Saturday, March 10, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2018

Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 2, 2018
Table of Contents
1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
2.   Will of John Pincombe of Molland (written 1837; probated 1840)
3.   Autosomal DNA Study
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 7)

1.   Pincombe Charts, original One-Name Study at the Guild of One-Name Studies
These Pincombe Charts were created by the two researchers in the original One-name-study at the Guild of one-name-studies. I reprint them with the thought in mind that others could add to the knowledge of these charts. I have reworked some of them and will publish that information when complete. I am publishing the chart for Beaford-Roborough-Gt Torrington in this issue of the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter.

The link for the original chart (image below):

This is not a set of Pincombe/Pinkham families that is familiar to me. However, I have been in correspondence with descendants of Arthur Pincombe who went to London, UK in the late 1700s. This line is further discussed on Chart 13 which will be published at a later date. I have entered the information from this chart into a Legacy file and have found more details on some of these lines which I will publish at a later date. Any information on any of these lines is most welcome and if you wish to write up an article on the family at Beaford-Roborough-Great Torrington it would be interesting to understand more about this line of the family. The record of the marriage for Steeven Pencombe and Edith Blagdon 10 Nov 1621 at St Giles in the Woods is from the parish registers for St Giles in the Woods. The original image is online at Find My Past.

His birth/baptism possibly between 1575 and 1605 can not be located. The spelling of the name is interesting as this spelling was also used by the family at North Molton in the early to mid 1500s. We are looking at a time period when the Parish Registers being regularly written down in a fixed book was just beginning. A number of the parish registers in this area do go back to the 1530s/1540s but not all have been transcribed and made available online. My own line was at North Molton and I do have William Pincombe with his wife Emotte Snow with their family of seven sons and two daughters with only a couple of the sons being traced down to the present. 
These tables represent many years of work at the record offices by the two original Pincombe-Pinkham family researchers and Richard Pinkham was a physician and able to make contact with some of the Pincombe families living in Devon. The names seen on these charts usually in the top corners are individuals who provided information for that particular chart. In the case of charts from the United States, Galen Pinkham has contributed a great deal of information to the descendants of the Pincombe/Pinkham family and this information can be found on the charts which he produced. I do remind other researchers that there are discrepancies in these charts and I would appreciate knowing of any that you may find so that eventually a corrected chart will be published.
2.   Will of John Pincombe of Molland (written 1837; probated 1840)
Source: Inland Revenue Wills - p 884
Place: Molland, Devon, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 3 Apr 1837 (probated 14 Apr 1840)
Type: four pages - Original will (2 pages) and Probate (2 pages)

1       I John Pincombe the Elder of Great Woods in the
2       parish of Molland in the County of Devon Yeoman being at this time
3       sick of Body but of perfect mind and understanding do make and ordain
4       this my last Will and Testament in the following manner - First I give and
5       bequeath unto my Brother William Pincombe the sum of ten pounds Also
6       I give unto my Brother Thomas Pincombe the sum of ten pounds Also I give
7       unto my sister Grace Headon the sum ten pounds Also I give unto niece
8       Philippia Baker the sum of forty pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto my
9       Nephew Richard Pincombe son of the late Robert Pincombe the sum of Thirty
10     Pounds Also I give unto Philip Pincombe my nephew the sum of ten pounds
11     Also I give unto my two Nephews Thomas and George Pincombe Brothers ten
12     Pounds Also I give unto my Nephew John Pincombe Butcher the sum of
13     Ten pounds Also I give unto John Headon my Nephew the sum of ten
14     pounds Also unto my niece Grace Headon the sum of ten pounds - the above
15     Legacies to be paid by my Executors at the expiration of one year after my
16     decease. Also I give unto the poor people of Molland and Bishopsnympton
17     the Sum of twenty shillings in Bread. Also I give and devise and bequeath
18     unto my natural Daughter Mary Pincombe Thorne Daughter of Ann Smaldon
19     All that freehold Estate called Great Woods in the parish of Molland with
20     the appurtenances situate lying and being in the aforesaid parish Molland
21     unto her and unto her Children lawfully begotten and unto her heirs for
22     ever My will is that my said Daughter Mary Pincombe Thorne shall have
23     the whole of the freehold property left by me at my decease on her attaining
24     the age of twenty one years she is not to sign over nor mortgage nor sell
25     nor contract any debt on the aforesaid Estate during the time of her natural
26     life and at her decease I give devise and bequeath the whole of such freehold
27     property left to her by me at my decease unto the heirs, children lawfully
28     begotten of the said Mary Pincombe Thorne the Eldest Son if any to have the
29     freehold property but in default of Sons the eldest daughter and to her heairs
30     for ever the Proprietor of Great Woods may make a jointure to his Wife
