Sunday, October 6, 2019

Blake Newsletter, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2019

                                                            Blake Newsletter
                                                            Table of Contents
1.    Blake family queries and controversies
2.    Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
3.    Blake Surname Study – Progress
4.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
5.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers

1.    Blake family queries and controversies
I quite regularly receive emails from descendants of Blake families proposing possible ancestries for their lines. I do try to answer these queries in a timely fashion but once again my mailbox has reached nearly 1400 emails. I could just file the emails away each day but I want to be able to read them over individually and respond and sometimes this can take quite a bit of time (I do answer my Guild enquiries as received but the answer can be quite brief with more to follow as I work my way through the query). At this time my Inbox is dating back to the latter part of 2018 so nearly a year’s worth of emails to respond to and file. My actual aims with regard to the one-name study are pretty solid now. I intend to complete the transcription of all the wills in my possession and these still number well over 1000. I want to assemble all of the marriages that I have collected as a result of the Marriage Challenges conducted by the Guild of One-name Studies researchers on location in the United Kingdom. I plan to blog these marriages and likely put them in this Newsletter as well. That is all that I plan to do with regard to the Blake one-name Study. I will leave it to others to examine the records and attempt to put together lineages for all of these Blake lines that have been uncovered by yDNA testing. For my line, tested by my brothers with a Y-500 completed at FT DNA, I-PH3480 which is a yDNA group said to be ancient to the British Isles and one of the first yDNA haplogroups to have entered Europe. This particular haplogroup is found in southern England and western Ireland looking at results acquired thus far in the yDNA study. Eventually I plan to transcribe the Andover Manor Books (Latin) to learn more about the John Blake who lived in the area and could be the ancestor of my supposed furtherest back ancestor Robert Blake who left his will in 1521 (he was quite elderly likely born between 1425 and 1450) and was living in the Andover area. My grandfather (Samuel George Blake) was born in the Andover, Hampshire area (1875) as was his family tracing back within 2 kilometres of Andover into the 1400s. My father (Ernest Edward George Blake) was born in Eastleigh, Hampshire (1904) where his father worked for the Railway as a Blacksmith.

I became interested in Blake and doing the one-name Study to help correct mistakes in the historical writings for the Blake family of Andover. Horatio Gates Somerby (1805 – 1872) fraudulently took Nicholas Blake (my likely 12x great grandfather) and claimed that he had had a brother Humphrey who moved to Somerset and was the founder of the Somerset Blake line at Overstowey and Plainsfield. A number of noted genealogists have corrected this error and for the most part writings on line have declared this linking of the Andover Blake family and the Overstowey/Plainsfield Blake family to be incorrect. Yet, I still do receive from individuals trees that take their line back to Nicholas Blake of Andover named incorrectly as the brother of this Humphrey Blake. I mention once again in this Newsletter that this information is incorrect and one should not use the works of Horatio Gates Somerby to trace back a Blake family line prior to emigration to the American Colonies. I do occasionally have an email from Blake members in England that have come across his study but that is quite rare.

2.    Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset. This is a recent addition to their website:

The Blake Museum has given me permission to put these charts in the newsletter and will look at Blake Pedigree Chart 7 in this Newsletter. The chart is referring to the Blake family found in Somerset. This Blake family is well documented with a number of wills that I have already transcribed and can be found on my blog ( .

* Used with permission

I intend to look at the family of the green circled member of this particular section of the Blake tree at the Bridgwater Museum. Richard Blake owned property at Charlinch which he mentions in his will. His Nuncupative Will was written at Enmore 1 Sep 1657 (Enmore is five miles from Over Stowey).

Will of Richard Blake (dated 1 Sep 1657, probated 21 Dec 1659)

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 24 Oct 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/296/522
Testator: Richard Blake
Place: Enmor, Somerset, England
[Margin]: T[estament] Richard Blake

1    The last Will and Testament
2    Nuncupative of Richard Blake Late of Enmore in the Countye of Somersett dec[ease]d
3    Published and declared the First day of September In the yeare of our Lord One
4    Thousand Sixe hundred Fifty Seaven in words as followeth (viz[ a vi]t) The said deceased
5    being the day and yeare aforesaid sicke of Body But of sound and perfect mynde and Memory
6    did give and bequeath unto Humphrey Blake and Arthur Blake Sonnes of Humphrey
7    Blake his brother All that his Tenement lyeing at Charlinch in the said words (viz[ a vi]t)
8    I doe give and bestowe All my right Title and interest in my Tenement att Charlinch
9    To my cousin Humphrey Blake and Arthur Blake being the Two lives nominated and
10    Expressed on my Lease thereof They paying All my debts And as for all the rest of his goods
11    and chattels hee gave and bequeathed unto his brother John Blake in these words (viz[ a vi]t)
12    And for all the rest of my goods As corne Sheepe horses debts oweing and All other
13    things whatsoever I give and bestowe to my Brother John Blake of Overstowey or words
14    to the same or like Effect, Spoken in the p[re]sence and heareing of Daniell Spark, John Hall
15    The Nine and Twentith day of December In the yeare of our Lord One Thousand
16    Sixe hundred Fifty and Nyne att London before the Judge for p[ro]bate of Wills and granting
17    lawfully authorized Administration with the Will annexed of Richard Blake deceased issued forth
18    to Humphrey Blake the Father and executor lawfully assigned to Humphrey Blake and Arthur
19    Blake Minors The Kinsmen and principall Legataees named in the said Will To Administer all
20    and singular the goods ch[at]ells and debts of the said dece[ase]d according to the Tenor and Effect of the said
21    Nuncupative Will And to and for the sole use benefit and behoofe and dureing the Minoritye
22    of the said Minors hee being by Comission sworne truly to Administer the same There being a
23    Sentence definitive read and promulgated for the validity and confirma[t]ion of the said Will

According to Chart 7 Richard Blake (testator) was baptized 6 Dec 1629 thus making him 28 years of age when his will was written. His will dated 1 September 1657 was not probated until 21 December 1659.


The above image is from the Over Stowey Parish Registers and one can see by the date Anno Domini 1630 that the items preceding that date are from 1629. At the top of the image (cropped) one finds “Richard son of Humphry Blake was Baptized ye 6 day of December.”

According to Chart 7 for the Blake family, Richard Blake (baptized 6 Dec 1629 (Old Style)) was the son of Humphrey Blake and Elizabeth Giles. In the cropped image below (green circle), Humphrey Blake of Plainsfield, Overstowey is said to be baptized 13 Nov 1580 (with a short arrow above the line coming down from Nicholas Blake of London and Anne Meadows of Sussex). I could not find that baptism in the online databases or at Family Search online. I will go to the Family Search Library one of these days as they do have access to the Over Stowey Registers on their site computers.

