Saturday, June 30, 2018

Blake Newsletter - Volume 7, Issue 3, 2018

 Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.   Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
2.   Blake Surname Study - Progress
3.   Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA
4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers

1.   Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset. This is a recent addition to their website:

The Blake Museum has given me permission to put these charts in the newsletter so I will continue with looking at them individually. Part 1 was shown in Volume 6, Issue 4, 2017 of the Blake Newsletter. This Issue will have the image named as Part 4.

*Used with permission
Part 4 of the chart includes the line of Joseph Blake who eventually became the Royal Governor of the Province of Carolina in the American Colonies. Part of this line shows on Part 3 of the Chart with the ancestors of Joseph Blake being Benjamin Blake and Elizabeth (Wilson) Blake. Benjamin was the 10th son of Humphrey Blake and Sarah (Williams) Blake (the eldest son of this couple was Robert Blake, Lord High Admiral of the British Navy during the Commonwealth period). The parents of Humphrey Blake were Robert Blake and Margaret (Symonds) Blake. One more generation back in the Blake line leads to Humphrey Blake and his wife Ann (unknown). This was the Humphrey Blake known to have lived at Overstowey Somerset and who left his will dated 19 Nov 1558 and was buried 28 Dec 1558 at Overstowey. The YDNA study has not yet had anyone with a paper trail able to trace back to Joseph Blake. Such an individual would help to prove that the William Blake line of Boston descends from Humphrey Blake and Sarah (Williams) Blake.

I have an interesting relationship with this Blake family as Nicholas Blake (a brother to Benjamin mentioned above) married Joan Question (she was a sister to Augustine Question my 9x great grandfather). In Part 1 of this same chart, one finds the parents of Benjamin and Nicholas listed as Robert Blake and Margaret (Symonds) Blake. The parents of Robert Blake are named as Humphrey Blake and Anne (unknown). The father of Humphrey is named as John Blaque, his father Robert Blake of Calne, his parents Robert Blake and Avice () (Malwyn) Blake and the continuance back matches the known Blake pedigree held at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office as well as the College of Arms in London, UK. The original document would be interesting to find. This particular document appears to be created after the Pedigree Chart at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office although interestingly enough this chart names Avice as the daughter of John Wallop of Farley. One is left to surmise that an original chart predating both of these charts was used by the creators of the extant charts.

Part 4 has an extensive list for the Jarman family and this is an interesting addition to this Blake Chart. Two Jarman sisters married the Reverend William Blake in May 1808 at Crewkerne Somerset. This William was the son of the Reverend William Blake and Hannah (Downing) Blake; and this William the son of William Blake and Jane A’Court. Continuing back this latter William was the son of the Reverend Malachi Blake (married to Mary Mico) and his father was John Blake married to Mary Wilkins. Again continuing back John was the son of John Blake and Elizabeth unknown. The father of this John was William Blake married to Anne and back once again to John (the elder) Blake married to Johan. The father of this John was Humphrey Blake married to Agnis. This Humphrey Blake left his will dated 19 Nov 1558 and was buried 28 Dec 1558 at Overstowey. This of course continues backward as above to Robert Blake and Avice (Malwyn) Blake. A descendant of this Blake line found in Somerset and later Dorset would presumably match with the Blake line at Calne if a tester ever emerges with a paper trail back to the Calne Blake family.

There is also information on the Downing family (Hannah Downing married the Reverend William Blake) in Part 4 of this chart.

This is simply a reproduction of material from the Blake Museum. Thank you to the Museum for permitting the republication of their chart to this Blake Newsletter.

2.   Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. In 2011 I became the researcher for the Blake-one-name Study at the Guild. There was already a pre-existing yDNA project run by Bill Bleak and he continues as the main administrator of the project. There are 168 members in the entire Blake DNA project with 95 members having yDNA results. Of these 81 have completed 25 markers, 78 have completed 37 markers, 53 have completed 67 markers and 26 have completed 111 markers. Fourteen members have completed Big Y. Fifty six members have completed Family Finder. Earlier newsletters have mentioned that the Blake surname has arisen spontaneously in several areas in England and the yDNA results point to the truth of that comment.

