Friday, January 3, 2020

Blake Newsletter - Volume 9, Issue 1, 2020

 Blake Newsletter
Table of Contents
1.    Guild of one-name Studies Posting Challenge
2.    Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset
3.    Queries from Study Members and responses
4.    Blake Surname Study – Progress
5.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
6.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers

1.    Guild of one-name Studies Posting Challenge
A ten post Challenge has been issued to Guild members and I have accepted the Challenge. One is to produce ten blogs in the next twelve weeks on our particular studies. I opted to do my BLAKE study and will look eventually at the BLAKE family research that I have put together in south-west England (namely Cornwall with some Devon perhaps). In 2015 and 2016 I spent some time extracting all of the Blake entries from the Online Parish Clerks Cornwall site. I built trees from all of this information and the Legacy file has 4848 individuals and 1540 families. At some point towards the end of all this research I had a couple of comments from people with regard to publishing this material which I had suggested linked the Blake family in the Bodmin area to a Jean Blake who came from Breton prior to 1525. Living in Canada, we are definitely a land of immigrants. The First Nations arrived here about 13,000 years ago and the Inuit perhaps 5,000 years ago and they represent about 5% of the present day Canadian population. When Metis are added it could be as high as 10% I could not find present day statistics. But that means; the other 90% of us came here from somewhere else. The world is a constantly moving evolving population and who knows what the world will be like 100 or a 1000 years from now. Hopefully over the next 10 years we will all get our ducks in line and decrease/prevent any more global warming. Our descendants deserve to have the same kind of world full of plants, fish, birds and animals etc. (and better since one always wants to do better for one’s children) that we inherited. But back to the topic at hand, I decided with the comments that I should set aside the Cornwall research to another time; another era of thought and I think that perhaps that time has arrived.

I will first blog about the 1330-1550 Immigrants Database ( ) which was an absolute eye opener with regard to the BLAKE family in the British Isles when I first discovered it. The research was a joint effort funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, research thanks to the Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, and the University of York with assistance from HRI Digital and the National Archives of the United Kingdom. The project itself was funded between February 2012 and 2015 as mentioned by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The posts will be published on my blog ( ) and I expect to have the first one up on the 2nd of January 2020.  The set of ten posts will form the central part of the next issue of the Blake Newsletter (1st of April 2020).

2.    Blake Pedigree Chart – Blake Museum at Bridgwater, Somerset and these charts are on their website:

The Blake Museum has given me permission to put these charts in the newsletter and will look at Blake Pedigree Chart 8 in this Newsletter. This chart is referring to the Blake family found in Wiltshire partially. This Blake family descendant of the marriage of Robert Blake and Mary Baynard is well documented with a number of wills that I have already transcribed and can be found on my blog ( I will insert and refer to several of them in this section.

* Used with permission
Perhaps what makes this story most interesting is two Blake siblings married two Baynard siblings. It has left me with the thought that the individual who produced this Chart used the Blake Pedigree Chart produced by the College of Arms in 1690 for the Blake family at Calne/Pinhills/Quemberford, Wiltshire. Robert Baynard married Anne Blake and Roger Blake married Mary Baynard and the parents of the two Baynard siblings were Philip Baynard and Jane Stuckley. The parents of the Blake siblings were Robert Blake and Margaret Inglefield.

At this point, British History Online has some helpful information about the Blake family at Calne:

“Calne. Manors and other Estates:

“Pinhills was reputed a manor in 1504, when it was held at his death by John Blake. Although John's heirs were his grandson Richard Dauntsey and his daughter Joan Wroughton, Pinhills apparently passed to his brother Robert Blake (d. 1515) and in the direct line to Roger (d. 1557), Thomas (fn. 64) (d. by 1599), Roger, Henry (will proved 1653), and Henry Blake (d. 1660), who devised it to his grandson Henry Blake (fn. 65) (d. 1731). Henry held Pinhills in 1698, (fn. 66) apparently not in 1728, when it was 157 a. (fn. 67)

64. Cal. Inq. p.m. Hen. VII, ii, pp. 549-50; iii, p. 436; P.R.O., C 142/31, no. 53; ibid. PROB 11/39, ff. 364v.-365.
65. Wilts. Pedigrees (Harl. Soc. cv/cvi), 21-2; P.R.O., C 2/Eliz. I/W 21/25; ibid. PROB 11/230, f. 161; PROB 11/ 301, ff. 230-1.
66. P. Buckeridge and J. D. Pocock, Pinhills, 25-8.
67. Bowood Mun., map 19; ibid. survey of tithable lands, 1728.”

Calne. Economic history:

It is always handy when actual documents exist which provide a timeline and in this case a Robert Blake owned a fulling mill in Quemerford (Quemberford) and that this Robert Blake died in 1515 and that the record was an Inquest into the death of Robert Blake held in 1516. The description states that Blake died 11 Dec 1515 and that his son Roger is his nearest heir and is 18 years and more old. (Public Record Office (now National Archives (Kew)), C 142/31, no. 53) This would appear to be referring to the Robert Blake married to Margaret Inglefield and Roger his son married to Mary Baynard. In 1560 Robert’s grandson Thomas Blake conveyed the estate which included the fulling mill to Henry Chivers. (Public Record Office, CP 25/2/239/2 and 3 Eliz. 1 Mich.: W.R.O, 649/2, view 5 Oct 1594) The Thomas Blake mentioned was the eldest son of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard. I was not able to locate the will for Henry Blake (proven 1653). It is not with the Wiltshire Wills but there is a will for a Henry Blake in Gloucestershire (Tetbury) but dated 1663.

Roger Blake left his will dated 1 Jun 1557 and probated 16 Nov 1557.

