Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Prince Harry and Canada

With all my generations of English blood running through my veins, I did think it was most interesting that Prince Harry (and of course his wife Meghan and child Archie) have elected to come to Canada. Members of the Royal Family are welcome to come to Canada at any time but to actually contemplate spending a period of time here is quite amazing.

I would absolutely support the idea of Prince Harry becoming our Governor General. He has learned the art of Government from the best teachers in the world - his father and his grandmother the Queen herself. I do not think it is a problem to go back to having a royal family member as our Governor General particularly as this member is totally immersed in royal ettiquette, has the ear of the Queen/Prince of Wales and enjoys all the pomp and ceremony attached to royal events no matter the event (and I will say our Governor Generals have all been very good at this but except for our last one they all have found a sharp learning curve with the necessary pomp and ceremony). He has been part of that style for his entire life. He will draw great crowds whenever he visits anywhere in the capacity of Governor General and it solves the problem of how he enters Canada and the necessary police protection that he would require. We would definitely not want to have any kidnappings on our soil! It bolsters up our constitutional monarchy in a time when our population is becoming much more ethnically diverse. People complain in Canada that their heritage is disappearing but I look around and can not see much of my English heritage to be honest; it has been pretty much swallowed up by the multi-diverse culture around me.

Growing up in the shadow of  an elder brother can be both an exhilarating and a cautionary experience I would say. From an early age Prince Harry would have known that his brother was destined to be King one day and he would always be the spare. But that has its advantages; if you are the eldest then that is where you are and you just have to contend with it. But as the younger child (I was fourth in my family) you get to watch, learn and listen to how the world goes from the experiences of those who grow up before you do. It can be a most beneficial place to be looking at the world.

The other big ticket item for Prince Harry being a Governor General is the experience he brings to the task. He has served in the armed services and been in combat. He has led his men and well knows how to manage that type of service (as does our current Governor General). He would want a couple of years here perhaps to become familiar with our style but not absolutely necessary. But I do have a thought for those couple of years.

And the other thought for him; he could go to University. It is the one item that he has not pursued in his career (and it makes coming here for him quite straightforward!). Now that he has a family he will always want to be one step ahead of his child/children and what better way than to immerse himself in learning for a couple of years. Whatever large city he chooses in Canada he would be close to a top notch university (we do not have the history that Oxford and Cambridge have but we do have really great universities) so that he could do his studies and still have plenty of time with his little one (ones).

He strikes me as a person who would always want to be able to help his children through life and I am a firm believer in a University education to broaden your horizons, expand your mind and allow you to explore your intellect.

I think everyone should go and then with that fresh mind and thirst for knowledge pursue your dream whether it be an electrician, engineer, scientist, or carpenter. My grandfather, a blacksmith, loved to read far beyond the level that one would expect given his background and would chat for hours on a subject that interested him. My father is another good example in that he dutifully trained as an accountant as his parents wanted him to go into banking. When he completed his course at Westervelt Business College he then followed his dream of becoming an electrician eventually owning his own business. We all need to be like that I rather think.

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