Monday, October 21, 2024

FitBit has given up

My FitBit no longer syncs with my phone; I can pair it with the phone but it doesn't stay paired. Perhaps bluetooth is  no longer working on the Fitbit; it lost eight minutes yesterday in time. So I need to think about a new Fitbit as I do like the idea of wearing one. It does still do the number of steps and some other automatic items that are not dependent on syncing with the app. That gives me lots of time to think about the type of Fitbit I would like to buy. I am not in a rush. It was interesting being able to look at the effect on my system when I ran or walked or did weightlifting or yoga/calisthenics but not absolutely necessary; just interesting. The sleep pattern was interesting too; I learned a great deal about sleep actually. So I probably can see what I want in a Fitbit and will look around to see what is new now. This was a Charge 5 and I think I have had it for three years nearly. The one before that was more basic and it is still working actually. The more complicated the system; the shorter its time span perhaps. There is simply more that can go wrong.

Did some work on the Siderfin Charting book and I am more or less into the final run through in terms of making changes; reorganizing although none of that will happen in the first 58 pages as I have been through that already once. I am at Page 19 and it is cleaning day. I may go back to doing the two floors in one day once again now that I am organized for that. I just had a lot of little items to do on each floor so doing just one floor a day worked well. But now I do not want to spend half of the week with cleaning days. 

The Church Service out in the fields primarily was very welcomed. The fields of Cornwall are quite lovely having been there twice. We walked around the golf resort that we stayed at the last time; we skipped going into the city to just have a breather before the last couple of days in England. It was fun; we both enjoyed the lovely walk. It was our last trip to Europe and also our 50th Wedding Anniversary back in 2016. We celebrated that on the flight home as it was the same day. We had already been to where the group was going that day and although it was fun we hadn't really walked around for hours just enjoying the fresh air and the singing of the birds in England. Everything was totally planned for us by the touring companies except for the extras close to the hotels that we added in in the various cities where ever we ended up for the evening. The children sang a beautiful song that reminded me of my childhood when we did such things in school where a list of items was created and then the song collected the list by the end. The older children of course did it very well but the younger ones were still learning that idea of rote learning. We memorized everything when we were children; that was the way we learned. Having it at your fingertips is nice as an adult but memorizing is very important when you are a child even yet. 

Graham Hancock has added a second year to Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix and I watched four of the chapters yesterday. The subtitle is The Americas and we spent most of our time in South America and then over to the Easter Islands. The discoveries have been amazing in the last ten years. 

The loss of peoples because of the introduction of communicable diseases by the Spanish was horrific for this culture in the Western Hemisphere. It was always likely to happen; preventing it is something we can do now. That is perhaps the gain in our society since I was a child; but it doesn't always happen unfortunately because there are evil satanic people who are greedy. At the moment the ones suffering are the Israelis and the Ukrainians amongst others but their trials are the most visible. The depth of the evil displayed by Hamas is huge; preparing the Palestinian people for this huge sacrifice cruel and indifferent on the part of Hamas. I am not familiar with Palestinians but I assume they actually did want and do want to have a country; their choice of Hamas was made freely by them but ridding themselves of Hamas will be difficult - they are extremely sick satanic people who would use and did use the children and women of that country to try to influence the world in an empathetic way which has not worked because we can see that Hamas is evil. Hamas is the problem and of course their leader/supporter/contributor is Iran. There is really no end in sight as Hamas will use the Palestinians right down to the last person. Then Hamas will try to escape at the end and join up with Hezbollah and do the same to the Lebanese people again thinking that people will hate Israel if they do that. The minds of Hamas are so corrupt that they can not see that they are driven by Satan and this evil they commit is wrong. It is sad really. It reminds me of the story of the Aztecs who were evil and the other peoples in that part of the Americas asked the conquistadors to help them defeat the Aztecs. That was smart of them although the diseases brought by the Spanish conquistadors possibly wiped out 90% of the people in this hemisphere they got to survive and live on today.

Today the cleaning, first the solitaire games and then breakfast. It is ten degrees celsius and although it says it is clear; the city lights are too bright to really see much in the heavens. God Bless the world and we need to follow His teachings in order to reach that plain of peace and brotherly love.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Task accomplished and back on track

I have completed the charting for the Siderfin Book. I will not include the last set that I produced - nearly 50 charts actually but they bring the book into the 1900s a bit too far I think. I wanted to stay before 1920 for the most part. Back to what I was doing before I discovered the omission. Still on track but eleven days might not see me complete the project. However I am happier with the product thus far. 

