Thursday, September 28, 2017

Genealogy Research - where am I at?

Life has finally slowed down somewhat for me in terms of "other things that I have been doing." Now I need to take stock of what I want to get back into in terms of my genealogical pursuits. I will likely add to/delete from this list as time passes!

a. I still want to complete the transcription of the PCC Blake wills and those wills that I have, some of the County Record Office that I have photographed, found on Ancestry, etc. Eventually I will put them into *.pdf documents by County. At the moment they are tagged by County making that process quite a bit easier. I hope to have a tree to go with each one (or more than one tree - certainly true for Hampshire thus far in my research and likely other areas as well).

b. I am now and will continue doing three newsletters a year - Blake Newsletter, Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter and H11 Newsletter. I intend to, for a few days at the end of every month, prepare the applicable Newsletter. These Newsletters will let me release any new research that I have done, publish transcriptions of material that I have in my files which is not particularly available anywhere else and keep my two one name studies alive; for me they are very much alive but my blogging has not been very frequent the last year or so.

c. I have a number of DNA studies at FT DNA where I am administrator/co-administrator; their number has decreased simply because the number of administrators had increased in a couple of them and so I have moved away from regular work on them. Nevertheless, I continue working on the Blake DNA Study, the Pincombe-Pinkham DNA Study, and the H11 mtDNA study. I will continue working on those three studies but still remain caretaker of the others until someone comes forward to take them from me.

d. I continue building my family tree downwards from my ancestors (working on the siblings of my direct ancestors) and I am now working on my 2x great grandparents and will continue with that writeup.

e. I have been phasing my grandparents and will continue with that process. It is a work in progress as more and more cousins appear as matches where I am able to look at the chromosomes and add that information into my powerpoint file.

f. Recently another Pedigree Chart has been published by the Blake Museum, Bridgwater, Somerset and along with the other Pedigree Charts that are published and available to me, I would like to ensure that all of this information is into Legacy and hence produce a gedcom available to researchers in the future. Along with that I have a number of published Blake genealogies which will add greatly to these earlier charts but the time required to verify all the material is long. Nevertheless, I wish to continue with that project.

g. I have about 100 documents that I photographed at Kew in the last couple of visits there which I wish to transcribe and that is another project that I will slot in.

h. I have done quite a bit of research on our son-in-law's family which I wish to continue with; I am downloading the relevant documents and will prepare a written document to go with the Legacy gedcom.

i. I still have the Pincombe Charts produced by the earlier researchers and only two of them have been input into my Legacy software. I will continue with that work but it too is rather slow as I verify each entry. 

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