I decided to do a Big Y on my Blake line at Andover, Hampshire, England using my brother’s yDNA. The result was as expected in terms of the final grouping of I-S2742. But the interesting part of all this can be found in the summary made by the individuals who manage the I-P37 project:  “This S2742 result is interesting because there are another eight SNP which were considered as philoequivalent to S2472. Your Big Y result proved that at least four of them are more downstream because you have negative results for these SNPs.”

Of note, we continue to have no matches in any database. I had decided to test our yDNA line because it ends with my brothers (none of them have a son and all are likely beyond the age of fatherhood (one is deceased)) and my father was an only child and the only male grandson for Edward Blake of Upper Clatford. Going back one more generation to John Blake (married to Ann Farmer) there are male descendants but thus far (to my knowledge) none of them have tested plus the losses in this family due to the Boer Wars, World War I and World War II had an impact on male descendants. In the 1700s there were three only sons in a row and the father of John mentioned above Thomas Blake (married to Sarah Coleman) had one brother but to date no descendants have been located for this brother William Blake of Andover. Thomas lived at Upper Clatford, Hampshire, England. Finding a match from the early 1700s would be interesting for this line and there were a number of male lines in the generation preceding the three only children.   

The next newsletter I will attempt to once again look at the various groups although I intend to ultimately change the way that we look at these groups by putting more emphasis on the SNPs rather than alleles. If you wish to be involved then you would need to give me permission to look at your results and this is done by going to Manage Personal Information and choose Project Preferences. Go to the Blake Project and Select Edit. We are all listed and the default is Group Project Access Only. You would need to Grant Limited Access Only for me to look at your results.
The task of managing these groups is large and I will gradually work away at converting them to the new standard of placing individuals by their deep haplogroup testing. I would recommend that all members join the relevant haplogroup project to learn more about your haplogroup.