31     not exceeding twenty pound a year But if the said Mary Pincombe Thorne
32     before she attains the age of twenty one years and leave no Child or Children
33     nor Grandchildren lawfully beggotten Then I give devise and bequeath all
34     that Freehold Estate called Great Woods in the parish of Molland unto my
35     two Nephews Thomas Pincombe of Twitchin Jun[io]r and John Pincombe Jun[io]r of
36     Molland to them two and to their heirs for ever the said Thomas Pincombe
          [Page 2]
37     and the said John Pincombe may if he succeed to the freehold Estate or
38     their descendants may make a Jointer to their wives at ten pounds a year
39     not exceeding ten pounds a year each. Never to be mortgage nor sold
40     I also give and bequeath unto Mary Pincombe Thorne my Copyhold Estate
41     called Lower Eastweek situated the parish of Bishops nympton when she attains
42     the age of Twenty four year All the rest residue and remainder of my
43     property wheresoever and whatsoever I give upon trust unto Thomas Pincombe
44     my Brother and William Pincombe Jun[io]r of Bishopsnympton whom I nominate
45     and appoint sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament the[y] are to pay
46     and receive all monies connected with the property real and personal by me
47     at my decease untill my Daughter Mary Pincombe Thorne shall attain the
48     age of twenty four years when she is to have the whole of such property
49     in the hands of my Executors in trust. My Will is that my Executors in
50     trust are to pay unto Mary Pincombe Thorne the sum Forty pounds a
51     year to paid in two half yearly paym[en]ts But I confide entirely in the
52     judgment integrity and discretion and ability of my Executors in trust wheather
53     the[y] may think it right & proper or not have the whole of the property real
54     and personal at that time or not to have the whole of the property real and personal in the hands of the Executors in trust until she attains the
55     age of twenty four years, my Executors in trust are to use their own discretion
56     the[y] are to pay all my lawful debts legacies and funeral expences In Witness
57     whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April 1837
58     John Pincombe [signed and sealed]
59     Signed sealed and declared by the said
60     John Pincombe the Testator for his last Will
61     and Testament in the presence of we who have
62     set our names
63     Richard Pincombe [signed]
64     Henry Baker [signed]
65     George Cockram [signed]
66     Codicil to this will I give to the Executor William Pincombe the sum of Ten
67     pounds - John Pincombe [signed]
          [Page 3] [p 884 in margin]
68     21 July
69     No. 18
70     For the Stamp Office
71     Copy of the Will and Codicil
72     of John Pincombe late of
73     Molland Devon Freeman dec[ease]d
74     Executor
75     Thomas Pincombe of Twitchen
76     Devon Yeoman
77     (Power being resigned to
78     William Pincombe the other
79     Executor)
80     South Molton
81     Proved in the Principal Episcopy
82     of the Lord Bishop of Exeter the
83     14th April 1840
84     Testator Dec[eased] 19 June 1838
85     Effects sworn under £600
86     Ralph Barnes
87     Dep[ut]y Registrar
88     22 Apr 1840 [seal]
89     For 464
          Folios at 6 . 5 . 6
90     [page 4]
92     Appeared personally Thomas Pincombe of
93     the Parish of Twitchen in the County of
94     Devon Yeoman one of the
95     Executors named in the last Will and Testament with one
96     Codicil thereto of John Pincombe late
97     of Molland in the said County Yeoman
98     who died on the nineteenth Day of June 1838
99     and made Oath, that he had made diligent search and due enquiry
100   after, and in respect of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, in
101   order to ascertain the full Amount and Value thereof; and that to the best of
102   his Knowledge, Information, and Belief, the whole of the Goods, Chattels,
103   and Credits, of which the said Deceased died possessed within the
104   Diocese of Exeter (exclusive of what the Deceased may have
105   been possessed of or intitled to as a Trustee for any other Person, or Persons.
106   and not beneficially. (A) but including the Leasehold Estates for Years of the
107   Deceased, whether absolute or determinable on Lives, and without deducting
108   any Thing on Account of the Debts due and owing from the Deceased) are under
109   the Value of Six hundred pounds
110   to the best of this Deponents Knowledge, Information, and Belief, (B) and
111   this Deponent lastly made Oath, that the said Deceased was not possess of
112   or intitled to any Leasehold Estate or Estates for Years of the Deceased, whether
113   absolute or determinable on a Life or Lives, to the best of this Deponents
114   Knowledge, Information, and Belief.
115   Sworn on the fourteenth
116   Day of  April 1840
117   before me
118   Thomas Pincombe [signed]
119   G M Mather B D Surrogate
This particular will belongs to my personal family line. John, the testator, his brothers William and Thomas, sister Grace are all living still. He mentions his brother Robert (and his children) but Robert Pincombe, my 3x great grandfather, was deceased in 1827. The testator was the son of John Pincombe and Mary Charlie/Charley who married 8 Nov 1767 at Bishops Nympton, Devon. This couple baptized all but their eldest son John at Bishops Nympton. The place of baptism and the date of birth of John are not known precisely. He was buried at Molland Parish Church 25 Jun 1838 and his age stated to be 70 (yielding a possible year of birth of 1768). His only known child was Mary Pincombe Thorne (daughter of Ann (Thorne??) Smaldon). He mentioned her in his will above.