1    In the name of God Amen The first daye of June, in the yere after the
2    incarnation of Christe a thousande fyve hundred fiftie and seven. I Roger Blake of pynne
3    hilles in the parrishe of Caln in the countie of Wiltes[hire] esquier being of whole mynde and of
4    good and parfite memorye thancks therefore be geven to allmighti God. knowing nothing to be
5    more certynne than death and the tyme thereof most uncertayne mynding therefore to prevente
6    the same with good deliberacion and advise doo ordeyne and make this my last will and testa[men]t
7    in manner and forme following that is to say First I comitte my soule unto the mercye of
8    allmighti God the father obtayned throughout the merites of his deere sonne Jesus Christe
9    my savior the whiche with t[he ]holly goost I do acknowleadge and confesse to be one verye true
10    and everliving god. And my bodie when it shall please allmighti God to call me out of this
11    transitory worlde I will decentlye to be buryed w[ith]in the parrishe of Churche of Calne aforesaid
12    And as touching my goods and cattalles I will them to be ordred and distributed as shal[l ]be
13    hereafter limited and expressed that is to say First I geve and bequeath to myn eldest sonne
14    Thomas Blake all my leases and termes for yeres that I have of and in certiyne groundes
15    por[t]ionnes and tithes w[i]thin the feeldes parrishes and townes of Calne and Cheriell w[i]thin the
16    said countie of Wiltes[hire] provided alwais that Mary my wif shal[l ]have and enioye to her
17    owne use the possession and occupa[t]ion of all the said grounds por[t]ions and tithes w[i]thin the
18    said feeldes and parrishes of Calne and Cheriell. And all the revenues yssues and profitts
19    growing comyng or yerelie renewing out of the same and of ev[er]ye parte thereof ymmediately
20    from and after my decease so long as the same Mary shal live soole and unmarryed paying
21    therefore to the lordes the yerelie rente And also I geve unto my said sonne Thomas all
22    my goodes housholde stuff and stocke of sheepe and cattell that I have in and uppon my Farme
23    of Pynburye w[i]thin the Countie of Glouc[estershire] paying therefore w[i]thin nyn[e] yeres after my deacese
24    the somme of three score and one pounds and tenne shillinge of currant money to the church
25    wardens of the parrishe of Calne aforesaid. And furthermore I geve and bequeath to
26    my nephew Roger Blake the eldest sonne of my sonne Thomas all suche porcion of my plate
27    housholde stuff and ymplements of householde being w[i]thin and aboute my mansion house of
28    Pynhills. And suche sheepe oxen kyen and other cattell young and pasturing uppon my
29    groundes belonging to the same mansion house and at Shawe as ar written in an Inven-
30    tarye indented and signed w[i]th myn owne hande whereof th[e ]one parte remayneth in the
31    custodye of my cousen Edward Baynard and th[e ]other parte w[i]th my cousen John Willow-
32    by provided alwaies that my wif Mary Blake shall have the possession custody and
33    occupacion of all the saide plate houshold stuff ymplements of housholde and the said sheep
34    oxen kyne and other cattell conteyned w[i]thin the said inventarye during her life And that
35    after her decease my said sonne Thomas Blacke shal[l ]have the possession occupacion and
36    custodye of the same during his lief. And furthermore I do geve will and bequeathe
37    all my landes tenementes and hereditamentes with all and singular their app[ur]ten[an]ces
38    called or known by the name or names of Slowcrofte Blaaks pen or pensett lying and
39    being w[i]thin the parrishe of Calne in the said countie of Wiltes[hire] to Edward Baynard John
40    Erneley Harry Brancker Esquiers Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham
41    Harry Rogers Antony Goddard Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence Baynard and
42    their heires to th[e ]uses following that is to saye First to those of the said Edward Baynard
43    John Erenley Henry Brancker Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham
44    Harry Rogers Anthony [Goddard] Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence Baynarde and their heires
45    shall take and levie of th[e ]issues and profittes of the said landes tenements and hereditaments
46    called Slowcrofte Blakes pen or pens[ett] the som[m]e of two hundred pounds of currant money of
47    England whereof 60 pounds first to be levyed shal[l ]be to th[e ]use of Antony Goddard my sonne in lawe one hundred with the other parte of the said somme of cc pounds paide shalbe to th[e ]use of Mary Blake my youngest daught[er]
48    for her advancement and preferrement in marriage provided alwaies that if the said
49    Mary my daughter happen to marrye without the consent of my cousen Edward Baynard and
50    Mary my saide wif. That thenne fortye poundes parcel of the said dowrie shal[ ]be to th[e ]uses
51    of my saide wife and of my said sonne Thomas and the residwe of the saide som[m]e of cc pounds
52    shal[l ]be to th[e ]use and for the payment of the debtes of me the saide Roger. And after the said somme
53    of twoo hundred pounds by the said Edward Baynard John Erneley Henrye Brancker
54    Vincent Goddard John Willoughby Richard Ussenham Henry Rogers Antony Goddard Robert
55    Baynard Henrye Bull Laurence Baynard or their heirs to th[e ]uses aforesaid levied the
56    said Edward Henry John Vincent John Richard Harry Anthony Robert Henry and Laurence
57    and their heires shall ymmediately from thenceforth stand and be seazed of and in all th[e ]aforsaid
58    landes tenements and hereditaments called Slowcrofte Blakes pen or pens[etts] w[ith]all and
59 singuler th[e ]appurtenances and of ev[er]y parte parcell and membre thereof to the soole and only
60    use of my said sonne Thomas Blake and of his heires for[ev]er provided alwaies that
61    Marye my wife shal[l ]have and enioye to her own use the whole possession occupacion and
62    ferme of all the said landes tenements and hereditaments within th[e ]appurtenance called Slowcroft
63Blakes pen or pen so long as she shall live sole and unmarryed paying therefore yeralie to the
64    said Edward Baynard John Ernley Henry Brancker Vincent Goddard John Willoughby
65    Richard Ussenham Henry Rogers Anthony Goddard Robert Baynard Henry Bull Laurence
66    Baynard and their heires fourteen pounds of currante money of England at two tymes in
67    the yere, that is to say at the feasts of Th[e ]annunciation of our Ladye and Sainte Michaell
68    th[e ]Archangell by even porcionnes unto suche tyme as the said somme of two hundred pounds
69    be by the said Edward John Henry Vincent John Richard Harry Anthony Robert Henry Laurence
70    or their heires fully levied to th[e ]uses and intentes before expressed And after the said somme
71    of two hundred pounds by the said Edward and the others before w[i]thyn named the said
72    Marye my wif shall pay the said yerelie rent of fourty pounds to the said Thomas Blake
73    and his heires at the dayes appointed so long as she shal[l ]have the possession and occupacion
74    and ferme of the said lands tent[ement]s and hereditaments called Slowcrofte Blakes pen
75    or penne The rest of my goodes not bequeathed I doe geave to my said wif Mary Blake
76    Whome I make my soole and whole executrice And overseers of this my last will I doo appoint
77    and ordayne Edward Baynard and Henry Brancker esquiers and Robert Blake of Lavyng
78    ton And in token of profe that this is my very last will I have hereunto subscribed and sette
79    my seale the day and yere above written in the presence of Edward Baynard John
80    Willoughby Anthony Goddard W Asheman and other By me Roger Blake
81    Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum coram duo apud London 16th de mensis
82    Novembris Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo septimo Iurament Petri
83    Johnson Curate procur[ator]is marie Relec et executricis in h[uius]modi testamento no[min]at[e] Ac approbatu[m]
84    Et insinuatum etc comissa fuit administrac[i]o omnium bono[rum] iur[ium] et creditor[um] dicti defuncti etc p[re]fate
85    Relec etc de bene etc Ac de pleno et fideli Inventario conficiend etc necnon de plano et vero
86    Computo reddendo etc Ad sancta dei Evangelia in p[er]sona dei procuris iurat

