Monday, January 6, 2020

Will of Robert Blake, Mariner, Barnstaple, Devon - The National Archives PROB 11/1566/154, probated 10 Mar 1815

Robert Blake, testator, was a Mariner living in Barnstape, Devon. He is perhaps the Robert Blake baptized 27 Jul 1744 at Barnstaple son of John and Susanna Blake. Although his will was duly probated and listed in the Index to Death Duty Registers, I did not find his burial.

Likely his daughter Ann Blake was baptized 6 Nov 1765 at Barnstaple daughter of Robert and Ann.
A Susanna Blake was baptized 24 Jan 1773 at Barnstaple daughter of Robert and Ann. Susanna was buried 2 Oct 1775 at Barnstaple.
Possibly his daughter Jenny (Jane) Blake was baptized 28 Jul 1776 at Barnstaple daughter of Robert and Ann.
A Susanna Blake was baptized 15 Apr 1781 at Barnstaple daughter of Robert and Ann.

A Robert Blake married Ann Dimon 23 Oct 1764 at Barnstaple. The records on Find My Past do not mention if he was a Mariner. 

Ann Blake married Charles Jordan 6 Aug 1786 at Barnstaple.
Jane Blake married Walter Gribble 11 Oct 1797 at Barnstaple.
Susanna Blake married John Pearse 13 Jan 1804 at Barnstaple.

I do not normally trace down the children of Blake unless their father was a Blake. That includes me as it turns out since my husband’s surname is Kipp.

Two sons were born to a Robert and Ann (Dimon likely in the case of John) Blake and baptized at Barnstaple:

John Dymon Blake was baptized 8 Nov 1767
George Blake was baptized 17 Dec 1768

I did not locate any burials for John Dymon Blake or George Blake.

I did not find a reasonable marriage for the possible parents of Robert Blake, John and Susanna Blake.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 4 Jan 2020
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/1566/154
Testator: Robert Blake, Mariner
Place: Barnstaple, Devon
Type of Record:    Memorandum
Date of document: 27 Apr 1804, probated 10 Mar 1815