3.   Autosomal DNA Study
I continue to have new matches with autosomal DNA with my many Pincombe cousins. The material has been handy with phasing my grandparents. Unfortunately it is not possible to share autosomal results online and still maintain privacy for the individuals in the various studies. 

 I am still not yet ready to discuss the yDNA Pincombe-Pinkham family study.
4.   North Molton Parish Records (Part 7)
These baptismal records are transcribed from the fiche of the original Parish Records for North Molton, Devon. I have changed the orientation of the newsletter to make it easier to publish the transcriptions for North Molton directly from my Excel file. 
      #         Surname      Forename          status        Fathers surname Fathers forename Mothers surname Mothers forename Year Month Day Details
1500  Locke         Robarte      son    Locke         William                 Katheryne  1603  Jun          12              
1501  Webber       Anne daughter    Webber       Roger          Joan  1603  July   20                                           
1502  Batt  Roger son    Batt  Thomas                Elizabeth    1603  July   31                                                    
1503  Nott  Thomas      son    Nott  Thomas                Susan         1603  Aug   21                                           
1504  Pasmoore   Joan  daughter    Pasmoore   John           Joan  1603  Aug   29                                           
1505  Done suzan daughter    Done James                  Joan  1603  Aug   30                                                    
1506  Balmante   John  son    Balmante   William                 Joan  1603  Aug   31                                           
1507  Shapland    Phillipe       son    Shapland    Thomas                Agnes         1603  Sep          4                          
1508  Snow Ketheryn    daughter    Snow Water          Margarett   1603  Sep   21                                  
1509  White Bennett      daughter    White John           Elizabeth    1603  Oct    12                                           
1510  Squire         Syblie         daughter    Squire         William                 Anstice          1603  Oct    23              
1511  Braye John  son    Braye Water          Joan  1603  Oct    23                                                              
1512  Gould Agnes         daughter    Gould Phillipe                 Agnes         1603  Nov   23                                     
1513  Vicarie       William       son    Vicarie       John           Alice 1603  Nov   30                                           
1514  Bruer Willmott     daughter    Bruer Robert                  Anstice       1603  Dec   11                                     
1515  Lange         Elnor daughter    Lange         John           Joan  1603  Jan    18                                           
1516  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        John           Agnes         1603  Jan    27      of Lamscom            
1517  Vicarie       John  son    Vicarie       Christopher          Margaret    1603  Feb    2                                     
1518  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        William                 Joan  1603  Feb    8                                             
1519  Thorne        Anstice       daughter    Thorne        Phillipe                 Maud 1603  Feb          8                          
1520  Burgis         John  son    Burgis         William                 Elizabeth    1603  Feb    11                                     
1521  Mole  John  son    Mole  John           Joan  1603  Feb    15                                                                       
1522  Pasmore     Joan  daughter    Pasmore     Phillipe                 Elizabeth    1603  Feb          26                        
1523  Moll   Hugh son    Moll   William                 Agnes         1603  Feb    26                                                    
1524  Locke         Henrie        son    Locke         Henrie                  Prudence    1603  Feb          26                                                                                                              
1525  Vicarie       James        son    Vicarie       John           Alice 1603  Mar   25      of Radworthie         
1526  Braye John  son    Braye Gregorie              Tamzin       1603  Mar   25                                                    
1527  Sidnam       Brudget      son    Sidnam       Ames          Gatred        1604  Apr    1          gent                    
1528  Burgis         James        son    Burgis         John           Joan  1604  Apr    20          masen                           
1529  Glasse        Phillipe       son    Glasse        Phillip                            1604  Apr    22                                     
1530  Shatticke   John  son    Shatticke   Robert                  Joan  1604  Apr    29                                           
1531  Cotthie       John  son    Cotthie       Gregorie              Joan  1604  May   8                                             
1532  Shatticke   Thomas      son    Shatticke   John           Joan  1604  May   28                                           
1533  Locke         John  son    Locke         John           Grace         1604  Jun    17                                           
1534  Necke         John  base son                        Necke         Joan  1604  July   29                                           
1535  Vellacott    John  son    Vellacott    Mathew                Agnes         1604  Aug   5                                     
1536  Gould Michaell     son    Gould Thomas                Agnes         1604  Aug   8                                             
1537  Braye William       son    Braye Richard                Temperance        1604  Aug   8                                     
1538  Thorne        Alice daughter    Thorne        John           Joan  1604  Sep   12                                           
1539  Frase John  son    Frase Mathew                Marie 1604  Sep   19                                                              
1540  Tooker alias Gould        Agnes  base daughter   Tooker alias Gould        Margaret          1604  Sep   24     
1541  Vicarie        Katherin     daughter    Vicarie       Phillipe                 Christian          1604  Sep   27              
1542  Braye William       son    Braye John           Ann   1604  Oct    24                                                              
1543  Squire         John  son    Squire         Roger          Marie 1604  Nov   1                                                      
1544  Locke         Anthonye    son    Locke         Thomas                Ann   1604  Nov   14          In Towne             
