Monday, August 6, 2018

Deja Vu

Oh my, an email from a Pincombe researcher in Australia reminded me of that dreadful episode I went through with an author over a member of the Pincombe family there. She wanted to use my 2x great grandfather's picture on a book about a particular William Pincombe there. The story that goes with that is very long but the very subject matter of the book was quite hideous and unacceptable to me. A few emails later and her probably false statement that a member of that family asked her to write that book talking about the individual mental illness (I am not convinced that he was in the least bit mentally ill) because she was suffering from mental illness was just too far fetched. I refused access to the image although it is freely available on the internet as I wanted to share it but fortunately most publishers require a written release from the person who has published the image which is me for 50 years after my death (the copyright rule generally considered to be accepted). There aren't many pictures of the Pincombe family going back into the early 1800s for a birth date (my 2x great grandfather was born in 1808 and lived to 1892).

I had visions of deja vu when I read the email as the individual was questioning why I did not have any information on the Pincombe family in Australia on my Guild website. I must admit I have not added one thing since that affair. I should go into it and do some additions but also suggested that I would need information if they wished to be part of it.

Some how I had to repeat my assertion that such a book was a disgusting idea. I can not believe that a member of a family would do such a thing or give such a permission to an author. Being aware of all the details I still could see no justification for writing such a story using people's actual names.

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