Unfortunately Roger only names his eldest son Thomas, his grandson Roger and his daughter Mary along with his wife Mary in this will. He actually does mention his son in laws Henry Bull (married to Sybell) and Anthony Goddard (married to Joan) but not that they are his sons in law. Chart 8 lists the children of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard as James married to Edith Ivy, Robert married to Alice Smyth, John married to Joan/Jane Clark, Sybill married to Henry Bull, Joan married to Anthony Goddard and Mary married to Edward Langridge. Two of these children’s descendants are also noted on Chart 8.

The children of Thomas Blake and Edith Ivy are named Roger married to Wraxed Gastrell, Michael, Giles, Francis and Robert. The children of Robert Blake and Alice Smyth are named Roger, Anthony, Joan and Mary.

The children of Roger married to Wraxed Gastrell are Henry, Roger (b c 1593), Elizabeth married to ____ Powell and Frances married to Philip Bull. The child of Henry married to Frances Pigot was Joan (b c 1611) and the children of Henry married to Abigail Stringer were Henry (b c 1617), Roger (b c 1618), Ambrose, and Abigail (b c 1620) married to William Parry and they had a daughter Lettice Blake Parry. The dates listed above were taken from the Blake Pedigree Chart prepared by the College of Arms in 1690.

Trying to learn more about the descendants of Roger Blake and Mary Barnard did not prove to be an easy task. However, Mary Blake also left a will dated 28 Nov 1569. I had not yet transcribed the probate but felt it would add greatly to this story if I did do so and hence the delay in publication. In her will Mary mentions her husband Roger Blake, her son Thomas, her son Robert, her daughter Jone Goddarde and her son in law Anthony Goddarde, her daughter Sibill Bull and her son in law Henrie Bull.   

[Margin]: Mary Blake
[Margin]: wid[ow]

1    In the name of god so be it the xxviij th day of novembre in the
2    yere (after the Jncarnations of Christe) 1569 and in the xij th
3    yere of the Raigne of o[u]r most gracious sovergine Lady Elizabeth
4    by the grace of god Quene of Englande France and Ireland
5    defender of the faith etc I Mary Blake of Pynhills in the
6    countie of Wiltes widowe Late the wife of Roger Blake Esquyre
7    decessed beinge of p[er]fit mynde and good remembrance thanks
8    be therefore geven to almightie god knowinge nothinge to be more
9    certen in this wordle then deathe the time whereof ys most
10    uncerten myndinge therefore to p[re]vente the same w[i]th delyverations
11    and good advise do ordeyne and make my last will and testa[men]t
12    in manner and forme as folowith And first calling to my
13    remembrance my duetie to almightie god the father unto
14    whose mercy I comitt my swole in full trust and confidence
15    that I have therein by and through the merites of the death
16    and passion of his deare sonne Jesus Christ my only
17    and sole savior and redeemer for w[hi]ch w[i]th the holie gost I
18    to acknowledge and confesse to be one very trewe eternall
19    and ev[er]lyvinge god and my body when it shall please god to caule
20    me out of this frale and trancsytorie worlde (in remembrance
21    that yt shall ryse againe) I will itt decentlie to be buried
22    w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe churche of Calne, and towchinge my goods and
23    cattalls I will them to be distributed as shalbe hereafter
24    in this my last wille mentioned and expressed And firste
25    renounsyinge all other wills before this tyme by me made
26    I will that the last will and testament of my late husbande
27    Roger Blake Esquyer decessed be in all points fully p[er]formed
28    according to the trewe intent and meanynge of the same
29    by the order of the oversears of this my last will whom I
30    will hereafter appointe And that all my due detts be paide
31    according to equytie and right It[e]m I will that ther be geven
32    amongest the poore people w[i]thin the p[ar]ishe of Calne xl s
33    and to the poore people in perell xx s It[e]m I geve to my eldest
34    sonne Thomas Blake a standinge bedstead that I bowght of
35    Late w[hi]che standith in the newe chamber ande the parlor
36    w[i]th the curtens and fringe of blewe sage and yelowe
37    I geve him also twentie powndes in money It[e]m I geve to
38    my sonne Robert Blake twentie pownds in money It[e]m I
39    geve to my nephew his sonne Roger Blake fowrtie pownds
40    in money It[e]m I geve to his daughter Marie beinge my goddawghter
41    vj pounds xiij s iiij d in money It[e]m I geve to my nephew John
42    Willoughbie of Piddle towne in the countie of Dorset xiij s iiij d
43    It[e]m I geve to my sonne in Lawe Anthonie Goddarde and to my
44    dawghter Jone his wife a Flanders cheste w[i]th two locks
45    w[hi]che standith in the two bed chamber and all sutche lynnen
46    as ys therin conteyned And alsoe one standing bedstead w[i]th
47    curtens of Pell Sage and grene standing in the chamber
48    where I lye and one fetherbedd one boulster of fethers twoe
49    pillows of downe one flockbed one peyre of blankets a cov[er]lett
50    a carpet clothe for a cobarde a longe cysshen of crimson
51    velvet a rowde borde and a cheste standings next the
52    maydens chamber dore It[e]m I geve to my said dawghter Jone
53    Goddarde all my pewter vessels and brasen vessels over and
54    beside sutche pewter and brasse as ys due to my nephewe
55    Roger Blake the eldest sonne of my saide sonne Thomas Blake
56    w[hi]ch ys mensioned and expressed in an Jnvetore sygned w[i]th
57    my saide husbands hande It[e]m I geve to my dawghter Sybell
58    Bull my seconde best cassocke and kertell and fyve poundes in
59    money It[em] I geve to Henrie Bull the sonne of my saide dawghter
60    Sybell Bull fyve pownds in money It[e]m I geve to Marye
61    Goddarde one of the dawghters of my sonne in lawe Anthony Goddarde
62    and of my dawghter Jone a little coffer standing in the closett
63    and all sutche thinges as are therin and halffe a dosen of silver
64    spones It[e]m I geve to my goddawghter Emery Somers vij pounds xiij s
65    iiij d in money a fetherbedd w[i]th a canvas tye a peyre of blanketts
66    a coverlett a peyre of sheates two pillows of flocke and two
67    pillowbers of canvas It[e]m I geve to my goddawghter Marie
68    Baynarde the dawghter of my nephewe Edwarde Baynarde xx s
69    in money It[e]m I geve to my goddawghter Marie Baynarde the
70    dawghter of my nephewe Robert Baynarde furtie shillinges
71    in money It[e]m I geve to my servant Henrie Baynton fourtie
72    shillinges in money It[e]m I geve to my boye Will[ia]m Pleyer a
73    flocke bed a flocke bolster a peyre of sheates a peyre of
74    blanketts a coverlett and fourtie shillinges in money The Rest
75    of all my goods and cattalls moveable and unmoveable by this
76    my last will not geven nor bequeathed my due detts and funerall
77    chardgs paide I do wholly geve and bequeathe to Edwarde Goddarde
78    and Elizabethe Goddarde two of the childrene of my sayd sonne
79    Antonye Goddarde and my dawghter Jone w[hi]ch Edwarde and Elizabethe
80    I do appoynte constitute and make my onlye and whole executors And
81    for the better p[er]formance of this my laste will and testament
82    I do appoynte and even so do specyally requeste my sonne Thomas
83    Blaake my sayd nephew John Willoughby and my sonne in lawe
84    Antony Goddarde to be overseers of this my laste will trusting
85    that they and e[ve]ry of them will bestowe their endevour and
86    good helpe towardes the p[er]formance of this my last will and
87    testament according to the special trust I put in them
88    And for a more certen poffe that this my verie last will
89    w[hi]ch ys conteyned in two sheates of paper and a halffe
90    I have caused my name to be wryten beneathe the wrytinge
91    of ev[er]y of the saide leaves and to the last leaffe of my saide
92    will I have w[i]t[h] my owne hande sett my seale in the presens
93    of thos whose names ar underwryten Mary Blake
94    John Willoughbye Anthony Goddarde Robert Blake Roger Pstrs
95    Will[ia]m Sneaddon
96    Decimo septimo die mensis octobris anno domini 1570 comissa fuit administra
97    Omnium et singulorum bonorum iurium et creditorium procuratoris dicti Marie Blake vid
98    Defuncti ____ minori etate Edward Goddard et Elizabeth Goddard
99    Executor nominat in dicti testament necnon ________ ______
100    Edward et Elizabeth dore minori etate du viro Anthonie Goddard
101    Supervisori nominat in dicto testamento in debit iuris forma iurat etc
102    De bene et fideli administrando etc Ac de soluend debit dicti defuncti et
103    _______ in _______ suprascript etc necnon de exhibend inventori etc et inde reddendo reput etc
104    Reservata potestate ittendi similem ad perfat Edward et Elizabeth quoad eandem petitur
105    _________ jurat cum venerit etc

