Sunday, July 8, 2018

Genealogy Meet-Up

We had a fun time at the Genealogy Meet-Up. A few people that I have not seen for quite a while and some faces that I see more often. Great chats on genealogy. Interesting chats on daily events.

I always find that talking to people stirs a memory or inspires a new thought. People do their research in so many different ways. I can finally see the method that I have moved towards with my genealogy. It was elusive for a while. But I have a central theme - writing up my family and I am at the 2x great grandparents level - and the DNA does occupy me as that is the bonus of this latest research tool. But as one of the members of the group mentioned we still have to do the paper work for the proof of the lines - the DNA is the icing on the cake for proving these lines. I check most days on the DNA and work with DNA Painter and it has become my new go-to tool for looking at matches. But primarily I am busy writing up my ancestors descendants. I have really taken this to a new level as I try to follow every line forward to the present. Obviously I am thinking of DNA matches being easier to look at but none the less my reasons for getting into genealogy in the first place back in 2003 still remain in place. I can see now that my principal reason for doing this is my mother wanting to have it done and in the 1970s/1980s she simply was not able to find the type of material that I can find now with the internet and traveling to various archives.

Ed and I shared a dish of hummus with toasted thin bread and water. The others had different items. I think we all enjoyed the couple of hours at the beach discussing our favourite hobby!

Thank you to John Reed for his organizing this yearly event. 

1 comment:

  1. It was good to see you and Ed at the meetup Elizabeth. I've only casually looked at DNA Painter but an email from Linda Reid, who is speaking at the BIFHSGO conference, has encouraged me to set aside some time. I have a priority at present which is my presentation at the Secret Lives conference in Hinckley, Leicestershire, at the end of August — and or course always the blog — and nudging LAC on newspaper digitization.
