Monday, March 6, 2017

Will of Edmund King, Alton, Hampshire - The National Archives, PROB 11/258, probated 31 Oct 1656

Edmund King, the testator, was married to Agnes (unknown).

There was a baptism for William King, Nov 1631, at Alton, Hampshire. (Family Search)

Although the Alton Parish Records do date back to 1615 for baptisms, 1629 for marriages and 1616 for burials, they do not appear to be online. Find my Past has only nine entries between 1590 and 1670.

Edmond King (age 32) married Joane Bushell (age 40) 22 Oct 1655 at Binsted near Alton, Hampshire

Edmund King buried 28 Jul 1656 at Alton, Hampshire (likely the testator)

Edward King buried 15 May 1668 at Alton, Hampshire

Jane King (age 22) married Allen Bryant (age 28) 26 Feb 1654 at Binsted near Alton, Hampshire

Joan King buried 22 Sep 1655 at Alton, Hampshire

Johan King buried 28 Jan 1637 at Alton, Hampshire

John King buried 9 Jan 1656 at Alton, Hampshire

(Male) King (infant) buried 26 Aug 1665 at Alton, Hampshire

William King buried 24 Sep 1668 at Alton, Hampshire

As far as I can tell just the burial for Edmund King relates to this particular will.

Was this family always at Alton? There are King families in Alton back into the 1500s.

A search on Find My Past did not reveal any King families similar to this in Hampshire other than in the Alton area.

Edmund named his daughters. First, Jane Rout with sons Thomas and John and daughter Dorothy, her husband is likely David Rout who signed the will as a witness. Second
Elizabeth Vanner with son John and husband is John Vanner identified as a son in law. Third, Margery Nash with sons George and John and daughter Rachell. George Nash is identified as a son in law. Fourth, Agnes Manning and her son John Manning and daughter Elizabeth Manning.  He also named his sons, Edmund King the eldest with daughter Anne. Thomas and William are his other sons named in the will and his joint executors.

He identified his brother as Henry King.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/258
Name of testator: Edmund King
Place: Alton, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 16 Jun 1656, probated 31 Oct 1656

