Wednesday, May 1, 2019

H11 Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2019

H11 Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2019
Table of Contents
1.   PhyloTree
2.   FT DNA Project
3.   Project Statistics
4.   Changes in how a project administrator can view your results
5.   H and HV Project, FT DNA

1.   PhyloTree
FT DNA is in the process of updating the mtDNA Haplotree. At the moment there are 16 subclades under H11 on the mtDNA Haplotree. H11 is separated into H11a with 12 subclades and H11b with 1 subclade. In Volume 3 Issue 1 I have tentatively broken down H11 into H11 into 5 subclades, H11a into 40 subclades, and H11b into six subclades. Not all of these divisions will necessarily become established subclades. I may be actually seeing some personal mutations as supporting a subclade because I can not necessarily tell if I have siblings/first cousins testing and it is likely that they would share the exact same mutations. Our numbers are still much too small to definitively declare a particular group of mutations as a subclade. But the presence of more than one member sharing particular sets of mutations is very interesting and, if the person is not known to you, may provide information on your maternal line

2.   FT DNA Project:
There are now 342 members in our project. A total of 290 members have added their maternal ancestors information. However, we still only have 49 gedcoms uploaded.

3.   Project Statistics (yDNA statistics removed):
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups
Family Finder
Genographic 2.0 Transfers
Maternal Ancestor Information
mtDNA Full Sequence
mtDNA Plus
mtDNA Subgroups
Total Members
Unreturned Kits
Within the study group we have members in every sub-haplogroup except H11a5. I will not do a breakdown of the various groups in this newsletter. Generally I will do that in Issue 1 of each year. 

4.   Changes in how a project administrator can view your results
FT DNA has upgraded their access to accounts so that the default is Group Access only. If you wish to have your results included in the project then you must grant Limited Access to the Administrator. Minimum access means that I can not see any earliest ancestor information that you may have added to your project.

5.   H and HV Project

The suggestion was made that I refer to the information found on the “mother” page for our H11 project namely The Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup H and HV Project. For the last several years you must first join the H and HV Project before you can join the H11 Project and so you should find this project in your “joined” projects.  


If you go to “About” in the left-hand navigation panel of the main page of the H and HV Project and then select “Goals” there is a lot of interesting information about the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (I am a member).
The Wikipedia section has come a long way since I have looked at it and I will update the H11 with all the discoveries that having so many of us in the project has provided over the next couple of months.

There is information on the Haplogroup H project and in the list below that you will find the link to the H11 project that most of you will have used to join the project. I have been the Administrator for quite a long time (I think 2008 perhaps).

An interesting addition is the H Subclade Discovery Project and will will try to learn more about this new initiative.

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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