3.   Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.
4.   Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers (Baptisms – set 2)
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the burials for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for burials begin in 1586 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.
Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.
Number Surname   Forename status        Fathers surname         Fathers forename       Mothers surname        Mothers forename      Year Month        Day     Year Month        Day   Details
300        Palmer       Margret     daughter   Palmer       William                     1593 December 16                                 
301        Childe        William       son   Childe        William                          1593     December 26                                 
302        Springe      Christour   son   Springe      John                    1593     December 31                                 
303        Baricke      Joyce        daughter   Baricke      John                    1593     January     1                                   
304        Benwell     William       son   Benwell     William                          1593     January     5                                   
305        Douce        Christian   daughter   Douce        Thomas                    1593 January     23                                 
306        Baker         Christian   daughter   Baker         Thomas                    1593 January     26                                 
307        Hewce       William       son   Hewce       Daniell                          1593     February   3                                   
308        Drue Joan daughter   Drue Roberd                          1593 February   3                                 
309        Heaiers      Joan daughter   Heaiers      Ritchard                       1593     February   6                                   
310        Sommers   John son   Sommers   Henry                            1593 February     13                                 
311        Frances     Dority         daughter   Frances     Christour                  1593 February   24                                 
312        Watridge   Margery     daughter   Watridge   Ritchard                   1593 February   24                                 
313        ….lye Dority         daughter   …..lye         Roberd                          1593     February   27                                 
314        ..g.eed       Elizabeth   daughter   ..g.eed       Artur                    1594     April  3                                   
315        Giliance     Edward      son   Giliance     Christour                      1594     April  7                                   
316        Meales       Robard       son   Meales       John                    1594 April  10                                 
317        Arlat                    Arlat Gorge                            1594 April  13                            
318        Southe                daughter   Southe       Thomas                        1594     April  13                                 
319        Sakens      ….dlyn        daughter   Sakens      Gordge                     1594 April  14                                 
320        Toms                   son   Toms         John                    1594 April  14                            
321        Drewe                  daughter   Drewe        Roberd                          1594     April  17                                 
322        Dawby                 son   Dawby       John                    1594 April  25                            
323        Dawten               daughter   Dawten      Peter                   1594 April  28                                 
324        Lawrance  Roberd       son   Lawrance  John                    1594 May  9                                 
325        Spainwell  William       son   Spainwell  William                          1594 May     31                                 
326        Diens         Alce  daughter   Diens         William                          1594     June 8                                   
327        Davies       Marye        daughter   Davies       Thomas                    1594 June 9                                   
328        Bassate     Elizabeth   daughter   Bassate     Ritchard                   1594 June 10                                 
329        Lonegrone Joan daughter   Lonegrone Edward                         1594     June 21                                 
330        Hibard        .inifred       daughter   Hibard        Christour                  1594 June 24                                 
331        Swetapell  …….h          daughter   Swetapell  James                      1594 July  12                                 
332        Mean ….nk son   Mean Gorge                            1594 July  27                            
333        Poor ….es son   Poor James                           1594 August       4                              
334        Elderwill    .hristour    son   Elderwill    Thomas                        1594     August       4                                   
335        Arter Ritchard    son   Arter John                    1594 August       4                              
336        Whellar      .ohn  son   Whellar      Ssteven                        1594 August     11                                 
337        Hibard        .lce   daughter   Hibard        Christour                      1594     August       14                                 
338        Frances     Thomas     son   Frances     William                          1594     August       17                                 
339        James       …ne  son   James       John                    1594 August       25                                 
340        Sotten       ..ard  son   Sotten       Thomas                        1594 August     25                                 
341        Philipson   Alce  daughter   Philipson   Alexander                    1594     August       25                                 
342        Parr  …sbeat      son   Parr  Water                            1594 September 1                                 
343        Burfeilde   …eth daughter   Burfeilde                                1594     September 1                                   
344        Burger       Elizabeth   daughter   Burger       Roger                       1594 September 4                                   
345        Samuell     Roberd       son   Samuell     Peter                   1594     September 8                                   
346        Browen               daughter   Browen      Thomas                        1594     September 15                                 