3.    Queries from Study Members

a.    FTDNA lists my final SNP as YP-5320, but YFull lists me as YP-943, upstream from YP-5320.  My earliest Blake ancestor I can trace is John Blake (c. 1590-1650) who I believe was born in Surrey, England.  L-664 as a group is West Germanic, probably arriving in the Isles with the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians, or later with the Normans. Can you tell me why my name is included in the East Anglia group?  My kit no. is .  At the eighth allele, DYS388, my reading is "10"...The rest of the kits show a reading of "12", a much more common reading at that allele.  I am part of the tiny northwestern European L-664 group.  I believe the different allele readings preclude our having a common ancestor.

Response: I have created a new group L-664. Trying to decide the title of this group and any assistance greatly appreciated.

b.    Thank you for the recent Blake newsletter. In your listing of the members of the Blake groups that have done some level of DNA testing you have two categories of Irish Blake: Galway Blakes, and descendants of Sir Thomas Blake. I am an Irish Blake and do not belong to either of these groups. Alex Williamson shows me in a distinct category, along with a testee by the name of Shepherd. We are part of the group called Clan Colla, which traces its ancestry back to the 7th century in Ireland. Perhaps future records could include this information.   
Response: I have created a new group: Irish Ancestry R-BY23867 - Clan Colla

*As I created these two new groups I am realizing that I need to change the labelling of all the groups and will work away at that. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. It is true that I could continue learning all of this new material on Y DNA but my interests are leading me elsewhere and this is a project that I would hand on to others in terms of the R haplogroup in particular. I will continue working on the I-L161 and I-L460 haplogroups myself, Bill Bleak manages the I-M253 and Susan Osborne manages the I-M223 group. The Galway group is managed by a member of that group.

4.    Blake Surname Study – Progress: One Name Blake Study at the Guild of One-name Studies was originally undertaken by another researcher. In 2011, I became the researcher for the Blake-one-name Study at the Guild. There was already a pre-existing yDNA project run by Bill Bleak and he continues as the main administrator of the project. As can be seen below 23 members of the study have completed a Big Y (SNPs testing for deep clade determination) making it virtually impossible to do more than has been done with some of the groups.

Project Statistics
Total Members                               193
Big Y                                                   23
Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded      12
Paternal Ancestor Information     129
Predicted Y-DNA Haplogroups       25
Y-DNA12                                         111
Y-DNA25                                           94
Y-DNA37                                           91
Y-DNA67                                           66
Y-DNA111                                           38

The task of managing these groups is large and I will gradually work away at converting them to the new standard of placing individuals by their deep haplogroup testing. I have not made any progress since the last report. If anyone is willing to look at the R1b groups and come up with a better display I would greatly appreciate it. I would recommend that all members join the relevant haplogroup project to learn more about your haplogroup. Surprisingly we have not grown at all since the last newsletter. I think getting more order into the R1b kits is essential but I have no familiarity with some of these lines. Still hoping for someone to volunteer to look at these groups.

