Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Will of John Blake, Yeoman, Frindsbury, Kent - National Archives, PROB 11/219/40, probated 5 Nov 1651

John Blake, the testator, identifies his brother as Isaac Blake and his children as John Blake, Isaac Blake, Robert Blake, Stephen Blake, and Mary Blake. His wife is not mentioned (perhaps he is a widower)

Strood Parish Registers:

Isaack Blake baptized 10 Apr 1614 at Strood son of Andrewe
John Blake baptized 15 Sep 1609 at Strood

An interesting website which mentions that a convent at Strood known as Denny as dissolved in 1539 and just before the Civil War (prior to 1640) the property was sold to Isaac Blake and his family. This Blake family held the estate until the 18th century at which time it was sold.

No other information found as I do not own the Parish Registers for Strood parish.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Dec 2019
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/219/40
Testator: John Blake, Yeoman
Place: Frindsbury, Kent
Type of Record:    Will
Date of document: 1 Sep 1651, probated 5 Nov 1651

[Margin]: The will of John Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    the first day of September in the yeare of our God one thousand six hundred
3    Fifty and one I John Blake of the parish of Frinsbury in the County of Kent yeoman
4    being very sicke and weake But of perfect remembrance thankes be given to god do
5    hereby make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and following that
6    First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my only Maker and
7    Creater hopeing to be saved by the merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and
8    Redeemer And my body to be buried at the discretion of my executer And for those
9    Lands and goods which god in mercy hath bestowed upon me I give and bequeath
10    them in manner and forme following First I give and bequeath unto my loving
11    brother Isaac Blake that my Land in Stroud Frinsbury and Cuxton that is to say
12    one Farme called Read wherein I now dwell and the house barnes and Stables
13    and Orchards and all and singular the Lands thereunto belonging with ten acres
14    of Land at Brometon hill And one field called Lewgus containing by estimation
15    six acres be it more or less And one Farme called or knowne by the name of Hawkins al[ia]s Hangkins
16    with the horse barne stable and eight score acres of Land thereunto belonging with
17    all and singular the appurtenances whatsoever lately purchased of the Feoffees Sir
18    John Woolestone Knight and others in my said brothers name but only my p[ro]per
19    right now in the tener and occupation of Olive Young or her assignes And one
20    Farme in the parish of Cuxstone now in the tener and occupation of Emanuell
21    Gillett with the house Mault house and Orcharde barnes and stables whatsoever
22    thereunto belonging and some certaine land which is now in the occupation of the
23    said Emmanuell Gillett in Cuxtone and Stroud And some certaine Messuages and
24    tenements within the parish of Stroud that is to say one Messuage or tenement now
25    in the tener or occupation of one Richard Pickers Blacksmith and one other
26    tenement now in the tener or occupation of Geoffery Myles house carpenter
27    And an other tenement now in the tener or occupation of Henry Gamage husbandman
28    with all and singular the yards gardens thereunto belonging with all and singular
29    the appurtenances whatsoever And thirteene acres of Land situate lyeing and
30    Being neere a Farme called Wickham in the parish of Stroud together with all
31    my goods and chattels whatsoever to my said brother there and to his heires for ever
32    Allwayes Provided that my said brother shall have full power to sell all my goods
33    And chattels and soe much of the said tenements and Lands as will pay all my
34    debts And my will is that after all my debts is paid that all the residue of the said
35    Lands should be settled upon my foure sonnes that is to say John Blake and Isaac
36    Blake Robert Blake and Stephen Blake to be equally devided between my foure
37    sonnes aforesaid Item I make my said loving brother Isaac Blake my full and
38    whole executor of this my last will and testament Item I give and bequeath unto my
39    daughter Mary one hundred poundes which is already settled upon her to be paid
40    unto her at her day of marriage or when she shall attaine unto her age of one and
41    twenty years which shall happen first according to the as settlement by a certaine
42    deed Item I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary all that my linen
43    at my brother Isaac Blakes and all my goods atmy mother Blake and a wattle
44    head ring of gold Item I give my sonne John one silver bowle Item I give to my
45    sonne Isaac Blake one silver salt Item I give unto my sonne Robert Blake
46    one round gold ring Item I give unto my sonne Stephen Blake two or three
47    silver spoones with a little silver porringer My will is that my celme Richard
48    Browne of Cliffe yeoman Overseer of this my last Will and Testament Item I make
49    my loving friend George Maplesden of Stroud Shipwright Overseer of this my
50    last will and Testament In wittnesse whereof I the said John Blake have hereunto sett
51    my hand and seale to this my last will and Testament the day and yeare first above
52    written Anno 1651 John Blake Sealed and delivered in the presence of William
53    Peintle George Parker
55    This will was proved at London before Robert Wiseman doctor of Laws
56    and Surrogate of Sir Nathaniel Brent Knight and also doctor of Laws Master or
57    Keeper of the prerogative Court the fifth day of November in the yeare of our
58    Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty one by the oath of Isaac Blake the only
59    Executer named in the said will etc to whom was committed Administration of
60    all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased he being first
61    legally sworne well and truly to administer the same


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