347        Hinxman    thomas      son   Hinxman    William                          1594     October     26                                 
348        Jarves       Dav:  son   Jarves       William                          1594 October     28                                 
349        Wanon       ….b:  bastard      Wanon       William                          1594     November 3                                   
350        Goddard    Eliner         daughter   Goddard    William                     1594 November 17                                 
351        Blake         ….e   son   Blake         John                    1594 November 23                                 
352        Foster                 daughter   Foster        John                    1594     December 8                                   
353        Dance        Thomas     son   Dance        John                    1594     December 15                                 
354        Mansaket  Thomas     son   Mansaket  Thomas                        1594     December 15                                 
355        Antram      Ellis  son   Antram      Thomas                        1594     December                                       
356        Fife..h        Ritchard    son   Fife..h        Gorg:                   1594 January     5                                   
357        Byel  Amy  daughter   Byel  Josias                           1594 January     5                                 
358        Finckley    Joan daughter   Finckley    Gregory                        1594     January     12                                 
359        Hopkins     Jane daughter   Hopkins     Epherim                        1594     January     25                                 
360        Da…n         Wilmet       daughter   Da…n         A..aing                      1594 February                                         
361        Habgood   Jesparnts son   Habgood   Thomas                        1594     February   9                                   
362        Reding       Elizabeth   daughter   Reding       James                      1594 February   13                                 
363        Tu.ner        Alce  daughter   Tu.ner        Harry                             1594     February   16                                 
364        Drewe        Elnir  daughter   Drewe        Roberd                          1594     February   16                                 
365        Tredgulde Agnis         daughter   Tredgulde Thomas                    1594 February   16                                 
366        Bunye or Walron Marye        daughter   Bunye or Walron Steven                     1594 February   24                                 
367        Hunt Peter son   Hunt John                    1594 March        23                            
368        Gillat Marye        daughter   Gillat Symond                        1594 March     23                                 
369        Pryvol        Joyce        daughter   Pryvol        Thomas                    1595 March        25                                 
371        Jaks Abygaell    daughter   Jaks Roberd                          1595 March     25                                 
372        Crosse       William       son   Crosse       Haraye                          1595     March        25                                 
373        Smith         Ritchard    son   Smith         Goridge                         1595     March        25                                 
374        Hinxman    John son   Hinxman    Edward                         1595 March     29                                 
375        Boldnat      Marye        daughter   Boldnat      William                     1595 April  11                                 
376        Digwed      Marye        daughter   Digwed      Arter                    1595     April  12                                 
377        Basston     An     daughter   Basston     John                    1595 April  28                                 
378        Copper       Elnore        daughter   Copper       John                    1595 May     4                                   
379        Thidman    Joan daughter   Thidman    Peter                   1595 May  9                                 
380        Thidman    Joan daughter   Thidman    Peter                   1595 May  9                                 
381        Wayet        Elizabeth   daughter   Wayet        Water                       1595 June 24                                 
382        Hackar      Edward      son   Hackar      Rainould                       1595     July  2                                   
383        Poor Allce daughter   Poor James                           1595 July  13                            
384        Pins.ld       Ritchard    son   Pins.ld       Ritchard                       1595     July                                        
385        Elton Nycolas     son   Elton Roberd                          1595 July  22                            
386        H…..  Mary daughter   H….   Roberd                          1595                                           
387        H…    Marye        daughter   H.      John                    1595                                           
388        Poop …n    daughter   ….n   Ritchard                       1595 August       10                                 
389        Wayet        William       son   Wayet        Silvister                        1595     August       12                                 
390        Dudman     .lce   daughter   Dudman     Barnaby                        1595     August       20                                 
390        Palmer       Elnor daughter   Palmer       Nycolas                        1595     August       25                                 
391        Carellment          Peter son   Carellment          William                     1595 August       30                                 
392        Moringe     Joyce        daughter   Moringe     Edward                    1595 August       30               Edward the younger
393                 Marye                                                        1595 September 7                               bastard
394        Westcomb Walter        son   Westcomb Christour                      1595     September 10                                 
395        Douce        Dorytie       daughter   Douce        William                     1595 September 13                                 
396        Monday     Ritchard    son   Monday     Ritchard                       1595     September 20                                 
397        Alford         Edward      son   Alford         Edward                         1595     September 27                                 
