Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Will of Rebecca Blake, widow, St Saviour, Southwark, Surrey - The National Archives, PROB 11/677, probated 30 Jun 1736

Rebecca Blake, the testator, and a widow was the grandmother of Malachi Blake the younger whose will was blogged on the 7th of February 2017.

One researcher has proposed that the father of Malachi Blake (identified as the son of this Rebecca Blake in the will below) was also Malachi Blake. This Malachi Blake appears to have married at least twice with a marriage to Mary Godfrey 19 Sep 1720 and a second marriage to Susannah Blunkett 28 Apr 1737 so likely born circa 1690 to 1700. That would mean his father was born circa 1665 to 1675. Rebecca describes herself as aged and infirm in 1733.

No further information can be found on this family. Rebecca does not identify her husband as Malachi Blake.

There was a marriage of Thomas Blake and Rebecca Tanner 12 Sep 1670 at Alderbury, Wiltshire.

There was a marriage for Thomas Blake and Rebecca Stubbs 16 June 1692 in London, England with various locations. This is a Quaker Marriage which took place at the Quarterly Meeting of the London and Middlesex Religious Society of Friends. The father of Thomas was listed as Nathaniel Blake. The name Thomas Hodgson is associated with the Religious Society of Friends in different areas of England.

Rebecca identifies her children as Mary (married to (unknown) Green) and mother of Christopher and Martha; John (father of Rebecca), and Malachi (father of Rebecca and married to Mary). She identifies her sister as Martha King.

A few thoughts on this family in Southwark mostly because their descent from the Malachi Blake family in Blandford, Dorset is unlikely as hinted at by another researcher.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 7 Feb 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/677
Name of testator: Rebecca Blake, widow
Place: St Saviour, Southwark, Surrey
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 27 Dec 1733, probated 30 Jun 1736

[In margin] Rebecca Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Rebecca Blake of the Parish of St Saviour in Southwark
3    in the County of Surry, Widow being aged and infirm in body
4    but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding
5    praised be God do make my last Will and Testament in
6    manner following First and Principally I Commend my Soul
7    to Almighty God and my Body I Commit to the Earth to be
8    privately Interred at the Discretion of my Executor hereafter
9    named I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Green
10    the Sum of Five hundred pound Interest or Share in the
11    Capital or Joynt Stock erected by an Act of Parliament in the
12    twelfth year of his late Majesty King George for granting to
13    his Majesty the Sum of One Million to be raised by way of
14    Lottery commonly called three per Cent annuityes to and
15    for her own Separate use to be transferred to her Six months
16    after my decease I give and bequeath unto my Grand daughter
17    Rebecca Blake daughter of my Son Malachi two hundred
18    pounds Interest or Share in the said Joynt Stock to be
19    transferred unto her and all dividends and profits arising
20    in the mean time to be paid her when She shall attain her
21    age of twenty one years but if She shall dye before She attain
22    the Age of twenty One years In Such Case I give the said two
23    hundred pounds interest in the said Joynt Stock unto her Mother
24    Mary Blake I give and bequeath unto my Grand daughter
25    Rebecca Blake daughter of my Son John Blake two hundred
26    pounds Interest or Share in the said Joynt Stock to be transferred
27    unto her and all dividends and Profitts arising in the mean time
28    to be paid unto her when She shall attain her age of twenty one
29    years but if She shall dye before She attain the said Age of twenty
30    One years In such case I give the said two hundred pounds
31    Interest in the said Joynt Stock but not the dividends
32    or Profitts thereof unto my daughter in Law the Mother of
33    my said Grand daughter I give and bequeath unto my
34    Grand daughter Martha Green two hundred pounds Interest
35    or Share in the said Joynt Stock to be transferred unto her
36    and all dividends and profits arising in the mean time to be
37    paid unto her when She shall attain her age of twenty one
38    years But if She shall dye before She attain the said Age of
39    twenty one years In such case I give the said two hundred
40    pounds Interest in the said Joynt Joynt Stock but not the
41    Dividends or Profitts thereof unto her Mother Mary Green I give
42    and bequeath unto my Grandson Christopher Green the Sum of
43    three hundred pounds to be paid unto him Six months after
44    my decease I give unto my Son John Blake ten pounds and no
45    more I give unto my Sister Martha King ten pounds for
46    Mourning I will that my plate be equally divided between my
47    daughter Mary Green and my daughter in Law Mary Wife
48    of my Son Malachi Blake All the rest residue and remainder
49    of my Estate both reall and personal which at the time of my
50    decease I shall be Seized or possessed of Interested in or fulfilled
51    unto I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Malachi
52    Blake his heires Executors Administrators and assigns and I
53    do appoint my said Son Malachi Sole Executor of this my Will
54    hereby declaring this to be my last Will and revoking all
55    former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made
56    In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale
57    the twenty Seventh day of December in the year of our Lord
58    One thousand Seven hundred and thirty three Rebec
59    Blake Signed Sealed published and declared by the said
60    Rebecca Blake as and for her last Will and Testament in
61    the presence of us who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses
62    in the Presence of the said Rebecca Blake Thos Halloway
63    W Smith Sam: Calverley
64    This Will was proved at London the thirtieth
65    day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven
66    hundred and thirty Six before the Worshipfull Edward Kinaston
67    doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipfull John
68    Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
69    of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by
70    the Oath of Malachi Blake the Son and Sole Executor in the
71    said Will named to whom Administration was granted of all
72    and Singular the Goods Chattells and Creditts of the said
73    deceased being first Sworn duly to Administer.

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