Wednesday, August 8, 2018

H11 Newsletter, Volume 2 Issue 3

H11 Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.   FT DNA Project
2.   Project Statistics
3.   Phylotree
4.   Changes in how a project administrator can view your results

1.   FT DNA Project:

There are now 303 members in our H11 project. Full sequence results are completed on 264 members of the group. Interestingly 212 members of this group have also done Family Finder. Unfortunately it is not possible to visually look at the Family Finder results as that would compromise the privacy of individuals. However, you can look at your matches in Family Finder. 

2.   Project Statistics (yDNA statistics removed):

Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups
Family Finder
Genographic 2.0 Transfers
Maternal Ancestor Information
mtDNA Full Sequence
mtDNA Plus
mtDNA Subgroups
Total Members
Unreturned Kits

3.   The latest release of the phylotree used by FT DNA was dated 18 Feb 2016:


H11 breakdown in the PhyloTree mt:

Within the study group we have members in every sub-haplogroup except H11a5 (and it can be seen in the chart above that the mutation C15040T marks this subgrouping). 

*van Oven M, Kayser M. 2009. Updated comprehensive phylogenetic tree of global human mitochondrial DNA variation. Hum Mutat 30(2):E386-E394.

4.   Changes in how a project administrator can view your results

FT DNA has upgraded their access to accounts so that the default is Group Access only. If you wish to have your results included in the project then you must grant Limited Access to the Administrator. In the next newsletter I would like to again publish a list of the subclades with reference to the number of members in each of the subclades. I have in some cases further subdivided a subclade on the basis of results.

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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