5.    Blake autosomal DNA Study at FT DNA (Family Finder)
In some cases these are large matches and in other cases relatively small but that is the way with the inheritance of autosomal DNA. With each generation chunks of autosomal DNA can either be broken into smaller units or passed as a large chunk relatively intact. It is a purely random event. Due to privacy concerns it is not possible to produce a chart of the members who do have matches with other members of the group but each member is able to check that for themselves in their account. What would be helpful is adding a family tree to your account thus making it much more possible to find matching autosomal DNA cousins in your research.

6.    Andover, Hampshire, England Parish Registers (Baptisms – set 8)
Andover, Hampshire, England has often been said to be the “home of the Blakes” when I have been writing to people in Hampshire through the years. I would say that Calne, Wiltshire perhaps has a stronger hold on that particular title although there are a number of other areas in England where the Blake family has been for centuries. When I decided to transcribe the Parish Registers of Andover I was surprised to find that yes there are a number of Blake entries but there are far more Blake entries in Parish Registers in other parts of England as mentioned. In this issue, I will publish the baptisms for Blake in the Parish Registers. These records are taken from fiche which have scans of the original parish registers. The registers for baptisms begin in 1588 and have provided me with a lot of details on the Blake family in Andover in the late 1500s and into the 1600s/1700s. Eventually I hope to complete my project of transcribing these Parish Registers for St Marys Andover beyond the early to mid 1700s.

Baptismal Registers commenced in 1588 and I will start publishing these transcriptions for Andover.
Number    Surname    Forename    status    Fathers surname    Fathers forename    Mothers surname    Mothers forename    Year    Month    Day    Year    Month    Day    Details

