Friday, March 10, 2017

Will of Robert King, Yeoman, Upton Gray, Hampshire - The National Archives PROB 11/223, probated 20 Oct 1652

Another will by a member of the King family at Upton Grey and Robert is the son of Anne King, widow who left her will which was transcribed earlier:

Robert King, testator, names his wife Johane and does not list any children. He mentions a William King and his two children who now live with him but does not state the relationship. He does not leave his property to them. He mentions his first cousin Bernard Hunt (his aunt (sister to his mother)’s son). He has many godchildren; he names a number of them with particular legacies. None appear to be related to him.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 Mar 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/223
Name of testator: Robert King, Yeoman
Place: Upton Gray, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 1 May 1652, probated 20 Oct 1652
[In margin] T: Robert King

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    the first day of May in the year of our Lord Christ according
3    to the English Accompte One thousand six hundred fiftie two I Robert
4    King of Upton Gray in the Countie of Southampton Yeoman being in
5    reasonable good health and of perfect and sound minde and memorie
6    thankes be to the Almightie God therefore but calling to minde the
q    uncertaintie and instablenes of this present life and how suddenly we
8    are and may be taken out of this world and the more rather for the
9    Settlement of that Estate which it hath pleased Go to endow me withal
10    Thereby to avoid all Contraversies and suites in Lawe by my freindes
11    and Kindred after my decease doe make and ordaine this my present
12    last will and Testament in manner and forme following First and
13    principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Almightie God
14    my Creatour assurdlie trusting and belevieving that by and
15    Through the only merritts and mediation of Jesus Christ my blessed
16    Saviour and Redeemer I shall be made partaker with him in his
17    kingdome of heaven when this life ended next I commit my bodie
18    to the Earth from whence it came to be buried in Upton Gray church
19    in or neare into the Chancell Item I give unto the Cathedrall Church
20    of Winchester twoe shillings and six pence Item I give unto the poore of the
21    Parish of Upton Grey aforesaid Five pounds of Current English money to be
22    putt into a stock for the use of the same poore Item I give unto the
23    Parish Church of Upton Grey aforesaid Twenty shillings Item I give
24    unto the poore of the Towne of Odiham in the Countie aforesaid
25    five shillings to be distributed amongst them by the Collectors and
26    Overseers for the poore there Item I give and bequeath unto Barnard
27    Hunt my Mother’s Sister’s sonne fortie shillings of Currant English
28    money Item I give unto his fower sonnes Humphry William John
29    and Barnard Twentie shillings a peece All which my will is shall
30    be paid unto them winthin six months next after my decease Item Item
31    I give unto Edward Rosinger of Alton Twentie shillings Item I give
32    And devise unto William Knight sonne of William Knight of
33    _appen in the Countie of Sussex yeoman deceased Tenne pounds
34    of Currant English money and to his Sister Elizabeth Knight both
35    which are now living together with me Tenne pounds or likewise Item
36    I give unto Isabell Wheeler Wife of Nicholas Wheeler of Bensteed in
37    the Countie aforesaid yeoman Tenne shillings Item I give unto
38    Francis King Wife of William King tenne pounds Item I give unto
39    Thomas King of Upton Gray aforesaid yeoman Two shillings and six pence
40    and to his sonne Thomas King my Godsonne five shillings Item I give
41    unto Henery Lee my Godsonne five shillings Item I give unto my Godsonne
42    Robert Wynhall sonne of Walter Wynhall of Odiham abovesaid Tenne
43    poundes of Current English money and to my Godsonne William
44    Missingham sonn of William Missingham of Hillsyde within the Parish of Odiham abovesaid Black
45    smith I give Tenne poundes of like Current English money Item I
46    give unto Henery Grove my Godsonne the sonne of Thomas Grove
47    of Odiham abovesaid Tenne shillings Item I give unto Margarett
48    Couper wife of Nicholas Couper my God daughter five shillings and
49    to theire sonne Robert Couper my Godsonne I give five shillings Item I give
50    unto Johane Scott Wife of William Scott of Alton tenne shillings and to
51    his sonne William Scott my Godsonne I give five shillings Item I likewise
52    give unto all the rest of my Godchildren that are not herein named five
53    shillings a peece Item I give and devise unto Thomas Wilie who
54    hath bin my ____ servant and workeman twentie shillings
55    Item I give unto Margerie Rawlins sometimes my servant tenn
56    shillings Item I give unto Thomas White who is now my Servant
57    Twentie shillings And I give unto Roger Gregoire my servant twenty
58    shillings Item I give to Thomasine Lane my servant Tenne shillings
59    Item I give unto Walter Wynhall above named the write of this my
60    will five poundes of Currant English money who hath manie yeares
61    together been imployed and diligent in my Law business And
62    my Will and meaning is that all the moneys and legacies by me
63    given and bequeathed in manner as aforesaid shall and may be
64    truly and insley paid by my Executrix hereafter named within six
65    moneths next after my decease And as touching the disposeing of all
66    my lands and Tenements I will give devise and bequeath All
67    my farmes Messuages Landes Tenements woods underwoods
68    Rents Reversions and Hereditaments with theire and everie of
69    theire Appurtenances situate lying and being in the Parishes of
70    Upton Grey Up Nately Alton and Odiham in the Countie of South
71    Hampton aforesaid unto Johane my well beloved Wife and to hir
72    heires and Assignes for ever To have and to hould the saide farmes
73    Messuages Lands Tenements woods underwoods rents reversions and
74    Hereditaments with their and everie of theire Appurtenances unto
75    the said Johane my well beloved Wife and to hir heires and Assignes
76    for ever And to hir and to their owne proper use and uses for ever
77    onlie paying out of the farme my debts and a certaine Annual
78    Rent of a eleaven poundes by the yeare payable To Bernard Hunt
79    above named my Mother’s Sister’s sonne during the tearme of
80    his natural life by agreement made betweene us The rest of my
81    goods and Chattells my debts Legacies and funeral Expences paid
82    and discharged I give and devise unto the said Joane my well beloved
83    wife whome I make the full and whole Executrix of this my last Will
84    and Testament And I entreate my loving freindes Nicholas Wheeler
85    of Bensteed in the Countie of Southampton yeoman And John
86    Scott of Upon Grey aforesaid yeoman To be Overseers of the
87    same And I give to each of them for theire care and paines
88    therein to be had five shillings a peece In Witnesse That this is
89    my present last Will and Testament I have hereunto sett my hande
90    and seale The day and yeare first above written Robert King
91    Signed sealed published and declared for the last Will and Testament
92    of the above named Robert King in presence of William Missingham
93    Walter Wynhall Snr
94    This will was probated att London
95    the Twentith day of October in the yeare of our Lord God One
96    Thousand six hundred fiftie and two before William Fourth
97    doctor of Lawes and Surrogate Nathaniel Brent Judge and
98    by the oath of Joane King the Relict and Sole Executrix named
99    in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and
100    singular the goods Chattells and debts of the said deceased was
101    Committed She being first legally sworne truly and faythfullie to
102    administer the same

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