1545  Elsworthie  Temperance        daughter    Elsworthie  James                  Margaret          1604  Nov   18     
1546  Lawdye       Mathew      son    Lawdye       Mathew                Beaten       1604  Dec          23                        
1547  Locke         Jane  daughter    Locke         John           Jane  1604  Dec   25                                           
1548           Joan  daughter              Christopher                   1604  Nov   24                                                    
1549  Batt  Eline daughter    Batt  Thomas                Elizabeth    1604  Jan    13                                           
1550  Williams     Elizabeth    daughter    Williams     John           Ellinor         1604  Feb          10                        
1551  Delbridge   John  son    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1604  Feb    23                                           
1552  Locke         Thomas      son    Locke         Thomas                Joan  1604  Mar   5          of Marsh              
1553  Kingdon      Elizabeth    daughter    Kingdon      Phillipe                 Elizabeth          1604  Mar   15              
1554  Locke         Robert        son    Locke         Richard                Agnes         1604  Mar          20                        
1555  Tapp Englishe     son    Tapp John           Katherine   1605  Mar   27                                                    
1556  Gould Joan  daughter    Gould Richard                Rebecca     1605  Mar   27                                           
1557  Shatticke   Harrie         son    Shatticke   Thomas                Windefrid    1605  Apr          13                        
1558  Vicarie       Suzan         daughter    Vicarie       Christopher          Margaret          1605  Apr    25              
1559  Burgis         John  son    Burgis         Henrie                  Joan  1605  May   15                                           
1560  Burgis         Christopher son    Burgis         John           Joan  1605  Aug   11                                           
1561  Courtnie     Charles       son    Courtnie     Anthonie              Jane  1605  Aug   25                                     
1562  Saunders    Michaell     son    Saunders    John           Joan  1605  Oct    23                                           
1563  Locke         Vincent      son    Locke         John           Grace         1605  Dec   15                                     
1564  Done Wilmott      daughter    Done James                  Joan  1605  Dec   15                                           
1565  Pasmore     Philip son    Pasmore     Philipe                  Elizabeth    1605  Dec   22                                     
1566  Thorne        Katherne    daughter    Thorne        John           Agnes         1605  Dec          29                        
1567  Vicarie       Joan  base daughter                         Vicarie       Margerett   1605  Jan          25                        
1568  Locke         Joan  daughter    Locke         Phillipe                 Elizabeth    1605  Jan          29                        
1569  White Luce  daughter    White William                 Ellinor         1605  Mar   15                                           
1570  Bruer William       son    Bruer Robert                  Anstice       1605  Mar   18                                           
1571  Vicarie       Elen  base daughter                         Vicarie       Agnes         1605  Mar          20                        
1572  Penrosse    Margaret    daughter    Penrosse    Henry                   1606  Dec   7                                     
1573  Purchasse  Susanna     daughter    Purchasse  Nicholas                        1606  Dec          7                          
1574  Braye Agnes         daughter    Braye Walter                            1606  Dec   28                                           
1575  Burgis         Henrye       son    Burgis         John                     1606  Feb    1                                             
1576  Lange         Mathew      son    Lange         John                     1606  Feb    1                                             
1577  Stote Johane       daughter    Stote John                     1606  Feb    15                                                    
1578  Thorne        Anne daughter    Thorne        William                          1606  Feb    22                                     
1579  Braye Marye         daughter    Braye John                     1606  Mar   4                                                      
1580  Glasse        William       son    Glasse        Philipe                           1606  Mar   14                                     
1581  Paramoore Susanna     daughter    Paramoore Andrew                          1607  Mar          31                        
1582  Paynter      Windifrid     daughter    Paynter      Roger                   1607  Apr    2                                     
1583  Chilcoote   Richard      son    Chilcoote   Andrew                Tamzin       1607  Apr          5                          
1584  Vellicott     John  son    Vellicott     Matthew              Agnes         1607  Apr    26                                     
1585  Williams     John  son    Williams     John           Ellinor         1607  May   14                                           
1586  Shattick     Catherine   daughter    Shattick     Richard                          1607  Jun          21                        
1587  Crethrigth  William       son    Crethrigth  William                 Margaret    1607  July          21                        
1588  Davye         Joan  daughter    Davye         John                     1607  Aug   30                                           
1589  Locke         Joan  daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1607  Sep   13                                     
1590  Shaplande  Marye         daughter    Shaplande  Christopher                   1607  Sep          13                        
1591  Shattick alias Batte      Frances      daughter    Shattick alias Batte      Thomas          1607  Oct    7       
1592  Locke         John  son    Locke         Thomas                Joan  1607  Nov   1                                             
1593  Locke         Andrew       son    Locke         John           Grace         1607  Nov   8                                     
1594  Gould Susanna     daughter    Gould Richard                Rebecca     1607  Nov   22                                     
1595  Locke         William       son    Locke         John           Jane  1607  Dec   13                                           
1596  Squire         Philip son    Squire         William                 Anstys        1607  Dec   13                                     