398        Noyce        Mikell         son   Noyce        Peter                   1595 October     2                                   
399        James       …l.e  son   James       Thomas                        1595 October     3                                   
400        Motsomne Elizabeth   daughter   Motsomne James                      1595 October     3                                   
401        Pitfall         Agn.. daughter   Pitfall         Christour                      1595     October     10                                 
402        Goulding    Roberd       son   Goulding    John                    1595 October     12                                 
403        Heliar         John son   Heliar         John                    1595 October     25                                 
404        Swetapell  Catheren   daughter   Swetapell  James                      1595 November 9                                   
405        Hide  Annes        daughter   Hide  Harrye                           1595     November 14                                 
406        Philips       Nicolas      son   Philips       Allixander                     1595     November 15                                 
407        Hibberd     Christour   son   Hibberd     Christour                      1595     November 26                                 
408        Mandrell    Ritchard    son   Mandrell    Jarives                         1595     December 2                                   
409        Figas William       son   Figas John                    1595 December 13                            
410        Weste        ….t..  son   Weste        John                    1595 January     21                                 
411        Mainsacke …g..  daughter   Mainsacke Thomas                        1595     January     21                                 
412        Hurst          Edmon       son   Hurst          John                    1595 February     22                                 
413        Stronge     Christour   son   Stronge     John                    1595 February     25                                 
414        Croswell    ….e   daughter   Croswell    John                    1595 March     1                                   
415        Pilgrem            daughter   Pilgrem      Ritchard                       1595     March        2                                   
416        Eayers       ..        daughter   Eayers       Ritchard                       1595     March        7                                   
417        Couldewell         Marye        daughter   Couldewell         Thomas                   1595 March                                              
418        Wodman    Mary daughter   Wodman    William                          1595     March                                              
419        Peasly       …          daughter   Peasly       Roberd                     1595 March        14                                 
420        Moodye     William       son   Moodye     William                          1595     March        19                                 
421        Antrem      Marye        daughter   Antrem      Thomas                    1595 March        19                                 
422        Fullar         Steven       son   Fullar         Roberd                          1596     March        30                                 
423        Barnard     Barnard     son   Barnard     Nicolas                         1596     March        30                                 
424        Godscrosse        Helin daughter   Godscrosse        Henry                       1596 March        31                                 
425        Robinson   William       son   Robinson   John                    1596 April  27                                 
426        Burlld         Joane        daughter   Burlld         Harrye                      1596 April  27                                 
427        Jarves       Dorytie       daughter   Jarves       Ritchard                   1596 May  2                                   
428        Smith         Steven       son   Smith         Gordge                          1596 May     9                                   
429        Noyce        Thomas     son   Noyce        Thomas                        1596 May     9                                   
430        Spirnge      Ritchard    son   Spirnge      John                    1596 May  22                                 
431        Gilian         Thomas     son   Gilian         Christour                      1596 May     22                                 
432        Arnalle       Jone daughter   Arnalle       John                    1596 May  30                                 
433        Warnar       John son   Warnar       John                    1596 May  17                            
434        Gilians       William       son   Gilians       Ezekell                          1596     June 20                                 
435        Wright        Annes        daughter   Wright        John                    1596     June 20                                 
436        Fisher        Joyce        daughter   Fisher        John                    1596     June 20                                 
437        Goulde       William       son   Goulde       William                          1596     June 27                                 
438        Toms         Annes        daughter   Toms         John                    1596     June 29                                 
439        Barick        Thomas     son   Barick        John                    1596 July  7                                 
440        Barick        Nicolas      son   Barick        John                    1596 July  7                                 
441        Blake         Peter son   Blake         Ritchard                       1596 July  25                                 
442        Mountain   John son   Mountain   Ritchard                       1596 July  28                                 
443        Arlate         Marye        daughter   Arlate         Gordge                     1596 August       8                                   
444        Carrellman          Thomas     son   Carrellman          William                     1596 August       22                                 
445        Blake         John son   Blake         John                    1596 August       24                                  of Pewsie
446        Alred Harye         son   Alred Nicolas                         1596 September 4                                 
447        Parr  Alce  daughter   Parr                               1596 September 12                            
