Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Will of James King, Upton Gray, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/921, probated 27 Aug 1766

James King, the testator, is the son of Anne King who left her will which was transcribed earlier:


James mentions his sister Mary married to Luke Imber and his sister Anne must have married someone by the name of Heath according to the will below.

Thomas Leech is identified as being buried at Mapledurwell 13 Dec 1763 (mentioned in the will below).

James Leech was buried 8 Feb 1736 at Mapledurwell.

George Leech was baptized 23 Oct 1758 son of Thomas and Mary Leech at Mapledurwell.

This is not my King family of Upper Clatford.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/921
Name of testator: James King
Place: Upton Gray, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 4 Jan 1766, probated 27 Aug 1766

[In margin] James King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I James King of Upton Gray in the County of Southampton
3    being in poor health of Body and of sound Mind and Memory
4    thanks be to God therefore But calling to Mind the uncertainty
5    of this Mortal Life and knowing that I was born to dye and
6    being desirous to settle that worldly Estate which God in his
q    Mercy hath lent me so that no Controversey may arise about
8    the same after my death do hereby make publish pronounce
9    and declare this as and for my Last Will and Testament in
10    manner and form following (that is to say) where as all that
11    my Copyhold Lands and Premisses with the Appurtenances
12    in the Manor of Mitchelmarsh in the said County of South[amp]ton
13    being one Messuage and halfe Yard Land in Abridge with
14    the appurtenances were surrendered to me by my Wife before
15    our Intermarriage (then by the Name of Alice Chantreall
16    Spinster) for the Term of my Natural Life and after my decease
17    to the use and behoof of such person or persons as I should in
18    and by my Last Will in writing Give direct and appoint Now
19    in pursuance of the said Surrender I do hereby give devise and
20    bequeath All the said Copyhold Lands and Premisses with the
21    appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof to my Brother
22    in Law Mr Boyce Tree and my Friend Mr George Green of
23    Weston and the Survivor of them In Trust to receive the Rents
24    Issues and profits thereof and pay the same in manner and
25    form as is here under mentioned And I do hereby likewise
26    Give and devise to the said Boyce Tree and George Green all
27    that Leasehold Estate in the Manor of Mitchelmersh in the
28    occupation of Farmer John Chandler which is held for my Wife’s
29    Life and settled on her for her Life at the time of our inter marriage
30    for them to receive the Rents Issues and profits with the Rents
31    and Profits of the above Copyhold premises in Abridge and
32    apply the same for the Support and happiness of my poor
33    unhappy Wife now under the care of Doctor Batty for Insanity and likewise I hereby
34    give to the said Boyce Tree and George Green (as under) Fifty
35    pounds a year for my Wifes Life out of the Estate I now occupy
36    in Upton Gray aforesaid In Trust for them to receive with the
37    Rents and profits of the Copyhold and Leasehold Estates above
38    mentioned and apply the same in such manner as they shall
39    think necessary and proper while She continues there or Else
40    where on her present unhappy occasion and if She should recover
41    her senses so far as to be capable of living at Liberty in the
42    opinion of Doctor Batty or any other competent Judge then I
43    hereby Give the Rents and profits of the said two Estates and
44    the annuity of Fifty pounds a year out of the Estate I now
45    occupy to her for her Life and after her decease I hereby Give
46    and devise the said Copyhold premises at Abridge with their
47    appurtenances to my Brother in Law Mr Harvey Combe and
48    Christian his wife for the term of their Lives and the Life
49    of the Longest Liver of them and after the death of the
50    Survivor of them I hereby give and devise the same to their
51    daughter Sharkott Combe and her heirs for ever and as to the
52    Estate I occupy in Upton Gray Weston Patrick and Southwarnbrough
53    I hereby Give devise and bequeath to my Sister Ann Heath
54    for her Life She paying Fifty pounds a year to the above named
55    Boyce Tree and George Green for the use of my wife for her
56    Life as is above directed (half yearly) the first Twenty Five pounds
57    to be paid the First Lady Day or Michaelmas which shall
58    happen after my death and likewise to my Sister Mary Imber
59    Twenty pounds a year to be paid her in the same manner
60    by my said Sister Heath and if my said two Sisters shall survive
61    and out live my Wife then I hereby order my said Sister Heath
62    to pay my Sister Imber Fifty pounds a year in the same
63    manner as I have ordered the twenty pounds a year during
64    my Wife’s Life and in case my sister Imber shall survive my
65    Sister Heath then I hereby give the Rents and profits of my said
66    Estate to my said Sister Imber for her Life and after her decease
67    I hereby give the same to my Cousin John King for his Life
68    and after his decease I hereby give the same to my Cousin
69    Thomas Leech the Eldest Son of my late Cousin Thomas Leech
70    who dyed at Mapledorewell about two years ago and the heirs
71    of his Body Lawfully to be begotten and for want of such Issue I
72    hereby give the same to his Brother George Leech and the heirs
73    of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such Issue
74    I hereby give my said Estate to my Cousin James Leech Son of
75    my Cousin James Leech who
76    dyed several years ago and the heirs of his Body Lawfully
77    begotten or to be begotten and for want of such Issue to my
78    Right heirs for ever always remembering that every
79    possessor of the above Estate in Upton Gray shall pay out
