Wednesday, August 8, 2018

My audience

My audience always surprises me even if it is bots as some people have said. In the past couple of hours I have had over 400 hits by people living in Russia. It certainly isn't my political views that they are looking at as I rarely publish political posts. It is H11 haplogroup. It shows just how small the world really is. My ancient maternal line finds its resting spot in Ayrshire/Argyllshire Scotland and probably has been there for 8000 years or more but H11 is one of those smaller H haplogroups that has resting spots in specific areas of the world. Likely H11 wintered in the Ice Refuge known as Ukraina and located in the Ossettia/Georgia/Ukraine area from 15 to 20 thousand years ago. From there H11 went mostly westward with some making the great trek through the Scandinavian Peninsula and then across to Scotland and Ireland. Another migration crossed through Poland into Germany, the Netherlands, France and into southern England and perhaps also to Ireland. Another arm of migration went southward into Hungary moving towards Greece and can also be found in Spain. The Spanish arm may have also come south from France. One group remained where they were expanding outward into Russia. But our numbers are small; about 1.5% of H haplogroup but that still numbers in the millions! My H11 project at FT DNA includes quite a few people who live in Russia. I publish an H11 Newsletter quarterly and the latest was just published on the FT DNA website as well as my blog.

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