It is generally said that the parents of this Humphrey Blake were Humphrey Blake and Agnus/Ann James who married 23 Oct 1578 at Over Stowey. If we follow the line across into the next image, namely Image 10, then one can see that there are a number of children beneath this line all attributed to Humphrey Blake and Agnus/Ann James.

Using the chart (cropped from Blake_8.pdf) and the chart above (cropped from Blake _9.pdf) you can see that they come together with Richard Blake (baptized 7 Sep 1585) repeated on both charts (red outline). Following the green line towards the right does attribute these children to Humphrey Blake and Agnus, d of ___ James. This particular Humphrey Blake did leave a will dated 21 Sep 1618 (he was buried 20 Mar 1619 (Old Style)) and probated 27 Jun 1620. Unfortunately the original will was lost in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office during World War II. Luckily an abstract can be found in the Second Series of Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills, F. Brown (a copy is on Internet Archive): .

B.121 Humphry Blake the Elder. Will dated September 21, 1618 and proved June 27, 1620 by his son Humphry Blake [71 Soame]. To be buried at Over Stowey. Advowson of Aisholt to my son Edmund, in default to Mary my daughter, then to my son Robert. Elizabeth wife of Humphry my son. To Ann Blake, my wife 100 marks. My son Richard. My son John. Robert Perry, gent. Humphry Blake of Bridgewater, gent. William Blake. Richard Blake, of Stogumber, gent.  Robert Blake.

Although it would be so much better to see the entire will, Humphry has mentioned in the will his daughter Mary, his sons Edmund, Robert, Humphry, Richard, and John. Looking at the two images above and remembering that Humphry has married twice, Humphry and his first wife Agnus James had the following children: Humphry (married to Elizabeth Giles), John, Richard, Jane, Robert, and Arthur. By his second wife Ann: Edmund and Mary (plus an infant Edmund who died young). Not mentioned in the will his daughter Jane (likely also died young but burial date not given) and his son Arthur (died as an infant).

The parents of this Humphry Blake can not be seen on this chart but can be seen on the one below:

This particular cropping of Image 1 is also very interesting. There is another chart which does predate this one likely as it was originally produced in 1690 with additions (in the 1700s) (chart below). The green circles point out the exact sample couple.

This colourful Chart was produced by the College of Arms for the Daniel Blake family of London, UK in 1690 originally. The chart itself is 12 feet by four feet and can be purchased as eight images from the Wiltshire Record Office. The top of the College of Arms’ chart begins with a Richard Blake and the addition of Robert E Blake as his father is somewhat interesting in the Chart held by the Bridgwater Museum. I have discussed before that Richard is likely the Richard le Blak who came from Rouen, France in 1274 to set up a market in England. This document following gave him the right to do so.

"Licence, until Michaelmas, for Walter le Aketon, merchant of Rouen, to
come to England to trade and to carry his wools and merchandise to the
usual fairs and markets by the public streets and common ways, provided
he do not carry or cause to be carried his wools or merchandise out of the
kingdom, nor deal with the Flemings or others of the power of the countess
of Flanders in the kingdom, or in any way communicate with them, during
the contention between the king and the said countess.
[30 May 1274 Westminster, 2 Edward I, volume 1, pages 51 - 52, Calendar of Patent Rolls]

The like for the following :—
Peter de Bules, merchant of Rouen
Richard le Blak, merchant of Rouen.
Gilbert Bonnavel, merchant of Amiens"

My reason for believing that is because of an entry at the top of the Chart held by the Wiltshire Record Office which reads:

“R Blake gave certain Lands in Essex to the Knights Templars in the Regis of King Edw I which may be seen by the Records in the Tower of London _ilt Esc[h]aetr 31 Ed I no 77” This caption is beside Richard Blake on the first image of the Blake Pedigree prepared by the College of Arms.

Interestingly I do find a grant of Land in Eastwood (Essex) by Roger le Blake of Madebrook to the Knights Templars 20 Nov 1302 listed in the holdings of The National Archives (UK). The summary "Roger le Blake of Madebrook to grant land in Eastwood to the master and brethren of the Knights Templars in England, retaining a cottage and land in Thundersley and Eastwood. Essex" C 143/41/23 with date 31 Edward I. I do have a photograph of this particular document. It is possible to find Eastwood and Thundersley on Google maps in Essex and Madebrook is now the name of a pub located in Madeley which is near Telford in Shropshire.

Interesting but will leave any discussion on the first few generations noted on the Chart to another time as I do have documents that can assist with looking at that history.

Looking at the red circled part of the tree, Humphrey Blake was named as the son of John Blake the elder and his wife Johan. John was buried 10 Dec 1576 at Over Stowey, his wife Johan was buried 27 Jun 1595 at Over Stowey.

John Blake’s will was dated 25 November 1576 according to the Bridgewater Museum chart. Clifford L. Stott did obtain a copy of this will and cited it in its entirety in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register of 2009, Volume 163, Issue 1, 85-97 (“Humphrey Blake and his Descendants in New England and South Carolina”). I have included the will as transcribed in this blog:

“In the name of god Amen the five and tweutithe day of the Monthe of November in the yeare of our lord god a Thousande fyve hundered Seayentie sixe I John Blacke of Plainesfelde in the diocese of Bath and Welles being my Whole mynde and good and perfect remembrance lawde and prayse be unto almightie god do make and ordeine this my Testament rendering herein my last will in manner and forme followinge. That is to say First I commend my Sowle unto almightie god my maker and Redemr surelie trusting to be pourged front my synnes and to obtaine eternall lyef onelie by Faith for the death and merite of or Savior Jesus Christ And I will my bodye to be buried in the chancell of overstowey As touching my temporall gooddes Imprimus I gyve and beveathe unto St Andrew his Church at Wells twelve pence Item I gyve and bequeath unto the poore of overstowey tenne Shillinges Item I gyve and bequeath to the poore of Netherstowey tenne Shillinges Item I gyve and bequeath to the poore of Spraxton tenne Shillinges I gyve bequeathe and Assigne unto Humfrey Black my eldest sonne and to his heires for ever All those Tenements followinge scituate and lyinge in Plainsfeld in the parish of overstowey in the countie of Somersett namelie the Tenements which have in the tenure of occupation of otywel Artur Richarde Morley Henrie Croker Richarde Luker John Hunniball and John Pvne And also I gyve and bequeath unto the saide Humphrey my sonne and to his heires for ever All that my landes wch lyeth in the parrissh of Ashoult nowe in the tenure of Humfrey Luker To have and to holde all the prmisses in free Socage of the manor of Estgrenewiche. Item I gyve bequeathe and Assigne unto William Blacke my sonne and to his heyres for ever All my lande wch scituating lying and being wthin the parrissh of Busshops ly[diarde in the Countie aforesaide at Busshops Woods Busshops downe or elswhere in the saide parrissh Also I gyve bequeath and Assigne unto the saide William my sonne and to his heires for evr one Tente [tenement] scituate lying and being in plainesfylde aforsaide nowe in the tenure and occupation of Robert Jenckins or his Assignes Also I gyve bequeathe and Assigne unto the saide william my some and to his heires for ever all my lands in Padnall whin the parrisshe of Spaxton in the Countie aforesaide nowe in the tenure and occupacion of John Burnall To have and to holde all and singular the prmisses in free Socage of the Manor of Eastgrenewiche. Item I gyve bequeathe and Assigne unto Richarde Blacke my sonne and to his heires for ever All my Lande scituatinge lyeing and beinge in Wurstin in the parrisshe of Burnam [Burnham on Sea] in the county aforesaide late in the tenure and occupacon of Nicholas Sheperd but nowe in the tenure of one Smithes of the widdow Evcretts children To have and to holde all the prmisses in free Socage of the manor of Eastgenewiche Item I gyve bequeath and Assigne unto Johan my wieff and to Richarde my sonne iontelie [jointly] duringe my wieffs naturall lief All that my State tytle and interest which I have in the Rectorie or personage of overstowey wthall and singuler thappurtennces emolumets profitte and comodities thereof And I will and my mynd is that all and singuler pemisses do remayne unto Richard my sonne after the deceasse of the saide Johan my wieff unto the wch Richarde I assigne the premisses in manner above written Item I gyve and bequeath unto Humfrey my soime fowre oxen the Best which shall remayne after the heriatts Be chosen And I gyve and Bequeathe unto the saide Humfrye all my plough geare one of my silver saltsellers with a Cover my second Best Fetherbedd performed with the furniture therto belonginge and also the Bedstede twoo bedds standinge over the hall performed with the bedsteddes also sixe calves of the last yeares fall and six silver Spoones the second best Item I gyve & bequeathe unto Alice Richards my daughter tenne shillinges and to everie of her children sixe shillinges eight pence Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Anne Saunders my Daughter tenne Shillinges Item I gyve and Bequeathe unto Isabell Bellick [Zellick] my daughter tenne shillinges and to her son tenne shillinges Item I gyve and bequeathe unto everie one of my God children twelve pence all my other gooddes Cattell and Debtes not gyven or bequeathed my debtes paide legacies satisfied and funerall expense accoplisshed I gyve and bequeathe unto Johan my wieff william my some and to Richarde my some which John [Johan] William and Richarde I make & ordayne my Executor' ioyntlie [jointly] to pay my debtes and to Receyve my Debts And I constitue and appointe the right worshipfull Mr Thorns Mallen Esquire Robert Blacke and Robert Zellick overseers unto whom my humble and ernest suite is that they will see that this my Testament performed accordinge to my true purporte and meaning And I will that my Goodes gyven and bequeathed unto my Executours be equallie devided amongest them by Robert Blacke and Robert Zellick whom I beseche to take suche order which the advise of Mr Mallen as that things may be indifferently handled with quietnes witnesses Samuel Mercer Robert Bockinge Ottywell Artur and Richard Black Robert Black Thoms Black Humfrie william and Richard Black.”

The will was probated, according to the author Clifford L. Stott, 25 January 1577. John, in his will, mentions his wife Johan and children: Humphrey Blake, Alice Richards, Anne Saunders, Isabel [Elizabeth] Zellick, William Blake, Richard Blake and Robert Blake.  The College of Arms’ Chart shows the children of John and Anne Blake as: Humphrey Blake, William Blake, Richard Blake, Robert Blake, Alice Blake, Anne Blake, Isobel Blake, and Mary Blake. Mary is not mentioned in the will (baptized 1558 and buried 6 Sep 1660 (perhaps this date should be 1560). The parish records are not online but are available at Family Search Record Offices so will check that one of these days.

Moving back to the parents of John the Bridgewater Museum chart lists Humphrey Blake (of Overstowey) and his wife Anne. Humphrey also left his will dated 19 Nov 1558 and probated 11 May 1559. The original of this will was lost in the bombing of the Exeter Record Office during World War II. However an abstract was produced in Series 1 of the Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills, F. Brown:

Humfrey Blake, of Overstowey, Somerset, Gent. Will dated 19 Nov 1 Eliz: proved 11 May 1559. To be buried in the parish church of Overstowey, with such orisons [and etc] prayers to be said [and etc] done for me at my Buriall, months mind [and etc] in the daye of my annyversarie as shall be thought most mete by my Executors, [and etc]. To the Parson of Aissheholt to pray for me, 10 s. To Anstice Blake, one of the daughters of Robert Blake, for her advancement in marriage, £6. 6. 8. To Jone Slocombe, daughter of George Slocumbe, 20 s. To Agnes Mannynge, my daughter, £4. To Catherine Cabull, 6 s 8 d. To Alice Cabull, my sister, 6 s 8 d. To John Blake the elder, my son, £100. To Robert Blake my son, £100. To Thomas Blake, my son, £20. To Eleanor Langham, my daughter, 10 s. To Alice Slocombe, my daughter, 6 s 8 d. Manor of Tuxwell, Somerset, to my son Robert Blake [and etc], his heirs, [and etc], then to Thomas, my son, then to John Blake the younger, my son. To John Blake the elder, my son, [and etc] his heirs, lands, [and etc], in Bishops Lydiard. My friend, Humphrey Coles, esq., £5, to see my will performed, [and etc]. Residue to Anne my wife, [and etc] my son John Blake the younger, Executors. Overseers, John Blake the elder, Robert Blake, William Luker.

Humfrey (Humphrey) mentions in his will his wife Anne, his daughters Agnes, Eleanor, Alice and his sons Robert (grandfather of Robert Blake, Admiral and General at Sea during the Commonwealth), Thomas, Robert, John the elder and John the younger. The Chart held by the Bridgwater Museum lists John Blake the younger, Agnis Blake, Eleanor Blake, Alice Blake, John Blake the elder, Thomas Blake and Robert Blake. The marriage names for the daughters and the lands granted appear with the relevant son on the Bridgwater Museum Pedigree Chart.

