Friday, December 6, 2019

Speech from the Throne

A fantastic speech from the Throne read very ably by our Governor General and, as is becoming tragically usual, the NDP and the Conservatives want to waste our money on another election where they will lose seats and give the Liberals a majority government. We elected them; we pay them well and they should just settle themselves down and start to work on legislation that works for Canada. I vote for ideas not the individual. Two billion trees to be planted is such a great idea and there were other great ideas in the Throne Speech.

I say again the Liberals bought a pipeline. What more does Alberta need to show that the intent is there to build that pipeline to the coast to get the oil to foreign markets other than the United States? Both the NDP and the Conservatives are simply grandstanding and I will really dislike it if I have to listen to them do their grandstanding in the house instead of settling down debating the bills brought forward and do the work that they are paid to do. I do not need reality TV coming out of the House of Commons. They both lost the election; what more does the public have to say to them? We do not support the ideas they put forward as presented by them.

As a normally Conservative supporter the actions of my party have resulted in my voting Liberal this past decade. When does the Conservative party come back to its roots? The Arctic is warming; climate change is upon us and we need to  move away from Fossil Fuels to wind and sun energy. In the meantime, the Consortium of Aboriginal Peoples have put forward a 50 year plan to do just that. Sell or give the pipeline to them and let them do it. Premier Ford will hopefully be defeated in the next election and we can be rid of his ideas.

I actually dislike grandstanding very much where politics are concerned. I am of the opinion that people should just do the job; do it well and ensure that their legacy is one that helps all the people in the country and doesn't just look after one subset. 

There is one place amongst others where I do stand solidly with the Conservative Party and that is in the defense of Israel.

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