Thursday, September 28, 2017

Will of Patrick Blake belonging to his Majestys Ship Trent - The National Archives PROB 11/882, probated 6 Dec 1762

Patrick Blake does not appear to be part of the Galway Blake family as written up by Martin Blake but there are a lot of lines not traced down. In that his wife was of Waterford it would certainly be a good plan to attempt to trace him in this area. A project for the future perhaps time permitting!

HMS Trent was a frigate built of fir rather than oak and had a complement of 200 and more on this particular ship below:

HMS Trent was a 28-gun Coventry-class sixth-rate frigate of the Royal Navy.


Trent was one of five frigates of the class built of fir rather than oak. Fir was cheaper and more abundant than oak and permitted noticeably faster construction, but at a cost of a reduced lifespan; the four fir-built Coventry-class vessels that did not get captured lasted an average of only nine years before being struck off.

The vessel was named after the River Trent, England's third-longest waterway. In selecting her name the Board of Admiralty continued a tradition dating to 1644 of using geographic features for ship names; overall, ten of the nineteen Coventry-class vessels were named after well-known regions, rivers or towns. With few exceptions the remainder of the class were named after figures from classical antiquity, following a more modern trend initiated in 1748 by John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich in his capacity as First Lord of the Admiralty.

In sailing qualities Trent was broadly comparable with French frigates of equivalent size, but with a shorter and sturdier hull and greater weight in her broadside guns. She was also comparatively broad-beamed with ample space for provisions and the ship's mess, and incorporating a large magazine for powder and round shot. Taken together, these characteristics would enable Trent to remain at sea for long periods without resupply. She was also built with broad and heavy masts, which balanced the weight of her hull, improved stability in rough weather and made her capable of carrying a greater quantity of sail. The disadvantages of this comparatively heavy design were a decline in manoeuvrability and slower speed when sailing in light winds.

Her designated complement was 200, comprising two commissioned officers – a captain and a lieutenant – overseeing 40 warrant and petty officers, 91 naval ratings, 38 Marines and 29 servants and other ranks. Among these other ranks were four positions reserved for widow's men – fictitious crew members whose pay was intended to be reallocated to the families of sailors who died at sea.


Winfield 2007, pp. 227–231
Manning, T. Davys (1957). "Ship Names". The Mariner's Mirror. Portsmouth, United Kingdom: Society for Nautical Research. 43 (2): 93–96. doi:10.1080/00253359.1957.10658334.
Winfield 2007, p. 240
Gardiner 1992, pp. 115–116
Gardiner 1992, pp. 107–108
Gardiner 1992, pp. 111–112

    Rodger 1986, pp.348–351

Gardiner, Robert (1992). The First Frigates: Nine-Pounder and Twelve-Pounder Frigates, 1748–1815. London: Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0851776019.
David Lyon, The Sailing Navy List, Conway Maritime Press, London 1993. ISBN 0-85177-617-5.
Rodger, N. A. M. (1986). The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. ISBN 0870219871.
Winfield, Rif (2007). British Warships of the Age of Sail 1714–1792: Design, Construction, Careers and Fates. Barnsley, United Kingdom: Seaforth. ISBN 9781844157006.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 May 2017
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/882
Name of testator: Patrick Blake
Place:  belonging to his Majestys Ship Trent
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 29 Jun 1760, probated 6 Dec 1762

[In margin]: Patrick Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Patrick Blake Seaman belonging to his Majestys Ship
3    Trent John Lindsay Esquire Commander being in bodily health
4    and of sound and disposing mind and memory and considering
5    the perils and dangers of the Seas and other uncertainties of
6    this transitory life do for avoiding controversies after my
7    death make publish and declare this my last Will and
8    Testament in manner following (that is to say) First I recommend
9    my Soul to God that gave it and my body I commit to the
10    Earth or Sea as it shall please God to order and as for and
11    concerning all my worldly Estate I give bequeath and dispose
12    thereof as followeth that is to say all and singular my ready
13    Money wearing apparel Wages bounty Money prize Money
11    short allowance Money Smart money pensions tickets and
15    All other Sum and Sums of Money Lands Tenements Goods Chattles
16    and Estate whatsoever as shall be anyways I die owing or
17    belonging unto me at the time of my decease I do give devise
18    and bequeath the same unto my loving Wife Joan Blake
19    living in the parish of Saint John Town of Waterford in the
20    Kingdom of Ireland and I do hereby nominate and appoint
21    my said Wife Joan Blake sole Executrix of this my last Will
22    and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills
23    Testaments and Deeds of Gifts by me at any time heretofore
24    made and I do ordain and ratify these presents to stand
25    and be for and as my only last Will and Testament In
26    Witness whereof to this my said Will I have set my hand
27    and Seal the Twenty ninth day of June in the year of
28    our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty and
29    the thirty third year of the Reign of his Majesty King
30    George the Second by the Grace of God over Great Britain
31    etc The Mark of Patk Blake Signed Sealed published
32    and declared in the presence of John Lindsay Grove
33    Gilles Arc: Ingram
34    This Will was proved at London on the Sixth
35    day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand
36    seven hundred and Sixty two before the Worshipfull George
37    Harris doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
38    Sir Edward Simpson knight Doctor of Laws Master keeper
39    or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
40    constituted by the oath of Joan Blake Widow the Relict of
41    the said deceased and sole Executrix named in the said Will
42    To whom Administration was granted of all and singular the
43    Goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased having been
44    first Sworn duly to administer

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