At this point in the trace-back Horatio Gates Somerby decided to make this Humphrey a brother of Nicholas Blake of Andover, Hampshire. Fortunately Nicholas left his will probated 20 Jun 1547.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6th May 2009
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/31/549
Name of Testator: Nic[h]olas Blake
Place: Enham (near Andover), Hampshire, England
Dated: 31 May 1547, probated 20 Jun 1547

[Left hand corner] Test[at]or Nicho[las] Blake

1    In the name of God amen In the yere of our Lord god a Thousand fyve hundred
2    Fourtie and sevyn and the last day of May I Nicolas Blake of the p[ar]ishe of Enh[a]m in the Dioc[ese] of Wynchest[e]r
3    being sicke of body but of good and p[er]fite remembrance make and ordeyn this my last will and testament
4    in maner and fourme folowing First I Bequith my soule to almightie god to oure Blessed Lady and to all the
5    Blessed company of heaven. And my body to be buried w[i]t[h]in the Church of Saint Michaell Th[e ]archangell Item
6    I geve to the Trinite Church of Wynchester vj d Item I geve to the church of Andever oon quarter of whete
7    It[e]m I give to Enh[a]m Church a quarter of wheat Item I geve and bequeth to Will[ia]m Blake my eldest sonne
8    the halfe of the Farme of Andever of my Lord Sandys holding which Robert Boswell occupyeth Also I geve
9    and bequeth to the said Will[ia]m the Tenement in Kings Enham of my Lord Sandys holding w[i]t[h] all the La[m]mes
10    lande lying in Andever feld that the said William nowe occupieth and holdith Also I geve to the said Will[ia]m
11    Blake my sonne my Leasse of the Tenement of the Lord Sandys called the olde hall w[i]t[h] all the app[ur]ten[an]cs ther unto
12    belonginge or lying in Knyghts Enh[a]m Also I geve to the said William Blake my free holde in Knyights Enh[a]m w[i]t[h] all
13    the appurten[an]cs there unto belonging Item I geve and bequeth to Edmund Blake my sonne the Leasse of the
14    Farme of Andever called Semers Farme w[i]t[h] all the appurten[an]cs ther[e ]unto belonging and walworth of my
15    Lord Sandys holding And a leasse of a Tenement in Kyngs Enh[a]m which is John Catts gentilman holde w[i]t[h]
16    all the appurten[an]cs ther[e ]unto belonging Also I geve to the said Edmund my sonne my freeholde in Andever
17    with seven acres and a half of arable land that Thomas Wescombe now holdeth with all the rest of myn[e]
18    erable lands grains pastures and com[m]ons of pastures of what nature kynde name and degre soever they be
19    which I do holde and kepe of any man[ner] at the making of this my last wille and testament Also I wille that
20    the forsaid Thomas Wescombe shal[l ]have the forsaid house that he dwelleth in for the terms of thurtie yeres
21    next folowing paying yerely therfor and to agree w[i]t[h] Margaret Blake my wife and Edmund Blake my son[ne]
22    Item I geve to Elizabeth Blake my daughter one hundreth of shepe and Twentie poundes of money at the day of
23    her mariage and her apparill. Item I give and bequeth to Alice my daughter twentie shepe and fyve quarters of
24    barley to be delivered at Michelmas next commyng Item I give to Sir Thomas Upton my curate to pray for my soule
25    and all Christ[ai]n soules x s. Also yf that it fortune Edmund Blake my sonne to dye before he be of lawfull age Then I wille
26    that my freholde w[i]t[h] all the other leases geven and bequethed by me to the said Edmond to remayn to William Blake
27    my sonne his heires and assignes And the goods to remayne to Alice Goodwyn and Elizabeth Blake my daughters equally
28    to be devided betwixt them And if it fortune the said Alice and Elizabeth to dye Then I will the said goodes to be devided
29    betwene the children of William Blake my son Provided also I will that Margaret Blake my wife shall have and
30    kepe all my free landes tenements holds leases with all th[e ]appurtenancs to them belonging which I doe holde of any man[ne]r
31    of man[ner] at the making of this my last will and testament during the terme of her life The residue of my goods and
32    c[h]attalls not gevyn or bequethed I geve and bequeth to Margaret Blake my wife and Edmunde Blake my sonne
33    whom I make and ordeyn myn executors of this my last will and testament Also I make and ordeyn William
34    Hopkins and Willi[a]m Aldred my Overseers of this my last will and testament for to se it p[er]formed according to
35    my mynde above specified Witnesse to this Sir Thomas Upton Curate Stevyn Smyth Will[ia]m Blake w[i]t[h] other
36         Probatum fuit test[ament]um suprascripti defuncti h[ab]entis etc xxth die mensis Juinij Anno D[o]m[in]o Mill[es]imo quingen[tesimo]
37    xlvij [1547] Coram d[o]m[in]o apud London aucto[ritate] d[o]m[in]o n[ost]ri Regis etc Iurament[o] Margarete Relicte executoris in h[uius]mo[d]i test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at[i] In persona
38    Stephe[n] Smyth procur[atoris] sui in hac p[ar]te Ac approbatum et insinuatum Com[m]issa fuit admi[ni]stracio o[mn]i[u]m et singulorom bonorum Jurium
39    Et creditorum d[i]c[t]i defuncti prefat[o] executrici In p[er]sona die proc[urato]ris De b[e]n[e] et fidel[ite]r admi[ni]strando Ac de pleno et fideli In[venta]rio secondo die post
40    festum s[an]c[t]e Anne prox[imum] futur[um] exhibend[o] necnon de plano et vero compoto reddend[o] Ad s[an]c[t]a dei Ev[a]ngelia in debit iuris forma jurat
41    Reservata po[tes]tate Edmund Blake executori etiam in h[uius]mo[d]i test[ament]o no[m]i[n]at cum venerit etc

Although it is always possible that Nicholas might not mention his brother in his will since he does not mention his brother Robert, I will also place his mother’s will in this account (this transcription was completed by Charlou Dolan:

LDS FHL Film, 186,682, Will #163
Date of Will: 28 Mar 1527
Place: Enham, Hampshire, England
Consistory Court of Winchester, Register D, folio 118:

     In dei no'ie Amen  The yere of o'r lorde gode ml vc xxvii the xxviii day of m'che I Johane Blake, wydow w't a hole mynde & a gudde memory make my last wyll & testament in this man'
     First I com'end my soule to all myghty gode, o'r lady seynt mary & to all the seynts in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the Churche or in the churche litten of seynt Michaell of Enahm[sic]
     It'm I gyve & bequeth unto the mother churche of seynt Swyth' xiid
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to the churche of Enah'm vis viiid
     It'm I guve & bequeth xxvis viiid to be distribute unto pore people in peny dole
     It' I gyve & bequeth to my Curate S Ryc Mersser xxd
     It' I gyve & bequeth to S John Batte xxd
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to the maynteyning of the morow masse prest in Andov' xxd
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to the mayntenyng of Jhus masse in the churche of Andov' xxd
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to the p'ror of Freers Augustines in Wync' xxd
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to s John' whight freer xxd
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to ev'y freer of the seid augustines that ys a prest iiiid & to ev'r noves iid of theseid place
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to my douzter Elsabeth mylne xxli shepe beside those she hath All'redy & one cow th't I bouzt of her & xiiis iiid of money & my gretyst panne & foure platters
     It'm I give & bequeath unto my son Nycholas Blake the tabull in the hall & one clothe called the hallyng & ii Iron rakks
     It'm I gyve & bequeath unto my son Rob't Blake one Iron broche & xviii shepe the wheiche shepe he hath in his kepying
     It'm I gyve & bequeth to Thoms Iesra off foskett one Iron broche
     The residue of my goods moveable & unmoveable above not legate I gyve & bequeth unto my children Nycholas Blake Robt Blake & to Thoms Iesra of Foskett & theseid goods to be devyded amongs them equally evy of them lyke moche
     It'm I make my sones Nycholas Blake & Robt Blake my trewe executors and Thomas Iesa of Foskett my supviso'r that he se my last wyll & testament Implete & fulfilled & theseid execut to dispose for the heithe of my soule as the shall se most expedyent
These witnesse S Ryc Mersser
S John Batte
Nycholas Blake
Robt Blake w't

I now have a copy of this will but have not yet transcribed it. Jone Blake mentions her children: Nycholas Blake, Robert Blake, and Elsabeth Mylne. If she had a son Humphrey I rather think she would have mentioned that she did.

There is another will of the likely husband of Jone but I will not insert it here. He mentions his sons Robert Blake, Nicholas Blake and his daughter Elizabeth Blake.

This is the most interesting part of this walk back in time looking at each ancestral line. This chart at the Bridgwater Museum agrees with the chart produced by the College of Arms in that the father of Humphrey is said to be John Blake. Obviously this chart held by the Bridgwater Museum was not prepared from any of Horatio Gates Somerby’s notes. The author of this chart is not known to me.

The chart prepared by the College of Arms has this caption in the circle for John Blake:

John Blague 2nd son from whom the Blakes of Somersetshire are descended of which Family was General Robert Blake famous Soldier and Sea Commander.

He is listed as the son of William Blague of Lacock in County Wiltshire and his wife Margaret daughter of William Browne of Wablyn. I will do more on this particular line at a later date.

3.    Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. In 2011, I became the researcher for the Blake-one-name Study at the Guild. There was already a pre-existing yDNA project run by Bill Bleak and he continues as the main administrator of the project. As can be seen below 23 members of the study have completed a Big Y (SNPs testing for deep clade determination) making it virtually impossible to do more than has been done with some of the groups.

Project Statistics
Total Members                               193
Big Y                                                   23
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded      12
Paternal Ancestor Information     129
Predicted Y-DNA Haplogroups       25
Y-DNA12                                         111
Y-DNA25                                           94
Y-DNA37                                           91
Y-DNA67                                           66
Y-DNA111                                           38
The task of managing these groups is large and I will gradually work away at converting them to the new standard of placing individuals by their deep haplogroup testing. I have not made any progress since the last report. If anyone is willing to look at the R1b groups and come up with a better display I would greatly appreciate it. I would recommend that all members join the relevant haplogroup project to learn more about your haplogroup.

4.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.