448        Howman    William       son   Howman    Barnard                        1596     September 12                                 
449        Grantam    Joan daughter   Grantam    Rinould                         1596     September 17                                 
450        Swetappell         Antonye     son   Swetappell         James                      1596 September 21                                 
451        Swetappell         Margret     daughter   Swetappell         Thomas                   1596 September 21                                 
452        Copper       Antony       son   Copper       William                          1596     September 21                                 
453        Croutch     Roberd       son   Croutch     Harye                            1596     October     9                                   
454        Turnar       Elizabeth   daughter   Turnar       John                    1596     October     9                           twins
455        Turnar       Eller  daughter   Turnar       John                    1596 October     9                                    twins
456        T…    Anies         daughter   T…..  John                    1596 October     15                                 
457        Blake         Joan daughter   Blake         John                    1596 October     17                                 
458        Frye           daughter   Frye  John                    1596 October     20                            
459        Haiers        …an  daughter   Haiers        Roberd                          1596     November 7                                   
460        Child Edward      son   Child William                          1596 November 15                                 
461        Chandlar   William       son   Chandlar   John                    1596     November 20                                 
462        Chube        John son   Chube        Warnar                          1596     November 20                                 
463        Mathew     Ritchard    son   Mathew     Ritchard                       1596     November 28                                 
464        Watredge  Water         son   Watredge  Ritchard                       1596     November 28                                 
465        Harfard      John son   Harfard      Ritchard                       1596                                           
466        Swetapell  Edmond     son   Swetapell  Edmond                        1596     December 3                                   
467        Newell       Joan daughter   Newell       Hewe                            1596     December 3                                   
468        Bovter        Lenord       son   Bovter        Lenord                          1596     December 5                                   
469        Joanes      William       son   Joanes      John                    1596     December 5                                   
470        Wigmore    Thomas     son   Wigmore    Thomas                        1596     December 8                                   
471        Reves        William       son   Reves        Nicolas                         1596     December 8                                   
472        Mills  Elizabeth   daughter   Mills  Ritchard                       1596 January     2                                   
473        Leatch       ….     daughter   Leatch       Nicolas                         1596     January     2                                   
474        Diapar                 bastard daughter                           Diapar        Joan     1596 January     8                                   
475        Biell  …..    daughter   Biell  Josias                           1596 January     16                                 
476        Frances     Do…. daughter   Frances     William                          1596     January     30                                 
477        Mainsack  Christour   son   Mainsack  Thomas                        1596     February   2                                   
478        Finckly      Alce  daughter   Finckly      Griggory                       1596     February   6                                   
479        Allford        Alce  daughter   Allford        Ritchard                       1596     February   11                                 
480        Barns         John son   Barns         John                    1596 February   12                                 
481        Allen Ritchard    son   Allen Simon                           1596 February   19                                 
482        Faiermare Alce  daughter   Faiermare Thomas                        1596     February   19                                 
483        Dalton        Thomas     son   Dalton        Peter                   1596 February     20                                 
484        Douce        William       son   Douce        William                          1596     February   20                                 
485        Baverstocke      Bartholmewe     son   Baverstocke      Nicolas                    1596 February   20                                 
486        Baverstocke      Elizabeth   daughter   Baverstocke      Nicolas                    1596 February   20                                 
487        Weste        …tie  daughter   Weste        John                    1596 February     24                                 
488        Smith         William       son   Smith         Roberd                          1596     February   27                                 
489        Isern Margret     daughter   Isern Thomas                        1596 February     27                                 
490                 Marye        daughter             John                    1596 March        6                                 
491        Jarves       William       son   Jarves       Benjamin                      1596     March        11                                 
492        Inwood            daughter   Inwood      Ritchard                       1596     March        13                                 
493        Sullerd       ….ret daughter   Sullerd       Thomas                        1597     April  2                                   
494        Braye                   son   Braye         John                    1597 April  6                              
495        Gydinges            daughter   Gydinges   Thomas                        1597     April  17                                 
496        Jackes                daughter   Jackes      Ritchard                       1597     April  17                                 
497        Whellar      Margret     daughter   Whellar      Steven                     1597 June 17                                 
498        Gardnar     Marye        daughter   Gardnar     Thomas                    1597 June 29                                 