2100    Baley    Clemantt    son    Baley    William            1628    July    17               
2101    Barber    Martha    daughter    Barber    Edward            1628    July    29               
2102    Powell    Joane    daughter    Powell    Henry            1628    August    5               
2103    Cornelies    Sara    daughter    Cornelies    William            1628    August    10               
2104    Bath    James    son    Bath    Thomas            1628    August    12               
2105    Smith    John    son    Smith    John            1628    August    24               
2106    Waight    Walter    son    Waight    Abraham            1628    August    20               
2107    Thurman    Edward    son    Thurman    John            1628    August    31               
2108    Fedges    Annes    daughter    Fedges    William            1628    August    31               
2109    Twitchin    George    son    Twitchin    Andrew            1628    September    7               
2110    Kentt    Nathaniel    son    Kentt    Thomas            1628    September    14               
2111    Kerry    John    son    Kerry    John            1628    September    24               
2112    Venables    Dorothy    daughter    Venables    Mr. Nicholas            1628    October    2               
2113    Gouldinge    Francis    son    Gouldinge    Thomas            1628    October    12               
2114    Tannare    Dorothy    daughter    Tannare    Thomas            1628    October    12               
2115    Torner    George    son    Torner    John            1628    October    19               
2116    Rime    Jone    daughter    Rime    William            1628    October    24               
2117    Pedinge    Elizabeth    daughter    Pedinge    John            1628    October    24               
2118    Dynes    William    son    Dynes    Robartt            1628    November    9               
2119    Harfeeld    Margery    daughter    Harfeeld    John            1628    November    9               
2120    Scullard    Margery    daughter    Scullard    William            1628    November    16               
2121    Beaser    John    son    Beaser    Toby            1628    November    18               
2122    Huser    Joane    daughter    Huser    Austin            1628    November    18               
2123    Collye    Margery    daughter    Collye                1628    November    18               
2124    Hancocke        daughter    Hancocke                1628    November    23               
2125    Shercom    Mary    daughter    Shercom    Waltere            1628    November    23               
2126    Henxman    Edward    son    Henxman    Thomas            1628    November    30               
2127    West    Dority    daughter    West    Anthoney            1628    December    4               
2128    Benton    Robertt    son    Benton    Robert            1628    December    6               
2129    Jenkins    Richard    son    Jenkins    Richard            1628    December    9               
2130    Palmar    William    son    Palmar    William            1628    December    10               
2131    Petman    Robertt    son    Petman    Edward            1628    January    1               
2132    Payne    Barbra    daughter    Payne    Richard            1628    January    3               
2133    Horn    Annes    daughter    Horn    James         1628    January    9        born 7th January 1628
2134    Paynter    Elizabeth    daughter    Paynter    Robert            1628    January    11               
2135    Rabonson            Rabonson    John            1628    January    16               
2136    Alfard    Cathren    daughter    Alfard    Bengaman            1628    January    22               
2137    Childes    John    son    Childes    Mores            1628    January    25               
2138    Pyper    James    son    Pyper    James            1628    February    1               
2139    Penton    Debra    daughter    Penton    William            1628    February    1               
2140    Bucher    John    son    Bucher    William            1628    February    5               
2141    Ward    Richard    son    Ward    Robert            1628    February    9               
2142    Green    Elizabeth    daughter    Green    Jeffery            1628    February    10               
2143    Dowse    Gylbord    son    Dowse    William            1628    February    19               
2144    Hornn    William    son    Hornn    Simman            1628    March    1               
2145    Kach    John    son    Kach    William            1628    March    1               
2146    Tomknes    Martha    daughter    Tomknes    Gyles            1628    March    8               
2147    Godden    Margreat    daughter    Godden                1628    March    8               
2148    Knowles    Mary    daughter    Knowles    John            1628    March    15               
2149    Bath    Annes    daughter    Bath    Christo            1628    March    17               
2150    Daves    Mary    daughter    Daves    Merida            1628    March    17               
2151    Barrick    William    son    Barrick    William            1628    March    18               
2152    Thurman    Nicholas    son    Thurman    Edward            1629    March    30               
2153    Julians    Thomas    son    Julians    William            1629    March    31               
2154    Blake    William    son    Blake    Mr. William            1629    April    9        of Estowntown
2155    Bennet    Barbra    daughter    Bennet    Thomas            1629    April    11               
2156    Noyse    John    son    Noyse    James            1629    April    15               
2157    Tommlin    Nathanaell    son    Tommlin    Mr.            1629    April    21               
2158    Charde    Joane    daughter    Charde    Edward            1629    April    26               
2159    Knightt    William    son    Knightt    William            1629    April    28               
2160    Spannell    Elizabeth    daughter    Spannell    Sericke            1629    April    28               
2161    Moringe    John    son    Moringe    John            1629    May    3               
2162    Monday    Andrew    son    Monday    Anthony            1629    May    3               
2163    Holeyday    Richard    son    Holeyday                1629    May    5               
2164    Skotsdean    John    son    Skotsdean    John            1629    May    5               
2165    Spannell    Elizabeth    daughter    Spannell    Sericke    1629    May    6    at  his house at Charlton private baptism
2166    Coop[er]            Coop[er]    Alixander            1629    May    22               
2167    Wigmoor    John    son    Wigmoor    Thomas            1629    May    29            0f Widhearn
2168    Liveley    Joane    daughter    Liveley    John            1629    June    14               
2169    Borde    Roger    son    Borde    Roger            1629    June    16               
2170    Scullard    Thomas    son    Scullard    William            1629    July    5               
2171    Kempe    Susane    daughter    Kempe    Jacob            1629    July    6               
2172    Kempe    Grac    daughter    Kempe    Jacob            1629    July    6               
2173    Feelder    John    son    Feelder    Richard            1629    July    7               
2174    Foster    Thomas    son    Foster    John            1629    July    11               
2175    Gould    Mary    daughter    Gould    William            1629    July    26               
2176    Russell    Christopher    son    Russell    William            1629    July    26               
2177    Small    Mary    daughter    Small    Robert            1629    July    28               
2178    Warner    Elizabeth    daughter    Warner    John            1629    August    9               
2179    Turner    John    son    Turner    John            1629    August    16               
2180    Livlocke    Steven    son    Livlocke    William            1629    August    16               
2181    Beare    Ezekell    son    Beare    Gylbord            1629    August    16               
2182    Garret    Jane    daughter    Garret    Bartholomew            1629    August    23               
2183    Backer    Jacob    son    Backer    Robert            1629    August    24               
2184    Froud    Kathreen    daughter    Froud    George            1629    August    30               
2185    Froude    Mary    daughter    Froude    George            1629    September    6               
2186    Gooddall    Margeary    daughter    Gooddall    Richard            1629    September    12              
2187    White        son    White    Richard            1629    September    12               
2188    Collere    Joane    daughter    Collere    John            1629    September    13               
2189    Frances    Elennore    daughter    Frances    John            1629    September    15               
2190    Cleefe    John    son    Cleefe    John            1629    September    27               
2191    Brdgley    Susane    daughter    Brdgley    Thomas            1629    September    27               
2192    Browne    John    son    Browne    John            1629    October    11               
2193    Hopgood    Susane    daughter    Hopgood    Robertt            1629    October    18               
2194    Payne    Marten    son    Payne    Robertt            1629    October    24               
2195    Beves    Richard    son    Beves    Richard            1629    October    25               
2196    Beazer    John    son    Beazer    Tobyas            1629    October    28               
2197    Watterman    Annes    daughter    Watterman    John            1629    November    10               
2198    Somers    Jane    daughter    Somers    John            1629    November    11               
2199    Littell    Margery    daughter    Littell    Edman            1629    November    29               
2200    Miles    Annes    daughter    Miles    Richard            1629    December    3               