80    of it Fifty pounds a year as above directed for the use of my
81    Wife during her Life and I hereby further order that all the
82    Fixtures belonging to the house I now live in (that is to say)
83    Marble and other Chimney pieces Coppers dressers Shelves and
84    likewise Brass Locks Hinges and other Locks on the
85    several doors about the house with all the Cooking Glasses
86    shall be taken a Schedule of and kept in the Situation they
87    are now in till the last Limitted Life above directed to enjoy
88    the same shall get into the possession thereof and if either of the
89    Legatees above directed to enjoy the same shall Sell give away
90    or cause to be removed any of the above Goods or fixtures
91    I hereby give the house and premises thereto belonging to the
92    next person Limitted to Enjoy the same and as to the Freehold
93    Lands and Premisses in the parishes of Bray and Clever in the
94    County of Berks called Holiners which came to me on the
95    death of my Uncle Winch and his family I hereby Give and
96    bequeath to my Sister Imber for her Life or if she should
97    Survive and out Live my Wife and Sister Heath so that She
98    shall come into the Possession of my Estate at Upton Gray
99    then I hereby give and devise the said Estate in Bray and
100    Clever called Holiners to my dear Good Friend Mrs Mary
101    Martha Lena Imber widow of my late Nephew Capt Imber
102    for her Life towards the support Education and Maintenance
103    of my above named Cousins Thomas and George Leech and
104    after her decease I hereby give the same to the said George
105    Leech and his heirs for ever and as to that part of the Estate
106    my said Uncle Winch dyed possessed of call Fyfield houses
107    Farm in the said parish of Bray which was settled by his
108    Son Richard on his wife (now the wife of the Reverend Jos Walter)
109    for her Life after which the half part thereof descends to me
110    and the other two Quarters to my Cousins Mary Micklem and
111    Deadatus Staverton and if my Sisters Heath and Imber or
112    either of them shall Survive or outlive the said Mrs Walter
113    then I hereby give my part of the said Estate to my said
114    Sisters and the Survivor of them for their Lives and the Life
115    of the Longest Liver of them and after the decease of the
116    Survivor of them then I hereby Give devise and bequeath
117    the same to my said Cousins Michlem and Staverton and
118    their heirs for Ever but upon this condition that they shall
119    pay or cause to be paid to Mr Vickery or Mr Dyer so
120    much Money as they or either of them shall receive for
121    the Rent of the Leasehold part which I have received from
122    Farmer Goatly or shall receive to the time of my death if
123    they or either of them or their representatives shall recover
124    anything for the same and I hereby further give and
125    devise to my Sister Heath my Brother and Sister Imber
126    my cousin John King my Brother in law Mr Boyce Tree
127    Fifty pounds a piece for Mourning and to my Brother in
128    Law Mr Harvey Combe or Christian his wife Fifty pounds
129    for Mourning to be paid to them within one Month after
130    my death by my Executrix herein after named I also hereby
131    Give to my Bayliff Daniel Arundell Twenty pounds if he
132    shall continue in my Service at the time of my death to
133    be paid him within twelve Months after the same if he
134    shall be then living and I hereby give and bequeath to the
135    above named Mr Boyce Tree and Mr George Green one
136    hundred pounds a piece for their care and trouble in being
137    Trustees for my wife to be paid by my Executrix within one
138    year after my death if they shall be then living or if either
139    of them shall be dead First Then I hereby give one hundred
140    pounds to him that shall be living at that time and Lastly
141    after my Just Debts Legacys and Funeral Expences shall be
142    fully paid and discharged I hereby Give devise and bequeath
143    all the rest residual and remainder of my ready Money
144    securities for Money Bonds Notes debts Stock on the Farm
145    I occupy personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and where
146    soever to my dear good Friend Mrs Mary Martha Lena Imber
147    (widow of my late Nephew Captain Edmund Imber) whom I
148    hereby make Constitute and appoint my full and Sole Executrix
149    of this my Last Will and Testament desiring her to Contribute
150    what She shall think necessary towards the Support Maintenance
151    and Education of the above named Thomas and George Leech
152    so far as her Circumstances and Inclinations will permit and
153    She shall think they deserve In witness whereof I do to this my
154    last Will and Testament contained in three Sheets of paper
155    to the two first of which set my hand and to this being the
156    third my hand and Seal this Fourth day of January in the
157    year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six
158    James King Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared
159    by me the said James King the Testator as and for my last
160    Will and Testament in the presence of us (who at the request
161    of the said Testator and in his presence set our hands as Witnesses
162    hereunto Saml Marsh att John Chandler John Smith
163    This Will was proved at London on the twenty Seventh
164    day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred
165    and Sixty Six before the Right Worshipfull George Hay doctor of
166    Laws Master keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of
167    Canterbury Lawfully constituted by the Oath of Mary Martha Lena
168    Imber Widow the Sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom
169    administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods
170    Chattels and Credits of the said deceased She having been first
171    sworn by Commission duly to administer

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