[Margin]: Robert Blake 39

1    I Robert Blake of Barnstaple in the County of
2    Devon Mariner do make my last Will and Testament in manner
3    following that is First I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane
4    wife of Walter Gribble of Barnstaple aforesaid Mariner the Sum of
5    twenty pounds of lawful British Money Current in England to be
6    paid her by my Executrix hereinafter mentioned within one Month
7    next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter
8    Susanna Wife of John Pearse of Barnstaple aforesaid Mariner
9    the one fourth part of the Brigantine Jupiter together with the
10    one fourth part of her Stores Rigging and Stock and all my right
11    Title Property and Interest I have in the said Brigantine Jupiter
12    to be delivered to my said daughter Susanna Pearse by my Executrix
13    hereinafter mentioned immediately after my decease Item I give
14    and bequeath unto my two daughters Jane Gribble and Susanna
15    Pearse and unto my two sons in law Walter Gribble and John
16    Pearse a Suit of Mourning each to be provided by my Executrix
17    herein after mentioned immediately after my decease Item I give
18    and bequeath unto my Grandson Robert Gribble my Watch and
19    Silver Buckles to be delivered to him by my Executrix when
20    he attains his age of twenty one years or before as to her shall
21    seem meet Also I further order and direct that my Executrix do
22    maintain educate and bring up my said Grandson Robert Gribble
23    until he shall attain his age of fourteen Years and then I give and
24    bequeath my said Grandson Twenty pounds of lawful British
25    money to bind him out as an Apprentice and for finding him
26    apparel during his Apprenticeship which Sum to be paid by my
27    Executrix and she to bind him to such Master or Mistress as she
28    shall approve of Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne
29    Jordan All that Messuage Tenement or dwelling house situate in
30    Well Street wherein I now reside and which I hold for the
31    remainder of a Term of Sixty Years by and under the Feoffees of
32    the Long Bridge of Barnstaple aforesaid to hold the same with
33    all and singular its appurts unto my said daughter Anne Jordan
34    for and during her natural life or until her second Marriage
35    and from and immediately after her decease or second Marriage
36    which shall first happen Then I give and bequeath the said
37    Messuage Tenement or dwelling house with its Appurts unto my
38    daughter Susanna Pearse during the then rest residue and the
39    remainder of the said Term of Years that may then be to come
40    and unexpired I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Anne
41    Jordan the moderate use of all my household Goods plate Bed
42    and Table linens and Furniture of every description whatsoever
43    during her natural life or until her second Marriage and from
44    and immediately after her decease or second Marriage which shall
45    first happen I give and bequeath all my said household Goods
46    and Furniture Plate Bed and Table Linen as aforesaid unto my
47    two daughters Jane Gribble and Susanna Pearse equally between
48    them share and share alike Item I give and bequeath unto John
49    Dennis of Barnstaple aforesaid Ironmonger and John Baker of
50    the same place Tanner and to the Survivor of them and to the
51    Executors Admors and Assigns of such Survivor All such Sum
52    and Sums of Money as I now or may hereafter have laid out placed
53    or vested in the Stocks Funds or upon Government Security or
54    Securitys and all and every or any which Stock Funds or Government
55    Security or Securities shall and may be from time to time or at any
56    time by and with the Consent and Approbation of my daughter
57    Anne Jordan alter or transferred assigned and disposed of and the
58    monies thereby arriving again invested and placed out upon new
59    or other Security or Securities Stocks Funds or Government Security
60    or Securities as to them the said John Dennis and John Baker or
61    the Survivor of them or the Exors Admors and Assigns of such Survivor
62    shall seem meet (by and with the Consent and Approbation of
63    my daughter Anne Jordan during her natural life or until her second
64    marriage that is that they the said John Dennis and John Baker
65    and the Survivor of them and the Exors Admors and Assigns of such
66    survivor do and shall from and immediately after my decease during
67    the natural Life of my daughter Anne Jordan or until her second
68    marriage which shall fir happen pay all the dividends Interest
69    and annual produce of all such Sum or Sums of Money as shall
70    or may be invested or placed in the Stocks Funds or on Government
71    Security or Securities (as the same shall become due) into the hands
72    of my said daughter Anne Jordan or into the hands of such person
73    or persons as she shall by any Note in Writing to be by her signed
74    with her own hand from time to time direct and appoint and from
75    and immediately after the decease or second Marriage of my daughter
76    Anne Jordan which shall first happen Then and as for and concerning
77    all such Sum or Sums of Money as placed or invested in the Stocks
78    Funds or on Government Security or Securities as aforesaid shall or
79    may be invested or placed And also all such dividends or annual
80    produce as shall happen to be then due and owing In Trust for
81    One Moiety or half of all such dividends and annual produce of
82    all such Sum and Sums of Money be invested or placed as aforesaid
83    for my daughter Jane wife of Walter Gribble during her natural life
84    and from and immediately after her decease In Trust that they the
85    said John Dennis and John Baker and the Survivor of them and the
86    Exors Admors and Assigns of such Survivor shall and do from and
87    immediately after the decease of my daughter Jane Gribble pay assign
88    transfer and make over the Moiety or one half of all such capital
89    Stock Funds or Government Security or Securities wherein or upon
90    which the same shall or may be invested or placed together with all
91    such dividends or annual produce as may then happen to be due
92    after the decease of my daughter Jane Gribble to all and every of her
93    Children then living equally between them share and share alike but
94    if one Child only shall be then living then to such only Child and to
95    his or her Exors Admors or Assigns but if one or more of my daughter
96    Jane Gribble’s Children shall die before my daughter Jane Gribble
97    leaving Issue lawfully begotten then the Issue of such her Child or
98    Children so dying to be entitled to the Share or Share of his her or
99    their parent or parents so dying as aforesaid and from and immediately
100    after the decease or second Marriage of my daughter Anne Jordan
101    which shall first happen Then as for and concerning the other Moiety
102    or one half of the dividends or annual produce of such Sum and
103    Sums so invested or placed in the Funds Stocks or upon Government
104    Security or Securities as aforesaid In Trust that they the said John
105    Dennis and John Baker and the Survivor them and the Exors
106    Admors and Assigns of such Survivor do and shall from thenceforth
107    during the natural Life of my daughter Susanna Pearse pay the other
108    Moiety or one half of all such dividends or annual produce thereof
109    (as the same shall become due) into the hands of my daughter
110    Susanna Pearse during her natural life and from and immediately
111    after her decease In Trust that they the said John Dennis and John
112    Baker and the Survivor of them and the Exors Admors and Assigns
113    of such Survivor shall from and immediately after the decease of my
114    said daughter Susanna Pearse pay assign transfer and make over the
115    other Moiety or one half of all such Capital Stocks Funds or Government
116    Security and Securities wherein or upon which the same shall or may
117    be invested or placed together with all such dividends or annual
118    produce as may then happen to be due after the death of my said