2201    Tomkins    Jane    daughter    Tomkins    John            1629    December    5               
2202    J    Rebecke    daughter    J    William            1629    December    6               
2203    Crosse    Annes    bastard daughter            Crosse    Mary    1629    December    13               
2204    Jadgg    Robertt    son    Jadgg    John            1629                       
2205    Buttler    Tobias    son    Buttler    Henry            1629    January    3               
2206    Cook    Dorothy    daughter    Cook    John            1629    January    3               
2207    Berry    Thomas    son    Berry    Mr. Thomas            1629    January    4               
2208    Miller    William    son    Miller    William            1629    January    12               
2209    Church    Phillipp    son    Church    Thomas            1629    January    19               
2210    Jones    Joane    daughter    Jones    John            1629    January    24               
2211    Thurman    ammy    daughter    Thurman    Nicholas            1629    January    24               
2212    Cleetter    Anthoney    son    Cleetter    Anthoney            1629    January    27               
2213    Noyse    John    son    Noyse    Mr. Petter            1629    January    28               
2214    Owserye    Elene    daughter    Owserye    John            1629    January    28               
2215        Mary    bastard daughter                    1629    February    5               
2216    Julians    Hugh    son    Julians    Thomas            1629    February    7               
2217    Tannare    Elizabeth    daughter    Tannare    William            1629    February    11               
2218    Oswell            Oswell    Frances            1629    February    18               
2219    Twitchin    Bengeman    son    Twitchin    Mr. Andrew            1629    February    23               
2220    Raines    Alice    daughter    Raines    John            1629    February    24               
2221    Penton            Penton    William            1629    February    28               
2222    Palmare        son    Palmare    William            1629    March    2               
2223    Barbar    William    son    Barbar    Edward            1629    March    7               
2224    Charde    Edward    son    Charde    Edward            1629    March    14               
2225    huse    Jane    daughter    Huse    Astin            1629    March    21               
2226    Joyce    Frances    daughter    Joyce    John    `        1629    March    21               
2227    Paynter    William    son    Paynter    Robert            1630    March    27               
2228    Mountayne        son    Mountayne    Robert            1630    March    29               
2229    Ectton        daughter    Ectton    Richard            1630    March    30               
2230    Francis    Joane    daughter    Francis    John            1630    April    11    John the younger
2231    Houldway    John    son    Houldway    Henry            1630    April    11               
2232    Fuller    William    son    Fuller    John            1630    April    12               
2233    W.    Amy    daughter    W.    Robert            1630    April    12               
2234    Ventham    Paul    son    Ventham    Richard            1630    April    13               
2235    Figgitt    Richard    son    Figgitt    William            1630    April    14               
2236    Salmon    John    son    Salmon    Peter            1630    April    15        of Widhern
2237    James    Hughe    son    James    John            1630                       
2238    Brod    William    son    Brod    William            1630    April    25               
2239    Kent    Robertt    son    Kentt    William            1630    April    25        of Enham
2240    Pedden    Elen    daughter    Pedden    John            1630    May    4               
2241    Scullard    Robertt    son    Scullard    Thomas            1630    May    9               
2242    Moringe    Elias    son    Moringe    Edward            1630    May    17               
2243    Wayght    Abram    son    Wayght    Abramm            1630    May    23               
2244    Knight    Rebecka    daughter    Knight    Richard            1630    May    25               
2245    Holdway    Mary    daughter    Holdway    John            1630    May    25               
2246    Carde    Richard    son    Carde    Thomas            1630    May    29               
2247    Bonday    John    son    Bonday                1630    June    1               
2248    Combes    Ann    daughter    Combes    John            1630    June    2               
2249    Henxman    Nicolas    son    Henxman    Mr. Joseph            1630    June    6               
2250    Eves    Joane    daughter    Eves    Robert            1630    June    14               
2251    Green    Anes    daughter    Green    Mathew            1630    June    8               
2252    Yonge    Joane    daughter    Yonge    Thomas            1630    June    8               
2253    Hicscocke    Elizabeth    daughter    Hicscocke    Thomas            1630    June    15               
2254    Smith    Jane    daughter    Smith    Robert            1630    June    20               
2255    Palmer    Mary    daughter    Palmer    Gylbert            1630    June    24               
2256    Longe    William    son    Longe    W G            1630    June    27               
2257    Cleetson    Joane    daughter    Cleetson                1630    June                   
2258    Nash    Jane    daughter    Nash    Valentine            1630    July    1               
2259    Matkin    Thomas    son    Matkin    Mr. Frances            1630    July    3               
2260    Tomlin    Hanna    daughter    Tomlin    William            1630    July    4               
2261    Mercett    George    son    Mercett    George            1630    July    18               
2262    Dowse    Mary    daughter    Dowse    William            1630    July    25               
2263    Smith    Thomas    son    Smith    John            1630    July    27               
2264    Childes    William    son    Childes    Morise            1630    July    29               
2265    Purdue    George    son    Purdue    George            1630    August    17               
2266    Woodman    James    son    Woodman    Samuell            1630    August    31               
2267    Moringe    Margreatt    daughter    Moringe    John            1630    September    5               
2268    Mody    Ann    daughter    Mody    Robert            1630    September    5                of Foxcot
2269    Dowse    Maria    daughter    Dowse    Thomas            1630    September    5               
2270    Reeves    Frances    daughter    Reebes    John            1630    September    9               
2271    Pearse    William    son    Pearse    Nicholas            1630    September    12               
2272    Hachat    Mary    daughter    Hachat    John            1630    September    17               
2273    Blake    John    son    Blake    Edward            1630    September    19                of Foxcot
2274    Venables    Nicholas    son    Venables    Mr. Nicholas    1630    October    14                borne 4 October 1631
2275    Pursear    Thomas    son    Pursear    John            1630    October    31               
2276    Heller    Isacke    son    Heller    Nicholas            1630    November    14               
2277    Beare    Margreat    daughter    Beare    Thomas            1630    November    10               
2278    Backer    Richard    son    Backer    Robert            1630    November    21               
2279    Donford            Donford    William            1630    November    30               
2280    Garrett    Bartholomew    son    Garrett    Bartholomew            1630    December    14               
2281    Segrove    Elizabeth    daughter    Segrove    Rowland            1630    December    14               
2282    Prince    Thomas    son    Prince    John            1630    December    19               
2283    Gould    ….r    daughter    Gould    William            1630    December    26               
2284    Dowse            Dowse    John            1630    January    2               
2285    Scullard    Jane    daughter    Scullard    Sackrey            1630    January    8               
2286    Scullard    Alce    daughter    Scullard    William            1630    February    2               
2287    Ratey            Ratey    John            1630    February    2               
2288    Cop[er]    Alixander    son    Cop[er]    Alixander            1630    January    23               
2289    Blake    Dorothy    daughter    Blake    Peeter            1630    February    10               
2290    Houldway    Robertt    son    Houldway    Robert            1630    February    18               
2291    Cardy    Joseph    son    Cardy    John            1630    February    19               
2292        Thomas    son        John            1630    February    26               
2293    Presey    Skeney    daughter    Presey    William            1630    March    8               
2294    Tannare    Joane    daughter    Tannare    Thomas            1631    March    27               
2295    Cooke    Annes    daughter    Cooke    Alixander            1631    April    7               
2296    Gouldinge    Rebecka    daughter    Gouldinge    Thomas            1631    April    12               
2297    Barricke    John    son    Barricke    William            1631    April    14               
2298    Harfeeld    John    son    Harfeeld    John            1631    May    14               
2299    Kerrey    Mary    daughter    Kerrey    John            1631    May    19               
2300    Alder    Margreatt    daughter    Alder    John            1631    May    21                of Wodhouse?
2301    Orome    William    son    Orome    William            1631    May    26                of Winchester
2302    Frampton    Thomas    son    Frampton    Robert            1631    May    28               
2303    Coper    Jane    daughter    Coper    William            1631    May    31               
