Thursday, March 9, 2017

Will of Richard King, Yeoman, Kingsclere, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/222, no probate

Richard King, the testator, is married to Elizabeth and the father of Christopher and Ann all mentioned in the will. Christopher is married and has three children. Ann is married to Richard Gilbert and has three children including her sons Richard Gilbert and John Gilbert whom he names executors. Richard lives at Kingsclere (16.5 miles north east of Upper Clatford; 14.4 miles north west of Upton Gray).

Looking at the records for Kingsclere, Hampshire:

Thomas Kinge was buried there 31 Jan 1643 (he was a soldier)
John Kinge was buried there May 1651
Thomas King was buried there 8 Jul 1697 (son of Henricus)

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/222
Name of testator: Richard King, Yeoman
Place: Kingsclere, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 28 Jun 1651, probated 1651 (probate missing)

[In margin] The will of Richard King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    the eight and twentieth day of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred
3    fifty and one I Richard King of Kingsclere in the County of South[ampto]n yeoman being
4    at this time sicke in body but of perfect memory (I give god thankes) doe ordanie and
5    make this my will and testament in manner and forme following utterly denying
6    cancelling and making voyd all former wills and testaments whatsoever formerly
q    by me made by this my present will First and above all things I bequeath my soule unto
8    the mercy of Almightie god my Maker Faithfully trusting to attaine salvation by
9    the merits death and passion of Jesus Christ my Redeemer And my body to bee
10    buried in Cristian burial at the discretion of my executor and Overseers hereafter
11    named Item I will and devise declare and appoint that my will is my wife Elizabeth shall
12    have the free use and occupation of all my goods cattells and household stuff which I shall dye
13    possessed of during her life And whereas Christopher King my sonne of South Maston
14    in the parish of Highworth in the Countie of Wilts husbandman one bond or oblige[t]ion
15    bearing date the seven and twentieth of September in the yeare of our Lord one
16    thousand six hundred and fifty is and standeth bounden to me the said Richard King and
17    the said Elizabeth my said wife in the severall summe of four hundred and eight pounds of
18    lawfull money of England with rendition there under subscribed for the true payment of
19    nine pounds of lawfull money of England in manner and forme therein expressed I doe
20    declare by these presents that I doe fully and wholly give and appoint that my said wife
21    Elizabeth shall have the said recited obligation and all the sumes of money hereafter
22    be due by virtue thereof to her own use during her natural life according to the
23    true intent of the said recited obligation and rendition And after the decease of the said
24    Elizabeth my wife my will and true meaning is that the goods Cattels and household
25    stuffe formerly her due and hereby assigned to my said wife shall wholly
26    remaine and bee to my Executors hereafter named Item I give and bequeath to the
27    said Christopher King my sonne twelve pence, to his wife twelve pence And to theire
28    three Children twelve pence apiece Item I give and bequeath to Ann my daughter the
29    wife of Richard Gilbert twelve pence and to her daughter twelve pence. The residue
30    of my goods cattells and chattels not formerly given and bequeathed I give and
31    bequeath to Richard Gilbert and John Gilbert the two sonnes of the said Ann my
32    daughter both which I doe make Executors of this my will and testament joyntly and
33    my will and true meaning is that if either of my said executors do part this life
34    before they shall receive that which shall remaine unto them by the said executorship
35    That then the whole executorship shall remaine to the Survivor of them and all things
36    due hereby And I doe instantly and earnestly request my loving friends Thomas
37    Camber and John Elton the younger both of Kingsclere aforesaid to be overseers of
38    this my will and testament to see it what in them hath performed according to the true
39    meaning hereof And I doe declare this to be my true will and noe other And doe
40    hereunto sette my hand and seale the day and yeare above written In the presents
41    of the marke of Richard King Walter Camber John Apleton the elder James Lening
42    and Lattice Lenning widow John Apeltons marke James Lening his marke Lattice
43    Lenning her marke

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