119    daughter Susanna Pearse to all and every of her Children then living
120    equally between them share and share alike but if one Child only
121    shall be then living then to such only Child and to his or her Exors
122    Admors or Assigns But if one of more of my daughter Susanna
123    Pearse’s children shall die before his her or their Mother leaving Issue
124    lawfully begotten then the Issue of her Child or Children so dying to be entitled to the share or shares of his her or their parent or parents so dying as
125    aforesaid But if either of my Children Jane Gribble or Susanna Pearse
126    shall die without Issue lawfully begotten Then In Trust that they the said
127    John Dennis and John Baker and the Survivor of them and the Exors
128    Admors and Assigns of such Survivor shall from and immediately after
129    the decease of either of them so dying without Issue pay assign
130    transfer and make over such the Moiety of her as dying without Issue
131    of all such Capital Stock Funds or Government Security or Securities as
132    aforesaid together with all such dividends or annual produce as may
133    then happen to be due to all and every of the Children of the Survivor
134    of them then living equally between them share and share alike if
135    but one Child then living then to such only Child and to his or her
136    Exors Admors and Assigns Item all the rest residue and remainder
137    of my Good Chattels personal and testamentary Estate and Effects
138    whatsoever and wheresoever and of what kind or Sort soever after the
139    payment of my just debts Legacies and Funeral Expences) I give and
140    bequeath the same and every part and parcel thereof unto my daughter
141    Anne Jordan and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my
142    said daughter Anne Jordan whole and sole Executrix of this my last
143    Will and Testament But in case my said daughter Anne Jordan shall
144    marry or intermarry again after my decease then from and immediately
145    on such second Marriage taking place or effect I then nominate constitute and
146    appoint my two daughters Jane Gribble and Susanna Pearse joint and
147    Sole Executrixes of this my last Will and Testament immediately on
148    such second marriage and I hereby revoke and make void all former
149    and other Will and Wills by me at any time or times heretofore made
150    and Lastly I hereby declare that they the said John Dennis and John
151    Baker or either of them or their or either of their Exors Admors or
152    assigns shall not be charged with or accountable for any more Monies
153    Estate or Effects than he or they shall respectively receive by Virtue of
154    this my Will nor the one of them for the other nor for the acts deeds
155    receipts defaults or disbursement for one for the other but each of
156    them for his own Acts deeds receipts defaults or disbursements
157    and that it shall be lawful to and for each of them my Trustees
158    and the Survivor of them and the Exors Admors and Assigns of such
159    survivor in the first place by and out of the Trust Estate to deduct
160    and reimburse him and themselves all such loss Costs Charges and
161    Expences as they or either of them shall sustain expend or be
162    put at for or by reason of the Trust hereby in them reposed or
163    in the management thereof In Witness whereof I the said Robert
164    Blake the Testator to this my last Will and Testament contained
165    in this and the three preceding Sheets of paper have set my hand
166    and my hand and Seal to this last Sheet the twenty seventh day
167    of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
168    and four Robert Blake Signed sealed published and
169    declared by the said Robert Blake the Testator as and for his
170    Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto
171    subscribed our Names as Witness in his presence and at his request
172    and in the presence of each other Samuel Lee W Westelley
173    Whereas I Robert Blake of Barnstaple in the County of
174    Devon Mariner ave made my last Will and Testament in writing
175    bearing date the twenty seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one
176    thousand eight hundred and four Now by this Codicil to my said
177    Last Will and Testament I do give and devise all that my Messuage
178    or dwellinghouse with the outhouses Curtilage and Garden and other
179    appurts thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Barnstaple
181    aforesaid in a certain Street there called Silver Street and now in the
182    several occupations of William Watts and John Pearse (and which
183    I lately purchased of Mr John Hodge) unto my daughter Ann
184    Jordan *in my said will named and unto her heirs and assigns for
185    ever and I hereby ratify and confirm my said Will and all the Gifts
186    Devises Bequests Matter and Things therein contained (whereby
187    altered) And I do hereby decare this Writing to be a Codicil to my
188    said Will and direct it to be accepted and taken as part thereof as
189    fully as if the same had been actually inserted therein and also
190    direct it to be annexed thereto In Witness whereof I the said
191    Robert Blake have to this Codicil to my said last Will and Testament
192    set my hand and Seal this fifth day of March in the Year of
193    our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven Robert Blake
194    Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Robert
195    Blake as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the
196    presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as
197    Witnesses thereto in his presence at his request in the presence of each other Robert Westacott
198    Robert Yeo John Foller
199    Whereas I Robert Blake of Barnstaple in the County
200    of Devon Mariner have made and duly executed my last Will
201    and Testament in writing bearing the twenty seventh day of April
202    in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four and
203    have also made and duly executed a Codicil annexed thereunto bearing
204    date the fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand
205    eight hundred and seven and whereas by my said Will I have
206    given and bequeathed unto my daughter Jane the then Wife but
207    now Widow of Walter Gribble of Barnstaple aforesaid Mariner
208    the Sum of twenty pounds to be paid her by my Executrix thereinafter
209    mentioned within one Month next after my deceae Now I do hereby
210    revoke and make void the said Legacy of twenty pounds so made and
211    bequeathed by my said Will unto my said daughter Jane Gribble
212    in as far as concerns the time and manner of payment of the same
213    and instead thereof I do will and direct that the said Sum of
214    twenty pounds shall be paid to my said daughter Jane Gribble
215    by my said Executrix in my said Will mentioned in weekly Sums
216    after the rate of two shillings a week until the whole Sum of twenty
217    pounds be fully paid the first weekly payment of two shillings to commence
218    and be made within one week next after my decease And I do ordain
219    and declare this present Writing to be a second Codicil to my said Will
220    and that the same shall be annexed thereto and taken part thereof
221    and do confirm my said Will and former Codicil in every particular
222    thereof that is not hereby altered In Witness whereof I have to this
223    Codicil set my hand and Seal the seventh day of October in the
224    year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen Robert
225    Blake Signed sealed published and declared by the said Robert
226    Blake as and for a Codicil to be annexed to his last Will and Testament
227    in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as
228    witnesses thereto in his presence at his request and in the presence of
229    each other William Gribble William Henry Thorne
230    Proved at London with two Codicils 10th March 1815 before the
231    Judge by the Oath of Anne Jordan Widow the daughter and sole
232    Executrix to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by
233    Comm[issi]on duly to administer

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