499        Butlar         Ann   daughter   Butlar         William                          1597     July  3                                   
500        Douce        Mary daughter   Douce        John                    1597 July  27                                 
501        Samuell     William       son   Samuell     Peter                   1597 July  30                                 
502        Cornelious Jesper       son   Cornelious Christour                      1597     July  30                                 
503        Drewe        Ritchard    son   Drewe        Roberd                          1597     July  30                                 
504        Hibard        Fayerned   daughter   Hibard        Christour                  1597 July  30                                 
505        Smith         Thomas     son   Smith         Humphrye                    1597     August       6                                   
506        Morringe    Edward      son   Morringe    Edward                         1597     August       7                                   
507        Basten       Joan daughter   Basten       John                    1597 August     10                                 
508        Hacker      Elizabeth   daughter   Hacker      Rainould                  1597 August       12                                 
509        Frances     Water         son   Frances     Christour                      1597     August       28                                 
510        Noyce        William       son   Noyce        Peter                   1597     September 2                                   
511        James       William       son   James       William                          1597     September 2                                   
512        Benwell     Thomas     son   Benwell     William                          1597     September 2                                   
513        Goddard    William       son   Goddard    William                          1597     October     16                                 
514        Hopkins     Barnard     son   Hopkins     Epharim                        1597     October     16                                 
515                 William       son                                          1597 November 19                            
516        Waite         Mary daughter   Waite         Sillvester                      1597     November 24                                 
517        Copper       Mary daughter   Copper       William                          1597     November 26                                 
518        Heariers    William       son   Heariers    William                          1597     November 4                                   
519        Alford         John son   Alford         Edward                         1597     December 12                                 
520        Jarves       Barnard     son   Jarves       William                          1597     December 18                                 
521        Baudbo…   Ritchard    son   Baudbo…   Ritchard                       1597     December 18                                 
522        Baudbo…   Allixandar son   Baudbo…   Ritchard                       1597     December 18                                 
523        Crosse       Sarah         daughter   Crosse       Harye                       1597 December 18                                 
524        Hurst          Elizabeth   daughter   Hurst          John                    1597     December 20                                 
525        Gloin Thomas     son   Gloin William                          1597 January     15                                 
526        Westcom   Christour   son   Westcom   Christour                      1597     January     16                                 
527        James       Joan daughter   James       Thomas                        1597     January                                          
528        Tapnere    Ritchard    son   Tapnere    Ritchard                       1597     January                                          
529        T…    Doryethy   daughter   T…    Allexander                   1597 February                                          
530        James       William       son   James       Ritchard                       1597     March        8                                   
531        T…..r John son   T…..r Harye                            1597 March        17                            
532        ….ard         Margret     daughter   ….ard         Nicolas                     1597 March                                              
533        Spanwell   Doritie        daughter   Spanwell   William                     1598 March        26                                 
534        Pitfall         Alce  daughter   Pitfall         John                    1598 April  7                                 
535        Monday     Mathewe   son   Monday     Edward                         1598     April  14                                 
536        Warnar       Alce  daughter   Warnar       John                    1598 April  27                                 
537        Toms         Doritie        daughter   Toms         John                    1598 May     20                                 
538        West Steven       son   West John                    1598 June 12                            
539        Arlate         John son   Arlate         Gordge                          1598 June 18                                 
540        West Nicolas      son   West John                    1598 June 19                            
541        Hinxman    William       son   Hinxman    William                          1598     September 8                                   
542        Samuell     Marye        daughter   Samuell     Peter                   1598     September 16                                 
543        Manning    thomas      son   Manning    Steven                          1598     September 17                                 
544        Bride Annes        daughter   Bride Richard                         1598     September 27                                 
545        Cornelious Henrye       son   Cornelious Henrye                          1598     September 30                                 
546        Hunt Joan daughter   Hunt John                    1598 October     27                            
547        Swetapell  Margret     daughter   Swetapell  William                     1598 October     28                                 
548        Millence    Nicolas      son   Millence    Thomas                        1598     October     19                                 