5.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers (Baptisms – set 6)
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.
Number    Surname    Forename    status    Fathers surname    Fathers forename    Mothers surname    Mothers forename    Year    Month    Day    Year    Month    Day    Details
1800    Chard    Margerye    daughter    Chard    Edward            1623    May    4               
1801    Chard    Dorothy    daughter    Chard    Edward            1623    May    4               
1802    Livelocke    Dorothy    daughter    Livelocke                1623    May    4               
1803    Shercomb            Shercomb    Walter            1623    May    12               
1804    Chylds    Michaell    son    Chylds    William            1623    May    15               
1805    Chylds    Margerye    daughter    Chylds    William            1623    May    15               
1806    Bayly    William    son    Bayly    William            1623    June    8               
1807    Row    Thomas    son    Row    William            1623    June    12               
1808    Hunton    Joseph    son    Hunton    Philipe            1623    July    20               
1809    Shoringer            Shoringer                1623    July    25                at Henry Kings
1810    Swetapple    William    son    Swetapple    Robert            1623    August    17               
1811    Bath    Samuell    son    Bath    Thomas            1623    August    25               
1812    Deane    John    son    Deane    William            1623    September    13               
1813    Helliar    Nicholas    son    Hellier    Nicholas            1623    September    15               
1814    Chard    Elizabeth    daughter    Chard    William            1623    September    29               
1815    Tomlin    Samuell    son    Tomlin    William            1623    October    2               
1816    Swetapple    Robert    son    Swetapple    Robert            1623    October    5               
1817    Dunman    Elenor    daughter    Dunman    John            1623    October    9               
1818    Rathband    Thomas    son    Rathband    John            1623    October    12               
1819    Chenell    Mary    daughter    Chenell    Robert            1623    October    14               
1820    Templer    Elizabeth    daughter    Templer    Richard            1623    October    15               
1821    Nash    Robert    son    Nash    Valentine            1623    October    25               
1822    Edmonds    Elizabeth    daughter    Edmonds                1623    October    27               
1823    Baverstock    Mary    daughter    Baverstock    John            1623    November    1               
1824    Bath    Thomas    daughter    Bath    Thomas            1623    November    5               
1825    Elington        daughter    Elington    Philipp            1623    November    10               
1826    Moringe    William    son    Moringe    Edward            1623    December    3               
1827    Chenell        son    Chenell    Robert            1623    December    12               
1828    Barwick    Mary    daughter    Barwick    William            1623    December    22               
1829    Noyce    Elenor    daughter    Noyce    John            1623    December    30               
1830    Julians    William    son    Julians    William            1623    December    30               
1831    Tanner    Mary    daughter    Tanner    William            1623    January    1               
1832    No….    Peter    son    No…    Richard            1623    January    8               
1833    Goodale    Hobart    son    Goodale    Richard            1623    January    10               
1834    James    John    son    James    William            1623    January    12                William junior
1835    Rives    Richard    son    Rives    John            1623    January    17               
1836    Kent    Alse    daughter    Kent    Peter            1623    February                   
1837    Warner    Mary    daughter    Warner    John            1623    February    6               
1838    Baker    Elizabeth    daughter    Baker    Robert            1623    February                   
1839    Board    Mary    daughter    Board    Phylipp            1623    February    17               
1840    Blake    Rebecca    daughter    Blake    John            1623    February    24               
1841    Taylor    John    son    Taylor    Thomas            1623    February    27               
1842    Buckler    Mary    daughter    Buckler    John            1623    March                   
1843    W.    Elizabeth    daughter    W.    Robert            1623    March                   
1844    Cletsam    Robert    son    Cletsam    Rowland            1623    March    15               
1845    Miller    William    son    Miller    William            1623    March                   
1846    Hacker    Mary    daughter    Hacker    John            1624    March    25               
1847    Sweetapple    Hugh    son    Sweetapple    Paul            1624    April    4               
1848    Dowse    Mary    daughter    Dowse    Thomas            1624    April    10               
1849    Scullard    Mary    daughter    Scullard    John            1624    April    18               
1850    Hinxman    Richard    son    Hinxman    Joseph            1624    April    19               
1851    Sweetapple    Elenor    daughter    Sweetapple    Michaell            1624    July    11               
1852    Cornelius     Robert    son    Cornelius    Christopher            1624    July    14               
1853    Godwin    Elizabeth    daughter    Godwin    Thomas            1624    July    17               
1854    Cobb    Joane    daughter    Cobb    Edward            1624    July    17               
1855    Dyres    Robert    son    Dyres    Robert            1624    July    24               
1856    Noyce    Helen    daughter    Noyce    John            1624    September    1               
1857    Petty    Mary    daughter    Petty    Thomas            1624    September    12               
1858    Harris    Joane    daughter    Harris    Thomas            1624    September    19               
1859    Wateridge    Joane    daughter    Wateridge    Nicholas            1624    September    20               
1860    Francis    Dorothy    daughter    Francis    John            1624    September    21               
1861    Bunnye    Elizabeth    daughter    Bunnye    Thomas            1624    October    17               
1862    Hinksman    Thomas    son    Hinksman    Thomas            1624    October    22               
1863    Seward    Ann    daughter    Seward    Mathew            1624    October    24               
1864    Baker    George    son    Baker    Robert            1624    October    28               
1865    Horne    Andrew    son    Horne    James            1624    October    29               
1866    Mountayne    Thomas    son    Mountayne    Robert            1624    October    31               
1867    Tomes    Mary    daughter    Tomes    John            1624    October    31               
1868    Lovegrove    Mary    daughter    Lovegrove    John            1624    November    1               
1869    Figgish    Mary    daughter    Figgish    Thomas            1624    November    1               
1870    Blake    John    son    Blake    Mr. William            1624    November    1               
1871    Calvard    John    son    Calvard    Burnard            1624    November    3               
1872    Beare    Elizabeth    daughter    Beare    Sylvester            1624    November    13               
1873    West    Margarie    daughter    West    Joseph            1624    November    14               
1874    Segroove    Richard    son    Segroove    Rowland            1624    December    5               
1875    Penton    Alexander    son    Penton    Thomas            1624    December    13               
1876    Childs    Patience    daughter    Childs    Maurice            1624    December    14               
1877    Church    Joseph    son    Church    Thomas            1624    December    19               
1878    Julians    Thomas    son    Julians    Zaccharus            1624    December    21               
1879    Blacke    William    son    Blacke    William            1624    December    29                father is the younger
1880    Godden    Sara     daughter    Godden    Robert            1624    January    1               
1881    Powell    Mary    daughter    Powell    Henry            1624    January    2               
1882    Arthur    Joane    daughter    Arthur    John            1624    February    3                of Andover
1883    Greene    Andrew    son    Greene    Fenex            1624    February    10                of Andover
1884    Shutter    Christopher    son    Shutter    Mr. John            1624    February    24               
1885    Sooner    Rebecke    daughter    Sooner    John            1624    February    28               
1886    Dobby    Francis    daughter    Dobby    John            1624    March    1                of Chilbolton
1887    Welles    Robertt    son    Welles    Henry            1624    March    8                of Chilbolton
1888    Wayght    Patianc    daughter    Wayght    Mr. Bartholomew            1624    March    10               
1889    Sherkoom    Andrew    son    Sherkoom    Walter            1624    March    13               
1890    Heller    Alce    daughter    Heller    Nicholas            1624    March    13               
1891    Philpott    Mary    daughter    Philpott    Richard            1624    March    14               
1892    Chanell    Richard    son    Chanell    Robertt            1624    March    15               
1893    Walterman    Hue    son    Walterman    John            1624    March                   
1894    .ende    Peeter    son    .ende    John            1624    March    22               
1895        Mary    daughter                    1624    March                   
1896        Hacker    son        William            1625                       