Back into revising and indexing and I was at page 58 and there are now 134 pages.  I am trying to decide (as I initially had this idea) whether to put the corresponding page number in for the beginning of each chapter in the main book for the generations as I begin each set of charts in that generation. It is just a footnote so not really a large amount of work. 

Yesterday I trimmed the raspberry bushes (about half of them) chopped some tree limbs out of the chain link fence carefully! and put a bag out to the street along with the recycling. That will need to be done a second time just to clear all the limbs from the fence as they will wreck it eventually. People should pay attention to trees that are permitted to grow up close to the fence really; I shouldn't have to do all the work of cutting them out as it is difficult when I am on my side! However, Edward used to say people do not really need yards unless they have a pool or something like that. They do not know how to take care of them. I am one of those people who do not really want to take care of a big yard but I do have one and so must do that although there is going to be a lot more grass for sure!

Other than that the day was busy with the book and my exercise routine. I had a lovely rice, broccoli, salmon hot salad one might say with a lemon butter sauce. It was quite delicious and today is chicken stew by far my favourite now. It probably wasn't before but I enjoy it plus it lasts for three meals which is great. I cooked so much all those years it is nice to just cook a few days a week. The chicken stew and a good sized piece of salmon certainly make that possible although a little variety in fish is nice and have a meal of eggs sometimes with toast or a favourite of mine is beans on cheese and toast. 

Breakfast in a bit and then latin and another day of working on the book. I am starting to think about the next newsletter which is the Kip-Kipp Newsletter and will just be on yDNA. My fingers are itching to get back to the Blake and Pincombe books and hopefully next month will see that happen. I last worked on them in late May so about six months. That has given time to let that early history settle in my mind and I will reread both of them and then get back to work. The moon has been lovely - the Harvest Moon I call it and others the Hunter Moon.

Sunday and Church online with the Harvest Festival Service and it looks like Cornwall so must check that out. Yes it is Trelawny Benefice in Cornwall. I really like this priest. He is standing on a combine harvester in a Cornwall field. Will join the service a little later. 

Prayers for the world and may we be rid of the Satanists who plague the world at this time trying to drive us to World War III. We are resistant but Satan (Putin and his enablers and Iran and its sycophants Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis amongst others probably) as always is persistent in his greed. We can not back down and we must not let Satan win; God would not want Satan to win it is our Christian duty to block him at all times. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Looking at the sizes of these families

These families in the Siderfin book were huge in many cases. Finished the John line that I was missing the tenth generation charts and moved to the Robert line and I needed to do that one as well. I debated this a great deal with myself as the first go through I felt it would be adequate but rereading I wondered whether a jump of three was too much so I went back and changed it to two. Coming from a large family (seven children) I am used to thinking in terms of a large family. I am sure some of these families completely lost touch after the parents passed away and especially when the siblings are gone I suspect. It does take effort to maintain the lines of communication if you want to do that. Certainly James was unsure where to place his great grandfather and he chose the John line but actually he was Robert line - I did agree with my cousin who wanted the Siderfin Study at the Guild on that. 

Another good working day yesterday and also I put in two lesson times on my Latin. All of my exercise routines were completed throughout the the day but I never went outside. I will in the morning sometimes because I need to put the garbage out to the curb. I will also do some cutting down I think. I keep thinking I will do it but never quite make it out the door. I am enjoying all this quiet time for sure. Of course for me it only lasts for a month here and there as I have company the rest of the time. We are always very busy though on our various work projects. 

Today continuing to complete the Robert Line which is by far the largest coming down from Augustine especially with the Thomas Line (his youngest son). Should I publish the 11th generation charts already completed? That is the question; it only really adds the one generation beyond the 10th and most of these lines are into the latter part of the 1800s. Probably these days most people can find their ancestor in the late 1800s with all the census data available. Since they are complete I could do that but on the other hand I do not want this book to be that much longer in length. I have already added another 30 pages. 

Fabulous full moon images night after night. I do miss my time outside with the universe as I am an early to bed person but the early morning sky is gorgeous. 

