Sunday, November 3, 2019

H11 Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2019

H11 Newsletter

Table of Contents

1.    Project Statistics
2.    Changes in how a project administrator can view your results
3.    H11 in the news

1.    Project Statistics:

Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded        49
DISTINCT mtDNA Haplogroups        17
Family Finder       257
Maternal Ancestor Information       301
mtDNA            327
mtDNA Full Sequence        317
mtDNA Plus        324
mtDNA Subgroups          22
Total Members        359
Unreturned Kits          14

Within the study group we have members in every sub-haplogroup except H11a5. I will not do a breakdown of the various groups in this newsletter. Specifically, I will do that in Issue 1 of each year.

2.    Changes in how a project administrator can view your results

FT DNA has upgraded their access to accounts so that the default is Group Access only. If you wish to have your results included in the project then you must grant Limited Access to the Administrator. Minimum access means that I can not see any earliest ancestor information that you may have added to your project.

3.    H11 in the News

Ian Logan has an extensive list of Haplogroup H11 where the samples have been uploaded to Genbank on a website (up to the end of April 2019):

This site lists all of the mutations for the submitted samples. Members of H11 may find this site very interesting.

Any submissions to this newsletter can be submitted to Elizabeth Kipp (

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