1597  Abbote       Anstyes      daughter    Abbote       Richard                          1607  Dec          17                        
1598  Elsworthie  Englishe     son    Elsworthie  James                            1607  Jan    1                                     
1599  Vicarye       Philip son    Vicarye       Christopher                   1607  Jan    17                                           
1600  Lawdye       William       son    Lawdye       Mathew                         1607  Feb    14                                     
1601  Smyth         Elyn   daughter    Smyth         William                          1607  Feb    28                                     
1602  Cawcrome  Grace         daughter    Cawcrome  John           Agnes         1607  Mar          12                        
1603  White William       son    White William                          1608  Mar   27                                                    
1604  Gubb John  son    Gubb William                 Alice 1608  Apr    12                                                              
1605  Donne         Marye         daughter    Donne         James                  Joan  1608  May          1                          
1606  Balmand     Wilmett      daughter    Balmand     Roger                   1608  May   5                                     
1607  Shattacke  Windefride  daughter    Shattacke  Thomas                Windefride          1608  May   8                
1608  Eastmonde John  son    Eastmonde Christopher                   1608  May   24                                           
1609  Mole  Grace         daughter    Mole  John           Joan  1608  Jun    12                                                    
1610  Badge         William       son    Badge         John           Susan         1608  Jun    19                                     
1611  Charde       Michaell     son    Charde       Charles                          1608  July   3                                     
1612  Delbridge   John  son    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1608  July   19                                            
1613  Delbridge   Michaell     son    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1608  July   19                                     
1614  Thorne        Anne daughter    Thorne        Richard                          1608  Aug   28                                     
1615  Vicarie       Tamzin       daughter    Vicarie       William                 Alice 1608  Nov          1                          
1616  Squire         Marye         daughter    Squire         Roger          Mary  1608  Nov   13                                     
1617  Pasmoore   William       son    Pasmoore   Philipe                  Elizabeth    1608  Dec          26                        
1618  Stote Robert        son    Stote Hugh           Jaket 1608  Dec   26                                                              
1619  Locke         William       son    Locke         Philipe                  Elizabeth    1608  Jan          18                        
1620  Burgis         Robert        son    Burgis         Anthony               Christian    1608  Jan          30                        
1621  Locke         William       son    Locke         William                 Catherine   1608  Feb          4                          
1622  Hobbs         Jeffry son    Hobbs         Philipe                  Anne 1608  Feb    12                                           
1623  Hunte         Thomas      son    Hunte         Richard                Joan  1609  Mar   26                                     
1624  Locke         Macklinge  son    Locke         Samuel                 Richord      1609  Mar          26                        
1625  Burgis         William       son    Burgis         William                          1609  Mar   26                                     
1626  Nott  Anthonye    son    Nott  Thomas                Susan         1609  Apr    16                                           
1627  Abbote       William       son    Abbote       Richard                Joan  1609  May   21                                     
1628  Shattacke  Philip son    Shattacke  John           Joan  1609  May   28                                                    
1629  Kingdon      Joan  daughter    Kingdon      Samuell                Agnis 1609  Jun    2                                     
1630  Locke         Marye         daughter    Locke         Thomas                Joan  1609  Jun          11                        
1631  Thorne        Englishe     son    Thorne        John           Amise         1609  Jun    25                                     
1632  Purchase    Anne daughter    Purchase    Nicholas              Alice 1609  Aug   10                                     
1633  Symons      John  son    Symons      Roger          Charity       1609  Aug   13                                           
1634  Estmond     Philip son    Estmond     Christopher          Christian    1609  Sep   13                                     
1635  Thorne        Anne daughter    Thorne        William                 Emett         1609  Sep          21                        
1636  Davie Timothy      son    Davie John           Agnes         1609  Oct    1                                                      
1637  Coole Joan  daughter    Coole John           Joan  1609  Oct    1                                                                
1638  Mathew      Grace         daughter    Mathew      William                          1609  Oct          8                          
1639  Kingdon      Margaret    daughter    Kingdon      Philipe                  Wilmot          1609  Oct    10              
1640  Mole  Faith daughter    Mole  Henry                   1609  Nov   14                                                              
1641  Longe         Anne daughter    Longe         Hugh                    1609  Nov   17                                           
1642  Burgis         Anne daughter    Burgis         Henry                   1609  Nov   19                                           
1643  Shapland    Philip son    Shapland    Christopher                   1609  Dec   3                                             
1644  Burgis         Henrye       son    Burgis         John                     1609  Dec   11                                           
1645  Thorne        Marye         daughter    Thorne        William                 Joan  1609  Dec          25                        
1646  Cloge Joan  daughter    Cloge Jeffry          Amise         1609  Jan    1                                                      
1647  Williams     Grace         daughter    Williams     John                     1609  Jan    24                                     
1648  Tucker        Englishe     son    Tucker        Ralph                   1609  Jan    24                                           