[In margin] Edmund King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Edmund King of Anstie within the Parish of Alton
3    in the County of South[h]am[pton] the elder being sicke
4    in body but of good and perfect memory Thankes be given
5    unto Allmighty God therefore doe make and ordayne
6    this my last will and Testament First I give and
q    commit my soule into the safe keeping of Allmighty
8    God my maker and redeemer Sanctifyer and onely
9    preserver and my body to be buryed in the Church or
10    Churchyard of Alton aforesaid And I give unto
11    Agnes my loving wife my best bedsteed with the Bed
12    bolster, Coverlett and all belonging thereunto Alsoe
13    I give unto my said wife my tableframe, and fourme
14    in the Parlor the greatest Chest and Coffer there
15    the Cubbard, in the Hall all my brasse and Pewter
16    and all my linen two barrels, and the use of the two
17    Parlors with free ingresse, egresse and regresse to the fire
18    room and oven in the hall for her necessary use, alsoe
19    to the well for watch and to brew and wash in ye kitchen
20    and the use of halfe the Garden all dureing the Lease
21    from my brother Henrie, she my said wife to pay to
22    my Executors hereafter named one penny yearely at
23    the feast of Easter if it be lawfully demanded Alsoe I
24    Give and bequeath unto my said wife in monyes Ten
25    pounds to be paid her within one yeare after my death
26    Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my sonnes Thomas
27    and William my free Land called Anstie Copieland
28    and Anstie Copie with all and Singular Commons
29    Commodities and appurtenances there unto belonging
30    or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold to
31    them my said sonnes Thomas and William and unto
32    theire heires and assignes for ever Alsoe I give and
33    bequeath unto my daughter Jane Rout in money
34    seven pounds and ten shillings to be paid from within
35    three yeares after my death Alsoe I give and bequeath
36    unto my Granson Thomas Routt in money Twenty
37    shillings to be paid him within one yeare after my
38    death Also I give and bequeath unto my Granson
39    John Routt in money Twenty shillings to be paid
40    him within one yeare after my death Alsoe I give
41    and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Dorothy Routt
42    in money Twenty shillings to be paid her within one
43    yeare after my death And my will is that if any
44    of my said Granchildren doe dye before the tyme of
45    receiving there Legacy that then his or her Legacy
46    soe dyeing to become theire mothers my said daughter
47    Jane Routt Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my daughter
48    Elizabeth Vanner in money fourty shillings to be paid
49    her within two yeares after my Death Alsoe I give and
50    bequeath unto Granson John Vanner in money Twenty
51    shillings to be paid him within two yeares after my death
52    And my will is that if my said Granson John Vanner
53    doe dye before the tyme of the receiving his said Legacy
54    that then the same shall become his mothers my said
55    daughter Elizabeth Vanner Alsoe I give and bequeath
56    unto my daughter Margery Nash in money Twenty
57    shillings to be paid her within one yeare after my death
58    Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Granson George
59    Nash in money Twenty shillings to be paid him within
60    two yeares after my death Alsoe I give and bequeath
61    unto my Granson John Nash in money Twenty
62    shillings to be paid him within two yeares after my death
63    Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Rachell Nash
64    in money Twenty shillings to be paid her within two yeares after
65    after my death, and my will is that if any of my said Granchildren
66    doe dye before the tyme of the receiving theire Legacy that
67    then his or her Legacy soe dyeing to become their Mothers
68    my said daughter Margery Nash Alsoe I give and bequeath
69    unto my daughter Agnes Manning in money Twenty
70    shillings to be paid her within three yeares after my death
71    Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Granson John Maning
72    Twenty shillings to be paid within three yeares after my
73    death Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter
74    Elizabeth Maning in money Twenty shillings to be paid
75    her within three yeares after my death. And my will is
76    that if any of my said Granchildren doe dye before the tyme
77    of their receiving theire said Legacy that then
78    his or her Legacy soe dyeing to become theire mothers my
79    said daughter Agnes Maning Alsoe I give and bequeath
80    unto Edmund my sonne all the rest of my Lands, and
81    Tenements not already given to have and to hold to him
82    the said Edmund and his heires and Assignes for ever from
83    and ymediately after that all the Corne by mee sowed thereon
84    bee by my Executors hereafter named cut, and carried away
85    Alsoe I give and bequeath unto the said Edmund my sonne
86    in money Twenty shillings Alsoe I give and bequeath
87    unto my Grandaughter Anne King my said sonne Edmunds
88    daughter in money Twenty shillings Alsoe I give and
89    bequeath unto Alice Hale widow in money five shillings
90    All the rest of my goods and Chattells not already given
91    I give and bequeath unto my said sonnes Thomas and
92    William whom I make sole Executors of this my last Will
93    And I doe request my loving sonnes in Law George
94    Nash and John Vanner to be Overseers of this my
95    will and I doe give to each of them for their paines taken
96    herein over and above such Charges as they shall bee att
97    Twenty shillings In witnesse whereof I have hereunto
98    sett my hand and Seale The sixteenth day of June in
99    the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred
100    fifty and six Signed Edmund King Signed sealed
101    and declared to be my will in the presence of Thomas Brannan
102    George Nash The marke of David Routt The mark of
103    John Vanner
104    This will was proved at London the One and Thirtith
105    day of October One Thousand six hundred fifty six before
106    the Judges for probate of will and granting Administrations
107    lawfully authorized by the oaths of Thomas King and
108    William King the sonnes ioynt Executors in the said will
109    To whom Administration of all and singular the goods
110    chattels and debts of the said deceased was committed
111    they being first by Comission sworne truly to Administer
112    the same

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