Duff Noty Pub
28    Proved at London 19th August 1837 before the Judge by the oath of Auguste
29    Barot the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by Common
30    duly to administer

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