1649  Hill    Rebecca     daughter    Hill    Samuel                 Mary  1609  Mar   9                                             
1650  Sticke         Marye         daughter    Sticke         William                 Margaret          1609  Mar   18              
1651  Slader         Elizabeth    daughter    Slader         Thomas                Elizabeth          1609  Mar   23              
1652  Mole  John  son    Mole  William                 Wilmott      1610  Mar   28                                                    
1653  Hancoke     Elizabeth    daughter    Hancoke     John                     1610  Apr    15                                     
1654  Vellicote    Michaell     son    Vellicote    Mathew                Agnis 1610  May   5                                     
1655  Braye Emett         daughter    Braye Walter                            1610  May   18                                           
1656  Vicarie       Philip base son                        Vicarie       Susanne     1610  Jun    6                                     
1657  Bruer Johane       daughter    Bruer Robert                  Anstice       1610  Jun    27                                     
1658  Braye Jayne         daughter    Braye John                     1610  Aug   15                                                    
1659  Gould Agnis daughter    Gould Richard                          1610  Aug   12                                                    
1660  Braye Joane         daughter    Braye John                     1610  Aug   20                                                    
1661  Shatticke   John  son    Shatticke   Robert                           1610  Sep   1                                             
1662  Charde       John  son    Charde       Charles                          1610  Sep   9                                             
1663  Locke         Anne daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1610  Sep   15                                     
1664  Delbridge   Margarett   daughter    Delbridge   Emanuell                       1610  Oct          7                          
1665  Abbote       Thomas      son    Abbote       Richarde                        1610  Dec   9                                     
1666  Hobbs         Henrye       son    Hobbs         Andrew                          1610  Dec   26                                     
1667  Lange         Marye         daughter    Lange         John                     1610  Jan    10                                     
1668  Thorne        Joahn         daughter    Thorne        William                 Eme  1610  Jan          27                        
1669  Vicarye       Michaell     son    Vicarye       Christopher                   1610  Feb    24                                     
1670  Burgis         Richard      son    Burgis         Anthony                         1611  Mar   25                                     
1671  Cawcrome  Michaell     son    Cawcrome  John                     1611  Mar   27                                           
1672  Wisman      Grace         daughter    Wisman      William                          1611  Mar          31                        
1673  Pasmoore   Elizabeth    daughter    Pasmoore   John                     1611  Apr    14                                     
1674  Locke         Robert        son    Locke         John                     1611  Apr    28                                            
1675  Eastmonde Christopher son    Eastmonde Christopher                   1611  Jun    2                                     
1676  Glasse        Gregorye    son    Glasse        Phillipe                          1611  Jun    2                                     
1677  Fraze John  son    Fraze Edward                          1611  Jun    12                                                              
1678  Fraze Thomas      son    Fraze Edward                          1611  Jun    12                                                    
1679  Blake Wilmott      daughter    Blake William                          1611  Jun    15                                           
1680  Oliver Temperance        daughter    Oliver George                          1611  Jun    23                                     
1681  Shattacke  John  son    Shattacke  Thomas                         1611  Jun    30                                           
1682  Balmand     Catheren    daughter    Balmand     Roger                   1611  July   3                                     
1683  Shapland    Siblye         base daughter                         Shapland    Grace          1611  Aug   10              
1684  Locke         Samuell      son    Locke         Samuell                         1611  Aug   11                                     
1685  Thorne        Tamosyne  daughter    Thorne        John                     1611  Aug   22                                     
1686  Whyte         Anne daughter    Whyte         William                          1611  Aug   28                                     
1687  Kingdon      Amye daughter    Kingdon      Samuell                         1611  Aug   29                                     
1688  Purchase    Nell   daughter    Purchase    Nicholas                        1611  Sep   29                                     
1689  Tape William       son    Tape William                          1611  Sep   29                                                    
1690  Bullyford    Peter son    Bullyford    Christopher                   1611  Oct    23                                           
1691  Burgis         Anne daughter    Burgis         Henrye                           1611  Oct    27                                     
1692  Locke         John  base son                        Locke         Joahn         1611  Nov   24                                     
1693  Chaunter    Elizabeth    daughter    Chaunter    Hugh                    1611  Nov   28                                     
1694  Burgis         Joan  daughter    Burgis         John                     1611  Dec   15                                           
1695  Kyngdon     William       son    Kyngdon     Phillippe                        1611  Jan    1                                     
1696  Tucker        John  son    Tucker        William                          1611  Jan    3                                             
1697           Marye         base daughter                                            1611  Jan    6                                             
1698  Lawdye       Peter son    Lawdye       Mathew                         1611  Jan    12                                           
1699  Leigh Thomas      son    Leigh Hugh                    1611  Jan    17                                                              