Some work to do, solitaire games to play and then breakfast and latin to follow. 


Friday, October 18, 2024

Just two children of John Siderfin and Joan (Adams) Siderfin to complete

 Nearly caught up again and will complete John Siderfin married to Joan Adams today and move into the descendants of Robert and see if I committed the same error there. I sort of jump from the 9th to the 11th generation and the gap is too large I think although I could follow it through it becomes difficult if you are working your way backwards and want to have a smooth transition. The time span to add in the missing level is short but does add to the page count for sure. 

Walked to the grocery store yesterday and rather think I will do that more often. I just picked up perhaps a half dozen items including two apples and a sweet potato along with three tomatoes, dried cranberries, frozen wild blueberries  and a piece of salmon. I could have done self-check as I was going to pack my own freezer bag and will likely do that so as not to create a slowdown in the line. The clerks are much faster packing. I picked my stuff up and put it back into the cart and packed it over by the wall. There is a new card at Metro I did not know about and have signed up for that one now. You can just get a digital one. I do like digital. But I seldom walk up so perhaps a waste of words somewhat! A lovely salmon, sweet potato and broccoli salad last night. The salmon was large so will be eating it again tonight with leftover sweet potato and broccoli salad.

Another working day and mostly on the Siderfin Charting book I suspect. I do want to complete it before the end of the month so that I can proofread it. Although the proofreading should be fairly quick as there isn't that much text in it and the charts I can just verify quickly. 

Breakfast and then Latin. The moon was brilliant again last and is just bright in the sky this morning. The fall moon is always so very large - the harvest moon so that one can work long hours gathering in the harvest even if the day is shorter. My mother would have been 108 years of age today if she had lived this long. I always thought she would live for ever actually when I was a child. But like me she just gradually receded from our world into the world where everyone that she loved as a child lived; a lot of her happiness laid in God's world where her relatives lived. All the ones that I knew were wonderful people; I can understand her love of the long lost people in her childhood life. Perhaps that made me understand much better my husband's quest wanting to know more about his father who died when he was two. It wasn't an all encompassing need by any means, Edward led a very active life in many different facets but he did always yearn to be like and know more about his father. Edward's older brother never talked about their father in my memory and his mother was the same but fortunately his father's brothers were as helpful as they could be along with many of the farmers that had known Lorne through the years. Edward actually worked for some of them in his summers before going to university. Before we moved here, Edward had no knowledge of Gordon Riddle as his cousin; it was Gordon who mentioned it. They shared a mutual interest in the Kipp family which I assume led Gordon to the Ottawa Branch and he invited Edward to come to a meeting years and years ago before our youngest was born as I vaguely recall. It was a friendship which Edward valued. He was a good friend to his friends for sure.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

And I discovered I missed one set of charts which I will have to do

 I can remember a bit of confusion in this section and I was right that I was overlooking one set of charts for the tenth generation. The notes will be shorter though and I am thinking of not having notes for that because they are all in the census. However, I know my grandparents in the 1870s on but perhaps the jump back to pre-census is difficult so I should bring the notes up to the 1890s because I am 79 and the people at this may not be old like I am. Contemplating as I work my way through the thought. So yes I will do notes for the 10th generation but did not do them for the 11th. I purposely did not produce charts that begin with the 9th generation as it was just too repetitive and the charts that I have are fairly easy to follow.

Yesterday a good working day and the time spent was entirely on the Siderfin Book. Today I will spread the time out around the photo albums creating powerpoint presentations and the Siderfin Book. Time is there for me to use it and I shouldn't feel rushed. 

Minus 2 degrees celsius today and feels like minus 5 degrees celsius. Winter is coming for sure, the full moon last night was spectacular. Air quality 35 though today so must be some smoke in the air perhaps. 

Work days now to the end of the week with the cleaning all accomplished. With this cold weather I can soon cut everything down and bundle it up and out in bags to the street. Next summer the entire middle in grass sounds good to me. Grass is much easier to manage for sure. 

My fingers are itching to get back to the Blake and Pincombe books. But I do feel that I need to do this charting to complete the task on the Siderfin family. I never actually had any intention to write up the Siderfin family but James Sanders book did need updating and so a task was born. 

Breakfast and then Latin, the day begins.