549        Tredgould Nicolas      son   Tredgould Thomas                        1598     November 1                                   
550        Swetapell  Roberd       stepson     Swetapell  James                      1598 November 15                                 
551        Millence    Nicolas      son   Millence    Nicolas                         1598     November 19                                 
552        Tomkins    John son   Tomkins    John                    1598 December 11                                 
553        Pilgrim       Margery     daughter   Pilgrim       Ritchard                   1598 December 14                                 
554        Blake         Augustine son   Blake         John                    1598     December 19                                 
555        Benat         Thomas     bastard son                           Benat              1598 December 24                                 
556        Ho….g..      Mary daughter   Ho…g..       Harye                            1598     January     11                                 
557        Wiait Barnard     son   Wiait Silvester                       1598 January     14                                 
558        Aires Henrye       son   Aires Ritchard                       1598 January     18                                 
559        Foster        .ohn  son   Foster        John                    1598 February   4                                 
560        Gouldinge Margret     daughter   Gouldinge John                    1598     February   4                                   
561        Bairick       ..ward        son   Bairick       John                    1598 February     5                                   
562        Writ   Elizabeth   daughter   Writ   John                    1598 February   11                                 
563        Crosswell  ..l..     daughter   Crosswell  John                    1598 February     18                                 
564        Freemantell        William       son   Freemantell        Richard                    1598 February   20                                 
565        Blake                   son   Blake         Ritchard                       1598 February     21                                 
566        Scollard     Gordge      son   Scollard     John                    1598 February     22                                 
567        Lavington  Margret     daughter   Lavington  Richard                    1598 March        7                                   
568        Hopgood   Thomas     son   Hopgood   Thomas                        1598     March        11                                 
569        Turner       Elizabeth   daughter   Turner       John                    1598     March        23                                 
570        Joanes      Mary daughter   Joanes      William                          1599     March        31                                 
571        Biell  Josias        son   Biell  Josias                           1599 May  10                            
572        Swetapelle         Marye        daughter   Swetapelle         Edward                    1599 June 11                                 
573        Catch         William       son   Catch         William                          1599     June 20                                 
574        Catch         Joan daughter   Catch         William                          1599     June 20                                 
575        Goddard    Thomas     son   Goddard    William                          1599     June 24                                 
576        Gillians      Agnies       daughter   Gillians      Christour                  1599 June 30                                 
577        Gillians      Elizabeth   daughter   Gillians      Christour                  1599 June 30                                 
578        Jackes      Roberd       son   Jackes      Roberd                          1599     July  1                                   
579        Stanmers  Thomas     bastard son                           Stanmers       1599 July  1                                   
580        West Cathern     daughter   West John                    1599 August       3                                 
581        Wiliams      Edmond     son   Wiliams      Thomas                        1599     August       10                                 
582        Androws    William       son   Androws    William                          1599     August       17                                 
582        Wright        John son   Wright        John                    1599 August       19                                 
584        Mandrell    Joan daughter   Mandrell    Jarves                          1599     August       26                                 
585        Smith         Alce  daughter   Smith         Roberd                          1599     August       31                                 
586        Cornelious Auries        daughter   Cornelious Christour                  1599 September 2                                   
587        Robinson   John son   Robinson   John                    1599 September 5                                 
588        Mainsacke William       son   Mainsacke Thomas                        1599     September 10                                 
589        Wodman    Abigaell     daughter   Wodman    Henrye                     1599 September 10                                 
590        Elies Annes        daughter   Elies Antonie                         1599     September 12                                 
591        Aldred        Hester       daughter   Aldred        Nicolas                     1599 September 15                                 
592        Mountain   Alce  daughter   Mountain   Ritchard                       1599     September 16                                 
593        Miells         Frances     daughter   Miells         Ritchard                   1599 September 16                                 
594        Biles Margerry   daughter   Biles Ritchard                       1599     September 19                                 
595        Westcom   Ellnor         daughter   Westcom   Christour                  1599 September 23                                 
596        Gilians       Dorkas       daughter   Gilians       Cristour                    1599 September 26                                 
597        Hatchat     Agnies       daughter   Hatchat     Wiliam                      1599 September                                     
598        Hurst          Sibbell       daughter   Hurst          Thomas                    1599 October     7                                   

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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