1700  Locke         Agnis daughter    Locke         Phillipe                          1611  Jan    19                                     
1701  Cloye Peter son    Cloye Richard                          1611  Jan    26                                                              
1702  Sticke         Syblye        daughter    Sticke         William                          1611  Feb          19                        
1703  Vicarye       Marye         daughter    Vicarye       William                          1611  Mar          22                        
1704  Cole  Anne daughter    Cole  John                     1611  Mar   22                                                              
1705  Locke         Joahn         daughter    Locke         George                          1612  Mar          29                        
1706  Warde         Elizabeth    daughter    Warde         William                          1612  Mar          31                        
1707  Lane  Thomas      son    Lane  Water                   1612  Apr    5                                                                
1708  Thorne        Thomas      son    Thorne        Christopher                   1612  Apr    22                                     
1709  Mole  Henrye       son    Mole  John                     1612  Apr    27                                                              
1710  Braye Archelles    base son                        Braye Susan         1612  May   15                                           
1711  Shapland    Grace         daughter    Shapland    Christopher                   1612  May          18                        
1712  Vicarye       Roger son    Vicarye       Christopher                   1612  May   18                                           
1713  Braye Marye         daughter    Braye Christopher                   1612  May   21                                           
1714  Velycott     Mathew      son    Velycott     Mathew                         1612  Jun    7                                     
1715  Locke         Tamosyne  daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1612  July          7                          
1716  Pasmore     Joahn         daughter    Pasmore     Phillipe                          1612  July          26                        
1717  Franclinge  William       base child                                         1612  Aug   2                                             
1718  Lange         Joahn         daughter    Lange         Christopher                   1612  Aug          6                          
1719  Thorne        Christian    daughter    Thorne        William                          1612  Aug          9                          
1720  Dunne         John  son    Dunne         James                            1612  Aug   31                                           
1721  Davye         Joahn         daughter    Davye         John                     1612  Dec   13                                     
1722  Williams     Catherine   daughter    Williams     John                     1612  `Sep  29                                     
1723  Hobbes       William       son    Hobbes       Andrew                          1612  Sep   30                                     
1724  Elsworthie  John  son    Elsworthie  James                            1612  Oct    11                                           
1725  Abbott        Catherine   daughter    Abbott        Richard                          1612  Oct          11                        
1726  Brewer       Grace         daughter    Brewer       Roberte                         1612  Oct          25                        
1727  Frase Agnes         daughter    Frase Edwarde                        1612  Nov   8                                             
1728  Thorne        Thomas      son    Thorne        John                     1612  Nov   18      of Lambscombe                
1729  Hobes         Johane       daughter    Hobes         Phillip                            1612  Nov          22                        
1730  Bullaforde  William       son    Bullaford    Christopher                   1612  Nov   30                                     
1731  Locke         Jane  daughter    Locke         John                     1612  Dec   16                                           
1732  Tapp Richard      base son                        Tapp Em    1612  Feb    2                                                      
1733  Lange         Christian    daughter    Lange         John                     1612  Mar   7                                     
1734  Parker        Edmonde    son    Parker        Edmonde                       1612  Mar   11          esquire                
1735  Abbott        Marye         daughter    Abbott        Roberte                         1612  Mar          21                        
1736  Tapp David son    Tapp William                          1612  Mar   24                                                              
1737  Carew         George       son    Carew         George                          1613  Mar   31          Esquire               
1738  Locke         Wilmott      daughter    Locke         Thomas                         1613  Apr          4                          
1739  Burgis         Thomas      son    Burgis         Anthonye                       1613  Apr    11                                     
1740  Badge         Thomas      son    Badge         John                     1613  Apr    15                                           
1741  Wisman      Margaret    daughter    Wisman      William                          1613  Jun          6                          
1742  Zeale Thomas      son    Zeale Gregorye                       1613  July   4                                                      
1743  Bampfild     Lewes         son    Bampfild     John                     1613  July   11          Esquire                         
1744  Purchase    Nicholas     son    Purchase    Nicholas                        1613  Aug   15                                     
1745  Locke         John  son    Locke         Charells                         1613  Aug   29                                           
1746  Smyth         William       son    Smyth         Thomas                         1613  Sep   12          of Molland           
1747  Locke         Anthonye    son    Locke         George                          1613  Sep   21                                     
1748  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        William                          1613  Oct    10                                           
1749  Braye Charles       son    Braye Walter                            1613  Nov   14                                                    
1750  Eames        Thomas      son    Eames        Englishe                        1613  Dec   5                                     