2304    Tredgould    Nicholas    son    Tredgould    Nicholas            1631    June    2               
2305    Blake    Peetter    son    Blake    Mr. William            1631    June    5                of Eastowntown
2306    Feelder    Arthar    son    Feelder    Richard            1631    June    21               
2307    Jenkens    John    son    Jenkens    Richard            1631    June    23               
2308    Powell    William    son    Powell    Henry            1631    July    31               
2309    Matkyn    Frances    son    Matkyn    Mr. Frances        1631    August    1 borne 25 July 1631  (James Gibson)
2310    Beare    Joane    daughter    Beare    John            1631    August    4               
2311    West    Joane    daughter    West    Anthoney            1631    August    14               
2312    Sweettapell    Ann    daughter    Sweettapell    Robert            1631    August    19               
2313    Pyper    Mary    daughter    Pyper    James            1631    September    3               
2314    Tomkins    Gyles    son    Tomkins    Gyles            1631    September    4               
2315    Hopgood    Dorothy    daughter    Hopgood    John            1631    September    4                of Hatherden
2316    Modye    Mary    daughter    Modye    Robert            1631    September    4               
2317    Thurman    Charles    son    Thurman    Nicholas            1631    September    5               
2318    Henxman            Henxman    Thomas            1631    September    11               
2319    Fedges    Dorothy    daughter    Fedges    William            1631    September    13               
2320    Neale    John    son    Neale    John            1631    October    9               
2321    Farrantt    Jane    daughter    Farrantt    Peetter            1631    October    9               
2322    Thurman    Dorothy    daughter    Thurman    John            1631    October    10               
2323    Littell    James    son    Littell    Edmond            1631    October    14               
2324    Butcher    Ana    daughter    Butcher    William            1631    October    16               
2325    Cornelies    Josias    son    Cornelies    William            1631    October    23               
2326    Knight    Ann    daughter    Knight    William            1631    October    25               
2327    Raty        daughter    Raty    Thomas            1631    November    12               
2328    Roubotomm    Isacke    son    Roubotomm    John            1631    November    13               
2329    Knowles    Jacob    son    Knowles    John            1631    November    13               
2330    Spratbery    Mary    daughter    Spratbery    Richard            1631    November    13               
2331    Dowse    Ann    daughter    Dowse    Thomas            1631    November    18               
2332    Finey    John    son    Finey    John            1631    December    5               
2333    *Collines    Mary    daughter    Collines    Ralphe        Mary    1631    December    8               
*Mary the daughter of Ralphe Collines (and Mary his wife where his wife was brought to bedd in Rowland Hopgoods house) of Sherbourne in the County of Dorset sheire yeoman was baptized in Andover
2334    Scullard    Thomas    son    Scullard    Thomas            1631    December    11               
2335    Hopgood    Peeter    son    Hopgood    Robert            1631    December    13               
2336    Mody    Mary    daughter    Mody    Steven            1631    December    23               
2337    Heath    William    son    Heath    William            1631    December    23               
2338    Julians    Mary    daughter    Julians    William            1631    December    29               
2339    Payne    Ann    daughter    Payne    Richard            1631    January    4               
2340    Payne    Mary    daughter    Payne    Richard            1631    January    4               
2341    Huse    Jockeet    daughter    Huse    Augustin            1631    January    5               
2342    Sweepapell    Robertt    son    Sweetapell    Richard            1631    January    9               
2343    Bedgans    Mary    daughter    Bedgans    William            1631    January    14                of Enham
2344    Froud        daughter    Froud    George            1631    January    20               
2345    Mountayne    Mary    daughter    Mountayne                1631    January    24               
2346    Childes    Alixender    son    Childes    Morish            1631    January    25               
2347    Houchins    John    son    Jouchins    John            1631    February    2               
2348    Tytcom    Margrett    daughter    Tytcom    John            1631    February    5               
2349    Cox    Robertt    son    Cox    Robert            1631    February    9               
2350    Joyce    John    son    Joyce    John            1631    March    5               
2351    Moringe    Thomas    son    Moringe    Edward            1631    March    16               
2352    Harrice    Thomas    son    Harrice    Thomas            1631    March    16               
2353    Doulinge    Edward    son    Doulinge    Edward            1631    March    23               
2354    Hopgood    John    son    Hopgood    Thomas            1632    April    2               
2355    Fedges    Thomas    son    Fedges    Thomas            1632    April    2               
2356    Burnote    John    son    Burnote    Robert            1632    April    3               
2357    Beare    William    son    Beare    Selvester            1632    April    6               
2358    Beare    John    son    Beare    Thomas            1632    April    9               
2359    Wayght    Kathren    daughter    Wayght    Abraham            1632    April    10               
2360    Barbar    Tobyas    son    Barbar    Edward            1632    April    15               
2361    Jones    John    son    Jones    William            1632    April    15               
2362    Mylles    Henry    son    Mylles    Richard            1632    April    15               
2363    Whitt    Mary    daughter    Whitt    Richard            1632    May    6               
2364    Tornar    Joane    daughter    Tornar    John            1632    May    7               
2365    Woodman    John    son    Woodman    Samuell            1632    May    8               
2366    Colly    Brudgatt    daughter    Colly    William            1632    May    10               
2367    Venables    Jane    daughter    Venables    Mr. Richard            1632    May    17               
2368    Bord    John    son    Bord    Phillepp            1632    May    22               
2369    Buttlar    Mary    daughter    Buttlar    Henry            1632    May    29               
2370    Cornelis    Henry    son    Cornelis    Henry            1632    June    3               
2371    Watterman    Rebecke    daughter    Watterman    Thomas            1632    June    9               
2372    Tannore    Robertt    son    Tannore    Sedrick            1632    June    16               
2373    Browne    Anes    daughter    Browne     Alece            1632    June    22               
2374    Blake    Peeter    son    Blake    Edward            1632    June    25               
2375    Bath    Mary    daughter    Bath    Thomas            1632    June    30               
2376    Ecton    Andrew    son    Ecton    Jerome            1632    July    1               
2377    Waltredg    John    son    Waltredg    Watter            1632    July    1               
2378    Penton    Robertt    son    Penton    William            1632    July    3               
2379    Lovegrove            Lovegrove    John            1632    July    5               
2380    Coller    John    son    Coller    John            1632    July    12                of Hathernden
2381    Jones    Ann    daughter    Jones    John            1632    July    15               
2382    Hatchatt    John    son    Hatchatt    John            1632    July    16               
2383    Sweettapell    Elen    daughter    Sweetapell    John            1632    July    26               
2384    Wattes alias Measer    Thomas    son    Wattes alias Measer                1632    August    3           
2385    Beves    Elizabeth    daughter    Beves    Richard            1632    August    27               
2386    Feelder    Henry    son    Feelder    Richard            1632    August    29               
2387    Scullard    Edeth    daughter    Scullard    William            1632    September    2               
2388    Longe    Robertt    son    Longe    William            1632    September    9               
2389    Budglye    Thomas    son    Budglye    Thomas            1632    September    16               
2390    Hellyer    Jon    daughter    Hellyer    John            1632    September                   
2391    Cooke    Edward    son    Cooke    Edward            1632    September    30               
2392    Cooke    Mary    daughter    Cooke    Edmond            1632    October    2               
2393    Ematte    Thomas    son    Ematte    Thomas            1632    October    7               
2394    Spanell    Mary    daughter    Spanell    William            1632    October    9               
2395    Pittman    Mary    daughter    Pittman    Edmond            1632    October    11               
2396    Bampton    Alce    daughter    Bampton    Edward            1632    October    11               
2397    Fuller    Martha    daughter    Fuller    John            1632    October    14               
2398    Wimbltonn    Annes    daughter    Wimbltonn    Lymell            1632    October    24               
2399    James    Mary    daughter    James    William            1632    October    28           

Any submissions, queries for the journal please submit to Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp by the 15th of March for the 1st April issue.

Elizabeth Kipp,

Member #4600: Guild of one name studies – studying Blake and Pincombe

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