Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Family Story

Working on Martha Blake (daughter of John Blake and Ann Farmer). She married Robert Annetts 15th of May 1852 and they had eleven children. Working on the number of grandchildren and I have reached 32 but not quite complete. I am photographing the various records on the fiche that I have and then referencing them so quite a bit of work ahead of me on this particular chapter.

I am curious to do a total count of the number of great grandchildren and great great grandchildren for John and Ann Blake. Their descendants are found all around the globe from England to Canada and to the United States; from England to South Africa; from England to Australia and from England to New Zealand. Their descendants are going to be in the hundreds or perhaps even as much as a thousand.

I also tested myself a second time at Ancestry. I want to use the second test as a mirror test on private family trees just to verify the work as I move along. I also hope to figure out my new second and third cousins at Ancestry. For the most part I believe I know all of my second cousins (I do not have any first cousins) but I am not aware of all of my third cousins that is for sure!

I have over 600 emails with all the busyness of the past year so need to work to clear them. Mostly I have responded to all emails direct to me concerning any projects or asking for particular information. But there are some that I warned it would be a while before I would respond!

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