1897        Thomas                        1624                       
1898        Mary                        1624                       
1899        J.                        1624                       
1900        Richard                        1624                       
1901    Venables    Rachell    daughter    Venables    Mr. richard            1625    May    24               
1902    James    Dority    daughter    James    John            1625    June    7               
1903    Stoner    Thomas    son    Stoner    Robert            1625    June    10               
1904    Higginsonn    Mary    daughter    Higginsonn    Mr. Robert            1625    June    19               
1906    Beare    George    son    Beare    John            1625    June    25               
1907    Sprattbeary    Richard    son    Sprattbeary    Richard            1625    June    9               
1908    James    Jone    daughter    James    William            1625    July    22               
1909    Noyse    Ralphe    son    Noyse    Thomas            1625    July    29               
1910    Tomkines    Martha    daughter    Tomkines    Gyles            1625    July    31               
1911    Hacker    Jone    daughter    Hacker    John            1625    August    3               
1912    Thurman    Jone    daughter    Thurman    Nicholas            1625    August    3                of Chilbolton
1913    Chandler    Anthonie    son    Chandler    John            1625    August    10               
1914    Whatly    ..cceher    daughter    Whatly    Thomas            1625    August    20                of Chisswirl
1915    Mackyn            Mackyn    Francis            1625    September                   
1916    Froude    Ann    daughter    Froude    George            1625    September    17               
1917    Woodhouse    Mary    daughter    Woodhouse                1625    September    17               
1918    Whittley    Richard    son    Whittley    John            1625    September    25               
1919    Symens    Febe    daughter    Symens    Elis            1625    October    7               
1920    Clarke    Jane    daughter    Clarke    Richard            1625    October    9               
1921    Gage    Dority    daughter    Gage    John            1625    October    11               
1922    Russell    Patience    daughter    Russell    William            1625    October    12               
1923    Butler    Helen    daughter    Butler    Henry            1625    October    20               
1924    Dabye    Thomas    son    Dabye    William            1625    November    12                of Foskott
1925    Harper    William    son    Harper    John            1625    November                    of Inham
1926        James    son                    1625                       
1927        P                        1625                       
1928    …                            1625                       
1929    …                            1625                       
1930    Sallis    Edward    son    Sallis    Robertt            1625    December    11               
1931    Longe    Elizabeth    daughter    Longe    Thomas            1625    December    11               
1932    Ward            Ward    Robert            1625    December                   
1933    Bath    Andrew    son    Bath    Thomas            1625    December    18               
1934    Bradborne    Richarde    son    Bradborne    Richard            1625    December    18                of Charllton
1935    Horne    Phelipae    daughter    Horne    James            1625    December    19               
1936    Moring    Elizabeth    daughter    Moring    Edward            1625    December    21               
1937    Hulatt    John    son    Hulatt    John            1625    December    28                of Chilbolton
1938    Bord    William    son    Bord    Roger            1625    January    1               
1939    Wild    …b.t    son    Wild    John            1625    January    7               
1940    …                            1625    January    11               
1941    Raty                            1625                       
1942    Inerman            Inerman    William            1625    January                   
1943    Smithe            Smithe    ….am            1625    January    29               
1944    ….ambs            …ambs                1625    February                   
1945    …                            1625                       
1946    …                            1625                       
1947    …                            1625                       
1948    Blake    Nicholas    son    Blake    Mr. William            1625    February    25                of Eastown
1949    Venabels    Elizabeth    daughter    Venabels    Mr. Nicholas            1625    February    20               
1950    Livelocke    Dority    daughter    Livelocke    Richard            1625    February    20               
1951    Dowse    Nicholas    son    Dowse    John            1625    February    22               
1952    Reeves    William    son    Reeves    John            1625    February    23               
1953    Prince    John    son    Prince    John            1625    February    26               
1954    Helyer    Ann    daughter    Helyer    Hugh            1625    March    4                of Coomb Farmm
1955    Beasen    John    son    Beasen    John            1625    March    5               
1956    Knightt    Joseph    son    Knightt    Stephen            1625    March    20               
1957    Backer    Elias    son    Backer    Robert            1625    March    20               
1958    Mountayne    John    son    Jountayne    Robert            1626    March    26               
1959    Barnabie    Robertt    son    Barnabie    Balden            1626    March    31               
1960    West    George    son    West    Anthoney            1626    April    4               
1961    Rime    Elizabeth    daughter    Rime    William            1626    April    7                Woodhouse
1962    Waltredge    Richard    son    Waltredge    Walter            1626    April    30               
1963    Frowk        daughter    Frowk    George            1626    May    21               
1964    Julians    Abigall    daughter    Julians    William            1626    May    14               
1965    Stronber        daughter    Stronber    Anr            1626    May    25               
1966    Bord    Philip    son    Bord    Mr. Phillipp            1626    June    1               
1967    Barrick    Joice    daughter    Barrick    William            1626    June    8               
1968    Skadsden    Elizabeth    daughter    Skadsden                1626    June    20               
1969    Bampton    William    son    Bampton    Andrew            1626    June    24               
1970    Tomkins    John    son    Tomkins    Gyles            1626    June    25               
1971    Grantham    George    son    Grantham    Richard            1626    June    29               
1972    Blake    Jone    daughter    Blake    Robertt            1626    July    1                of
1973    Jenkens    Mary    daughter    Jenkens    Richard            1626    July    7               
1974    Godden    Thomas    son    Godden    Thomas            1626    Juy    8               
1975    Fraunces    Alce    daughter    Fraunces    John            1626    July    8                Charllton
1976    Nash    Jone    daughter    Nash    Valintayne            1626    July    16               
1977    Sines    Robartt    son    Sines    Henry            1626    July    26               
1978    Bath    Mary    daughter    Bath    William            1626    July    28                William the younger
1979    Horn    John    son    Horn    Samuel            1626    August    5                of Charltton
1980    Cleettson    John    son    Cleettson    Richard            1626    August    8               
1981    James    Jone    daughter    James    William            1626    August    11               
1982    Alfard    John    son    Alfard    Benjamin            1626    August    27               
1983    Thurmand    William    son    Thurmand    Nicholas            1626    August    29               
1984    Feelder    Jone    daughter    Feelder    Richard            1626    August    29               
1985    Fear…y    Thomas    bastard son    Fear…y    Amos            1626    September    3               
1986    Gooddall    Dority    daughter    Gooddall    Richard            1626    September    9               
1987    West    John    son    West    Robert            1626    September    10               
1988    Sweettapell    Mary    daughter    Sweettapell    Mr. Pall            1626    September    10               
1989    Sweettapell    Elizabeth    daughter    Sweettapell    Richard            1626    September    19               
1990    Donford    John    son    Donford    William            1626    September    24               
1991    Henxmann    William    son    Henxmann    Mr. Joseph            1626    October    9               
1992    Lively    William    son    Lively    William            1626    October    10                of Charllton
1993    Huntt    Edward    son    Huntt    Petter            1626    October    15               
1994    Bath    Dority    daughter    Bath    Christopher            1626    October    21               
1995    Bentton    Mary    daughter    Bentton    Robert            1626    October    25               
1996    Brod    …rity    daughter    Brod    William            1626    November    3               
1997    Bunnye    ..lener    daughter    Bunnye    Thomas            1626    November    3               
1998    Deane    Thomas    son    Deane    William            1626    November    11               
1999    Seward    Ann    daughter    Seward    Mathew            1626    November    19               
2000    Tomlin    Bengamenn    son    Tomlin    William            1626    November    26               
2001    Yonge        daughter    Yonge    Thomas            1626    November                   
2002        Philipp    bastard son                    1626    December    5               