1751  Clogge        Thomas      son    Clogge        Richard                          1613  Dec   12                                     
1752  Stocke        Christian    base daughter                         Stocke        Joahn          1613  Dec   12              
1753  Cole  William       son    Cole  William                          1613  Dec   21                                                    
1754  Locke         Grace         daughter    Locke         John                     1613  Jan    9                                     
1755  Williams     Marye         daughter    Williams     John                     1613  Jan    23                                     
1756  Shatticke   Simon         son    Shatticke   Englishe                        1613  Jan    24                                     
1757  Hill    Grace         daughter    Hill    Samuell      `                  1613  Jan    30                                           
1758  Courtnye    Thomas      son    Courtnye    Anthonye                       1613  Feb    27                                     
1759  Locke         Peter son    Locke         Samuell                         1613  Mar   2                                             
1760  Huxstable  Wilmott      daughter    Huxstable  John                     1613  Mar   6                                     
1761  Locke         William       son    Locke         William                          1613  Mar   8                                     
1762  Burgis         John  son    Burgis         William                          1613  Mar   20                                           
1763  Tucker        Anstys        daughter    Tucker        William                          1614  Apr          3                          
1764  Kingdon      Rose daughter    Kingdon      Samuell                         1614  May   17                                     
1765  Lee    Joahn         daughter    Lee    Hugh                    1614  Jun    2                                                      
1766  Locke         John  son    Locke         Henrye                           1614  July   10                                           
1767  Tape Prisilla        daughter    Tape Michaell                         1614  July   10                                           
1768  Smyth         Hugh son    Smyth         Thomas                         1614  Aug   28                                           
1769  Thorne        Elizabeth    daughter    Thorne        Thomas                         1614  Aug          28                        
1770  Bampfild     Elizabeth    daughter    Bampfild     John                     1614  Sep   18          Esquire               
1771  Vellacott    Joahn         daughter    Vellacott    Mathew                         1614  Sep          25      \                 
1772  Bushton      John  son    Bushton      John                     1614  Sep   29                                                    
1773  Stukelye     Hugh son    Stukelye     John                     1614  Oct    9        of Twiching                                
1774  Locke         Marye         daughter    Locke         George                          1614  Oct          9                          
1775  Burgis         Anne daughter    Burgis         Anthonye                       1614  Oct    16                                     
1776  Molle Joahn         daughter    Molle John                     1614  Oct    28                                                    
1777  Warde         Thomas      son    Warde         William                          1614  Nov   1                                     
1778  Chaunter    John  son    Chaunter    Hugh                    1614  Nov   6                                                      
1779  Hobbs         Thomas      son    Hobbs         Henrye                           1614  Nov   8                                     
1780  Vicarye alias Sanacott  Susanna     daughter    Vicarye alias Sanacott  William          1614  Nov   20     
1781  Thorne        John  son    Thorne        Christopher                   1614  Jan    1                                             
1782  Blake Richarde    son    Blake William                          1614  Jan    15                                                    
1783  Shapton      Elizabeth    daughter    Shapton      William                 Joahn          1614  Mar   19              
1784  Hobbs         Tamzyn       daughter    Hobbs         Phillip                            1615  Apr          2                          
1785  Hobbs         John  son    Hobbs         Andrew                          1615  Apr    16                                           
1786  Kingdon      Grace         daughter    Kingdon      Phillipe                          1615  Apr          19                        
1787  Abbott        John  son    Abbott        Richard                          1615  Apr    23                                           
1788  Cole  Jane  daughter    Cole  John                     1615  Apr    23                                                              
1789  Troute        Sara  daughter    Troute        Thomas                         1615  May   21                                     
1790  Shapland    Marye         daughter    Shapland    John                     1615  Jun    18                                     
1791  Elsworthie  Michaell     son    Elsworthie  James                            1615  July   9                                     
1792  Clotworthie Agnes         base daughter     Clotworthie John                     1615  Aug          1                          
1793  Thorne        Gownett     daughter    Thorne        William                          1615  Sep          3        In Towne   
1794  Burgis         Luce  daughter    Burgis         John                     1615  Sep   5                                             
1795  Williams     John  son    Williams     Anthonye                       1615  Sep   8                                             
1796  Locke         Roger son    Locke         Charlls                           1615  Sep   17                                           
1797  Bullaforde  Ibbott         daughter    Bullaford    Christopher                   1615  Sep          17                        
1798  Smyth         Rebecca     daughter    Smyth         Thomas                         1615  Oct          7                          
1799  Davye         Wilmott      daughter    Davye         John                     1615  Oct    8                                             
Any material which you may wish to submit for the next issue of the newsletter (1st of June 2018) concerning the Pincombe/Pinkham family needs to be submitted by the 20th of May 2018 and can be sent to:
Elizabeth Kipp (Editor)

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