2003    Noyse    Raphe    son    Noyse    Thomas            1626    December    25                of Charlton
2004    Salmaan    Doritye    daughter    Salmann    Peetter            1626    December    26                of Wildhern
2005    Foster    John    son    Foster    John            1626    December    26               
2006    Smithe    Richard    son    Smithe    Robert            1626    January    14                Nustrcott
2007    Godden    John    son    Godden    Robert            1626    January    14               
2008    Torner    John    son    Torner    John            1626    January    15               
2009    Ruttley    Briidgett    daughter    Tuttley    John            1626    January    22               
2010    Bath    John    son    Bath    Peeter            1626    January    23               
2011    Turner    Richard    son    Turner    John            1626    January    26               
2012    Sommers    Alce    daughter    Sommers    John            1626    January    28               
2013    Livlock    Mary    daughter    Livlock    William            1626    January    29               
2014    Warner    John    son    Warner    John            1626    February    15               
2015    Rowbottom    Petter    son    Rowbottom    John            1626    February    20               
2016    Husse    John    son    Husse    Augustin            1626    February    20               
2017    Dr…h    Mary    bastard dau                    1626    February    24               
2018    Pedling    Henry    son    Pedling    John            1626    March    4               
2019    Tanner    Richard    son    Tanner    William            1626    March    12               
2020        Clemantt    son                    1626    March    20               
2021    Childes    Patiance    daughter    Childes    Morise            1626    March    22               
2022    Payn    Elizabeth    daughter    Payn    Robartt            1626    March    24               
2023    Budgley    Alce    daughter    Budgley    Thomas            1627    April    21               
2024    Chard    Ann    daughter    Chard    Edward            1627    April    26               
2025    Pettman    John    son    Pettman    Edward            1627    May    28               
2026    Horne    Martha    daughter    Horne    James            1627    May    11                James the younger
2027    Twitchin    Mary    daughter    Twitchin    Mr. Andrew            1627    May    28               
2028    House    Ezekell    son    House    Nicholas            1627    May    20                NH
2029    Carddey    Susana    daughter    Carddey    John            1627    June    10               
2030    Jones    Mary    daughter    Jones    William            1627    June    18               
2031    Venables    Catteren    daughter    Venables    Mr. Nicholas            1627    June    25               
2032    Church    John    son    Church    Thomas            1627    June    26               
2033    Venables    Catteren    daughter    Venables    Mr. Nicholas            1627    June    25               
2034    Church    John    son    Church    Thomas            1627    June    26               
2035    Knyghtt    Elizabeth    daughter    Knyghtt    William            1627    July    1               
2036    Godden    Elias    son    Geddon    John            1627    July    8               
2037    Frowde    George    son    Frowde    George            1627    July    8               
2038    Dowse    Elizabeth    daughter    Dowse    Thomas            1627    July    22               
2039    Sweettapell    Nicholas    son    Sweettapell    Miecl            1627    July    30               
2040    Smith    John    son    Smith    John            1627    August    5               
2041    Cooke    Herkelas    son    Cooke    Thomas            1627    August    19               
2042    Julians    Andrew    son    Julians    Ezekell            1627    August    26               
2043    Hopgood    Richard    son    Hopgood    Richard            1627    September    4               
2044    Walterman    Dority    daughter    Waterman    John            1627    September    4                of Hatherden
2045    Dowse    William    son    Dowse    William            1627    September    9               
2046    Scullard    Edmon    son    Scullard    John            1627    September    16               
2047    Tredgoulde    Thomas    son    Tredgoulde    William            1627    September    23               
2048    Ecton    Richard    son    Ecton    Richard            1627    September    30               
2049    Judge    John    son    Judge    John            1627    October    7               
2050    Spratbeary    Elizabeth    daughter    Spratbeary    Richard            1627    October    7               
2051    Phillpott    John    son    Phillpott    Wrichard            1627    October    9               
2052    James    William    son    James    William            1627    October    23               
2053    Beare    Alic    daughter    Beare    John            1627    October    30               
2054    Baverstock    John    son    Baverstock    John            1627    November    1               
2055    Feelder    Mary    daughter    Feelder    Richard            1627    November    3               
2056    Cooke    Mary    daughter    Cooke    John            1627    November    4               
2057    Cornelis    Jone    daughter    Cornelis    Christofer            1627    November    8               
2058    Blake    Dority    daughter    Blake    William            1627    November    14                of Woodhouse
2059    Chandlar    John    son    Chandlar    John            1627    November    24               
2060    Watredge    Ann    daughter    Watredge    Waltredge            1627    December    8               
2061    Bath    Sara    daughter    Bath    Richard            1627    December    26               
2062    Langly    Elizabeth    bastard daughter            Langly    Elizabeth    1627    December    28               
2063    Raty    Thomas    son    Raty    Thomas            1627    December    30               
2064    Sweetapell    Margarett    daughter    Sweettapell    Robert            1627    December    31               
2065    James    William    son    James    William            1627    January    1               
2066    Buttler    John    son    Buttler    Henry            1627    January    9               
2067    Hacker    Alce    daughter    Hacker    John            1627    February    2               
2068    Sommers    John    son    Sommers    John            1627    February    3               
2069    Knowles    Joane    daughter    Knowles    John            1627    February    3               
2070        Ammey    bastard child                Margarett    1627    February                    borne at John Welles February 6
2071    Hid    John    son    Hid    Christopher            1627    February    12               
2072    Huntt        son    Huntt    Peetter            1627    February    16               
2073    Knightt    Richard    son    Knightt    Richard            1627    February    17               
2074    Palmer            Palmer    Gylbord            1627    February    19               
2075    Mountayne    Sary    daughter    Mountayne    Robartt            1627    February    24               
2076    Matkin    Henry    son    Matkin    Mr. Frances            1627    February    25               
2077    Sargantt    Peeter    son    Sargantt    Thomas            1627    February    25               
2078    Noyse    Thomas    son    Noyse    Thomas            1627    February    29                of Charlton
2079    Moringe    Clemantt    son    Moringe    Edward            1627    March    2               
2080    Walterman    Elizabeth    daughter    Walterman    Thomas            1627    March    2               
2081    Holdway    Annes    daughter    Holdway    Henry            1627    March    8                of Kings Enham
2082    Raty    Jone    daughter    Raty    John            1627    March    9               
2083    Milles    Richard    son    Milles    Richard            1627    March    15               
2084    Somersett    James    son    Somersett    Edward            1627    March    16               
2085    Kentt    William    son    Kentt    Peeter            1627    March    17               
2086    Olderwell    John    son    Olderwell    Robert            1628    March    25               
2087    Bradborn            Bradborn    Richard            1628    April    15               
2088    Brod        son    Brod    William            1628    April    19               
2089    Noyse    Sicley    daughter    Noyse    Mr. Robartt            1628    April     24                of Hatherden baptized at home
2090    Salman    Jone    daughter    Salmann    Peeter            1628    May    4               
2091    Hitchcocke    Reioy    daughter    Hitchcocke    Thomas            1628    May    11               
2092    Cooper    William    son    Cooper    William            1628    May    11                of Widhern
2093    Arnall    Sary    daughter    Arnall    William            1628    May    14               
2094    Dabby    Phillip    son    Dabby    John            1628    May    17                the …er of Charlton
2095    Raty    Dorothy    daughter    Raty    William            1628    May    20               
2096    Miller    .nen    daughter    Miller    William            1628    May    22               
2097    Pressey    Mary    daughter    Pressey    William            1628    June    17               
2098    Reeves    Alce    daughter    Reeves    John            1628    June    23               
2099    Durnford        daughter    Durnford    William            1628                       

Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp by the 15th of December for the 1st January issue.

Elizabeth Kipp,
Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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